WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE!!?? ... Have we forgotten what this man created???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
I am sick and tired of people going 'oh I have my doubts MJ can pull the 50 shows off' and 'oh I'm sure he still has it but physchially? - can he do it?'. Just UGH!

This man basically made the word 'dance' breathe dammit! He's grown up with dance in his viens. He can make millions cry and laugh and be happy or sad just by what he sings.
This man...the myth for those who don't know him...MICHAEL JACKSON ... He has lived through so much pain, hurt, agony, and needless to say...embarrasment.
So fucking annoying that you guys are doubting this god-like creation.

I swear I don't believe in the existence of god himself as much as I do that Michael can pull of whatever the fuck he wants if and when he puts his true heart and soul into it!


Keep that century old faith

Believe in him

Be positive

In a world FULL of so many who despise him...we have to show that love and belief can change the face of the planet

Love him, pray for him, believe in him...

Just please...don't doubt him

N e v e r
Doubt him
I totally agree with you! :clapping:

When people ask me if he's able to do it, I remind them that we never saw Michael trying to do something he couldn't...

Michael Jackson, the man, has been seen weak and unhealhy. But he is a human being and he has his problems.

But Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, has never been seen other way than strong, perfectly in shape, fine and healthy.

Michael is a perfectionist... If he couldn't do it, he wouldn't do it. He wouldn't risk to leave the world as his last memory a image of him all weak and unable.

I've always trusted him and it won't change now.
Honey u read my mind ! STOP THE NEGATIVITY, BE POSITIVE !Michael needs all OUR positive thoughts to focus on his work and create a masterpiece, a concert of a lifetime and all the projects he is into now. That is my motto at the facebook,too :) KUDOS !:clapping::punk:
I couldn't Agree with you more! It is Ridiculous to even to Start! to think about doubting Michael in this situation. Michael's the Best at what he does....

Always Has Been & ALWAYS WILL BE!

Don't Ever! Doubt Him... Belive In His MAGIC,

Love Him.... Because I Will Forever & Always

I believe and I certainly haven't forgotten. x :yes:
Thumbs up for this thread!!! :yes: I have no idea why FANS doubt Michael, theres so many reasons not to. I just know that he wouldn't do this if he wasn't able to. Come on! We need to believe and have faith in Michael. I do, and I always will. :angel:
I have absolutely no doubt that this will be a fantastic show, and I cant wait!!!
People sometimes have a tendency to put all the negative things out there, maybe to be able to say "I told you so" if something does happen.
But that way you just ruin the pleasure of having something to look forward to.
As with everything in this world, something could go wrong. But i don`t think its nessesary to speculate about it. I think that all the people working with this are doing their best to create something spectacular- because that is what Michael is about; perfection, innovation and the best possible work delivered. And he has shosen the best possible people to work with in creating the show.
This is exciting times!!!!

Great thread!!:)
I always laugh when I see both fans and non fans go on about it,
come on!
its MICHAEL JACKSON. take a look of what he has DONE? why the ... shouldn't he be able to pull THIS off? I believe we will get the greatest MJ show yet.
I always believe in him, never doubts him.

love you michael
Spot on Stargirl!!

I always Keep The Faith!!

michael is much more resiliant and strong , hungry to break records than some ppl or even fans give him credit! He knows exactly what he is doing and i am positive he will deliver! in fact no! he will over deliver and shock the world once again!! This isnt just any singer this is


Fact of the matter is, that Michael puts his health and his kids first, always.

Michael would not even consider performing if he thought he could not do it.

There is a reason why we have waited so long. He had to get in shape. He had to get his focus on the art again. He had spent years defending lies and being ridiculed. He did the smart move. He went out of sight, continued his family life and prepared to take back what was wrongfully taken away from him. His good name.

Randy Phillips is not lying when he says he would trade his body for MJ's any day.

The man is fit as hell.

Remember this. Who is saying he is not fit? The media. Why do fans still buy into the crap the media writes about MJ? Why?

Why do fans come here and ask if he has skin cancer, when the only source of that claim are the tabloids?


People can be sheeps at times. If he fails, people will say I told you so. If he prevails, people will say I told you so.

I've been a fan for 23 years. I know a thing or two about dancing. I can only imagine what it is like for a 50 year old to prepare 50 concerts. I sure as hell will never be able to dance like I do now at 50. I don't have the will Michael has. I don't have the energy he does. I don't have the right to doubt him. No fan has that right. I am not saying MJ is Superman. I am saying he is on a proffesional level we will never be at.

Jackie Chan is 55 and works out everyday. He does Kung Fu at a level his peers can not match. He does stunts even the most hardcore stuntmen in hollywood can't do.

I compare him to Michael, because they both are perfectionists, 50+ years old, and have a track record we can't even begin to imagine.

The media never doubts Madonna or Prince can do a gig. Why is that? Those two are ants compared to Michael. It is because the doubt about Michael creates negativity, and negativity sells newspapers.

So please, for the love of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Don't listen to the media. Don't listen to ignorant people who can not see past their own little world.

And be very very happy that Michael Jackson is doing concerts, because only a few years back, that seemed very unlikely. We never knew this would happen. We knew Michael was making music. We hoped he would perform, at least one concert.

He is doing 50 and perhaps more.

I want to stress to the younger generation, you are lucky.

You will see The King Of Pop on stage. You will never experience anything like that, ever again.

We all thought that what Michael had done, was all that was left to be seen and heard.

