If fans were sheep about what the media said, then Michael would have no fans, since the media has said some awful things about Michael for years.
As for ''all of a sudden fans'' and speculating about their whereabouts a few weeks ago, one could wonder the same thing about the large number of fans here w/ June and July 09 registration dates including yourself. I don't see the point in questioning someone's 'fandom'; hey if someone wants to start liking Michael because they liked the MTV video marathon, great. The more fans the better. You do realize that is how a legacy continues as older generations of fans die.
Maybe some fans just didn't love the album. To me anyway a few of the tracks sounded generic/mediocre (unbreakable, Invincible, Break of Dawn, YRMW, butterflies), some I just plain didn't like (all the lost children, whatever happens, 2000 watts), and some I like a lot (Cry, Privacy, Threatened, Speechless). I don't hate the album and actually like listening to it, but among his albums I would agree w/ calling it his weakest. As for HIStory in the mix, it's just that, a remix album w/ five new tracks, so I'd hardly compare that effort to an album of all new material.
I'm probably a sheep w/ buying any new material that comes out, but that doesn't dictate what emotions the music will evoke when I hit play. Sorry if that offends.