WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE!!?? ... Have we forgotten what this man created???

Amen. It's almost like little Natalie Wood in "Miracle on 34th Street"..."I believe...I believe" or Peter Pan saying "What's the matter with you, Tink? It was poison, wasn't it? Tink? Your voice is so low now I can hardly hear you. What's that? You believe that you could get well again... if children believed in fairies"

Get real.

Linda you sound pretty annoyed... but please don't get me wrong... I mean this 100% to each side of the coin (or is it even more sides?!) possible!
Yes, 6 years ago now but I believe he's in better shape and more eager than ever to get on stage and dance his skinny little butt off!!!


I (and maybe many people) will stop worrying about his abilities after a few shows.

This man basically made the word 'dance' breathe dammit!

We know this but thats the past, i mean he did it in the past he's a living legend thats true but thats the past. I mean, i do not know about his current abilities, i do not know about the CURRENT michael jackson. I know about his abilities on stage years ago thanks to youtube but i dunno about NOW. I am not forgetting what he has created i'm wondering if he can still do it. I'm a fan of his music but at the same time i try to be realistic. He is a human being. I hope that he'll be great at the O2 (if my show ain't canceled)
I (and maybe many people) will stop worrying about his abilities after a few shows.

We know this but thats the past, i mean he did it in the past he's a living legend thats true but thats the past. I mean, i do not know about his current abilities, i do not know about the CURRENT michael jackson. I know about his abilities on stage years ago thanks to youtube but i dunno about NOW. I am not forgetting what he has created i'm wondering if he can still do it. I'm a fan of his music but at the same time i try to be realistic. He is a human being. I hope that he'll be great at the O2 (if my show ain't canceled)

u got a ticket? lol

anyway u should see him when he gets in his suv when he doesn't want to be annoyed by the paps. look at some of the vids on the site right now. in one of em the paps chase him, and he gets in his vehicle so fast, u can't see him do it. u can see the guards, u can see the paps tryin to chase him, but he's already in the vehicle. it's at one of his recent visits to the clinic or the store.
I am sick and tired of people going 'oh I have my doubts MJ can pull the 50 shows off' and 'oh I'm sure he still has it but physchially? - can he do it?'. Just UGH!

This man basically made the word 'dance' breathe dammit! He's grown up with dance in his viens. He can make millions cry and laugh and be happy or sad just by what he sings.
This man...the myth for those who don't know him...MICHAEL JACKSON ... He has lived through so much pain, hurt, agony, and needless to say...embarrasment.
So fucking annoying that you guys are doubting this god-like creation.

I swear I don't believe in the existence of god himself as much as I do that Michael can pull of whatever the fuck he wants if and when he puts his true heart and soul into it!


Keep that century old faith

Believe in him

Be positive

In a world FULL of so many who despise him...we have to show that love and belief can change the face of the planet

Love him, pray for him, believe in him...

Just please...don't doubt him

N e v e r
Doubt him
That part scared me a little bit, some fans worship him like he is some God, but he is just a human being like the rest of us, talented no doubt about that, but a God? No way.
i agree a little....the part about the past.
Don,t forget michael is also human and humans who are getting older ussualy wont get fitter or healthier, if you know what i mean.
people who are addoring him and seeing him as a god are the ones that put the pressure on his shoulders
Also everyone who is trying to get some money out of the this is it, like, aeg are doing this.
As he said himself, the final curtain call.............he is doing this for the fans, but is he doing it for himself?
Only one man can answer that question and not a fan on a mj forum.
in one of em the paps chase him, and he gets in his vehicle so fast, u can't see him do it. u can see the guards, u can see the paps tryin to chase him, but he's already in the vehicle. it's at one of his recent visits to the clinic or the store.

Are you seriously comparing Michael's ability to deal with the press and paparazzi to a two-hour all singing and dancing show?
all singin?
wake up call.......haha....he doesn,t sing live al the songs.......
men can,t do two things at the same time like woamn can *joking*
Are you seriously comparing Michael's ability to deal with the press and paparazzi to a two-hour all singing and dancing show?

welll..you and i have done neither. so you don't know what either feels like.

as far as keepin it real....i think, maybe, you've been alive long enough to know the meaning of the word, anomaly. they happen in this world of keeping it real. and that's why the word is in the dictionary.

you have to ask, what made you buy a three digit priced ticket, in this economy? maybe your answer lies in the decision you made. whoever it is that made that decision and has their doubts at the same time.
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hell yeah... what a great thread!!!
whenever i say to people that i'm travelling across the world the see mj, they kinda think i'm crazy, saying stuff like 'that's if the shows even go ahead' and other hurtful things.
I think to myself, they don't even know michael and what he's capable of. The majority have only heard what's being fed to them by the media. I tend to think this community understands and thus appreciates michael so much more than most people realise. That's why we're not just fans of his music, but fans of the man, michael in his very essence.
When Michael hits the stage he is gonna kick everyone's ass(not literally)

Excuse my french, but fuck the media!

Nobody can sing and dance like Michael. Nobody can outclass everyone at dancing at the age of 50, except Michael.

And that's the truth, Ruth!
welll..you and i have done neither. so you don't know what either feels like.

as far as keepin it real....i think, maybe, you've been alive long enough to know the meaning of the word, anomaly. they happen in this world of keeping it real. and that's why the word is in the dictionary.

you have to ask, what made you buy a three digit priced ticket, in this economy? maybe your answer lies in the decision you made. whoever it is that made that decision and has their doubts at the same time.