He proved us wrong. I am very grateful of that. And so should every new and old fan be.
I agree and at the same time disagree. Cause i can understand that some fans start
to have slight doubs about this...because of the postponed dates (i am lucky enough to have july 30th for the show) and the almost daily photos of Mike leaving the doctor's place. It doesn't nessecarily says anything...but IS kinda odd.

I have been a fan of him since i was like a 5 year old boy, ...and that will never stop.
And i simply can't wait to go to London..but at the same time i am slightly worried too.

I am sick of fans repeating the same crap as haters and tabloids.

I personally believe in him and know he can do it. Of course he can catch a flu or something he is just a human being just like every one of us, but even then I don't believe concerts will be cancelled. If anything, postponed, but it doesn't make him unable to perform 50 shows.

Why don't people moan about Madonna or Tina Turner or others? If they can do it, why can't Michael? Only because the media say so and brainwashed you people?
Give the man some space to breath!
the fact of the matter is michael is like wine he only gets better with age in my opinion, and im sure most of the shows will be done, michael is 50 so give the guy a break w cant expect him to have all the energy he had at 20 but he wil still have a lot of energy I think.

Even if Michael came on in a wheelchair I would be more than happy just because I saw him
i agree, its like his previous tours have been 100s of shows, so 50 isn't really that many compared to what he's used to doing
Yes usually he tours around the world, having to up sticks and start all over again when he gets to that country, ok, it is built for when he gets there most of time, but its still having jet lag, its still getting used to things each time in diff countries , all of gigs are in Uk , in the o2 they are spaced so that he has rest, and also i fully believe michael is hungry to do this. i believe kenny when he said that Michael wants to just go on and on. I remeber Quincy saying this also.

Michael will shock the world again, KOS your spot on too, and i have been fan for some nearly 30 years now , so i have seen loads of ups and downs, experienced the worst times that Michael went through!

and in his own words! Will You Be There??

Yess we still are and always will be.
You say about Jackie Chan, i agree fully with you, i have a SIFU teacher of Bruce Lees Jeet Kune Do and he is 65 and i kid you not he runs rings round us, and he has not an ounce of fat on him! His physical condition is A1 and he has a body probably of a say 30-40 year old now. He trains continously and is an true master and expert!
So all the doubters, just becuase you dont see michael doing anything, dont think he isnt, and carnt, because im sure he trains as much if not than my teacher and if he does there is no reason and from what i have heard it is true, even the younger dancers are finding it hard to keep up with him.


Thanks guys...I'd really thought there was no hope at first but guess the strongwilled fans still exist.
Love the positivity of this thread as much as it's considering ppl stating their faith in Michael and why. That's nice and wonderful.
Ppl enjoying themselves and their very own choice to be a fan are shining.

However I wouldn't like to see it going down in slamming anyone who might doesn't believe the same or doesn't have as much faith whyever and are questioning themselves or their fandom.
Ppl slamming others for whatever reason are only annoying well at least to me.
I have to say, that I am truly puzzled as to why so many people (and by "people," I mean in general, not just fans) are so convinced that Michael cannot pull this off, or even perform at all. When my mom asked me about the concerts and I told her that the total was up to 50, she immediately said, "I don't think he'll be able to do that." Why??? How do you KNOW that?

Michael has had a long hiatus from performing a series of shows, and maybe that will actually work in his favor. It's not as if he's been performing all this time and has been gradually slowing down in front of audiences, or running himself into the ground. If he finds that he's a little stiffer or is having difficulty performing certain moves, then he'll discover that during rehearsals and find a way to work around it. He's smart enough to know what he can and cannot pull off.

He's not even that old in comparison to other artists who have been performing more frequently than he has. I'll cite as an example Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. I've seen them in concert twice (2001 and 2002), and at that time they were all older than Michael is now. They put on a HELL of a show. Nobody ever said anything about doubting that they could do it. And Michael has taken a lot better care of himself than Steven Tyler has. This is a man who for years and years was a HEAVY drug abuser and alcoholic, behaved recklessly, and had several near-death experiences. It hasn't slowed him down. And at 61, he and the rest of the band are gearing up for yet another tour, which will likely be more than 50 shows. And what about the Rolling Stones? What about Cher, Tina Turner??? My God, Tina Turner is almost 70 years old and is still working that stage!

I don't want anybody to think that I'm trying to trivialize their opinions, because I can understand why people are wondering about Michael's ability to do this. Yeah, he's a little on the thin side, he went through a period that was emotionally and physically draining, and he hasn't been onstage for a while. But he's had plenty of time to relax, bring himself back up to form and decide whether or not he would be up to doing the shows. I just don't think it's fair to write him off, even though the tabloids consider that part of their job description.

I'm not going to pay any attention to the skin cancer rumors, because honestly, I think that if there was any truth to them at all, there would be no concerts. Michael wouldn't risk his health like that. And I'm sure he wants to be around for his children and family as long as possible. :)
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Love the positivity of this thread as much as it's considering ppl stating their faith in Michael and why. That's nice and wonderful.
Ppl enjoying themselves and their very own choice to be a fan are shining.

However I wouldn't like to see it going down in slamming anyone who might doesn't believe the same or doesn't have as much faith whyever and are questioning themselves or their fandom.
Ppl slamming others for whatever reason are only annoying well at least to me.

Amen. It's almost like little Natalie Wood in "Miracle on 34th Street"..."I believe...I believe" or Peter Pan saying "What's the matter with you, Tink? It was poison, wasn't it? Tink? Your voice is so low now I can hardly hear you. What's that? You believe that you could get well again... if children believed in fairies"

Get real.
faith is as real as cyncism, just the opposite end of the spectrum