Right, we have not experienced either of those things, so you cannot possibly compare the two in terms of justifying Michael's physical strength or agility. You have literally no clue what either would feel like both in the physical or mental sense. However, they are completely different situations that are incomparable, that much is startlingly obvious.

I have been alive well past the point of understanding the definition and coincidently, the correct spelling of ‘anomaly’. But the use of the word in the argument that you have posed, I feel, do not correspond.. at all? And the rest of what you said doesn’t relate to what I was saying, I don’t think? Unless you can reiterate?
Oh gosh...
Stop fighting in this thread!!

This is a positive zone so either keep your dark little doubts shut in a box or please click away to a thread that will suit your negativity more.

So there! Hah!

LOL :p

Seriously though folks...I made this thread for the "positive fans". Please respect that and let negitivity take a flying cow's heap out anywhere it wants.

it is so funny that many people are sure about how michael would or have to feel......

So funny that only one person knows how he feels and that,s mj in person.
it is so funny that many people are sure about how michael would or have to feel......

So funny that only one person knows how he feels and that,s mj in person.

Not fighting - just discussing differing opinions!

Sure, its a positive thread, but you can't expect everyone to share your thoughts.

certainly, Foxy, one thing we can agree on, you don't have any proof to support your doubts.

the word 'anomaly' which i corrected, and spelling is irrelevant, really, is this..

unusual happenings that cannot be explained.

it does take agility to pull that disappearing act into that suv. it takes agility to escape the camera lens like that. and he's done it in multiple occasions, recently. Michael is an unusual person. like he said in Thriller, he's not like other guys. cmon..u can look at him, and see...he's different. and i mean that in a positive way.

now...short of discussing miracles with you, and once again, noticing that u bought a ticket, if u wanna carry on ur unproven negative vibe, u can do so. i'm out.
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What is this? A cult? yes I am annoyed. I am annoyed at fans who state that if everyone just isn't the most upbeat and positive, they aren't fans. Get Real. Fans can be annoyed and still be fans. It just makes us human.
Stargirl, I feel ya.

I doubt very seriously if Michael would put himself on stage with a bunch of young bucks if he couldn't keep up. Michael is in shape and ready to go. And why do people keep talking about him being in the doctors office as if something was wrong with him physically when we all know that was a dermatologist office? Michael may be getting last minute treaments for his skin condition which we all know about. Aint nothing wrong with his legs. He can still dance and he will dance. Just wait and see.
Seriously though folks...I made this thread for the "positive fans". Please respect that and let negitivity take a flying cow's heap out anywhere it wants.

Yep but that was about to happen... cuz of the title of your thread... it's inviting those who doubt just as much... at least it can also be understand this way.
And even I suspected it to be a thread to 'convince' doubters to give up their doubts... well that's probably up to Michael only I think.
Oh and just in case someone thinks different I'm all positive he will... at least I'm wishing him that with all my heart.

Maybe you better rename the thread for the positive fans or something... that can maybe help you to see the posts you wanna see.
What is this? A cult? yes I am annoyed. I am annoyed at fans who state that if everyone just isn't the most upbeat and positive, they aren't fans. Get Real. Fans can be annoyed and still be fans. It just makes us human.
I don't see anyone really 'saying' that... at least in this thread.
This is a time of lots of heated emotions and that's why heated conversations and heated discussion also in the fan community.

Please everybody just let the others be (think, talk, doubt, live) different.

Linda maybe it's time for a time out and a deep breath plus some fun time away from the board. That will help it best. here's a *hug* for you!
now...short of discussing miracles with you, and once again, noticing that u bought a ticket, if u wanna carry on ur unproven negative vibe, u can do so. i'm out.

I'm not even disagreeing. I think he will do the entire 50 dates without much of a problem. But I was just thinking that the comparison of press dodging and performance on stage was a little strange.
^ vnc you said it all....

maybe all this hostility coming his way cause of a few concert reschedules from his fanbase is a good indication that maybe the show shouldn't go on, and it is time to step out of this vicious cycle altogether and retire. to heck with it all. i just want him to be happy. he is more than this. he deserves better. if this is all we got, i hope he just says to heck with it, and sends us one last goodbye video message, and goes somewhere pap and fans and haters alike can't get to him, and do what he's never been allowed to do, enjoy his life.
one of the reasons Michael inspires me is through his sheer gritt, determination and refusal to throw in the towel. Michael has never been a quitter, he is a fighter and he is fighting his way back to the top. The batteries are charged and he is ready to go, all these people, including some of my friends, are wanting to write him off.

To be honest guys, I think its been too long since we have seen the master, the magic of Michael Jackson on stage, I think people have forgot just what he can do. There is an entire generation of people, millions who have never experienced the magic of Michael Jackson, only through video tape, and that isnt the same.

It would be like an entire world only witnessing Elvis or the Beatles. This is a chance for the entire world to relive a historic moment, they dont make them like Michael anymore, so this new tour is history in the making.

come show time at the 02 in July, he is going to kick it into another gear and for the life of me, I dont know how these pundits and nae-sayers will react. They may well just EXPLODE! :D
guys move away from discussion of Michaels personal health at MSG, it has nothing to do with this thread!

and you know his health is not allowed to be up for discussion anywhere here.