Why did he have to go?

I knew I was going to have this reaction after seeing the movie, so I purposely chose to watch it on Friday night, so that I could mourn all day Saturday. And that is what I have been doing. I have spent the day crying and I am crying again.

I just want him back
I have to tell me myself something similar to what emmah just explained - that Michael is now in a better place than where he was here on earth...otherwise it just makes me feel very frustrated and angry I am constantly looking to place blame and feel that it is unfair to take someone that gave so much to so many away from all of us just like that. I try not to think too mcuh about it -- in my head michael is very much alive but if i realise that he is infact gone, it makes me so so sad.

it's an awful feeling.
I keep thinking that he is in a better place, a far better place than here. Where he can be himself...where he can look over his children and protect them, where he can look over us and feel our unconditional love........where he 'll dance on a green flower field.....where he'll sing us songs to take away our pain.....where he climb the highest tree and sit on a branch listening to the melody of a water fall....
...where he can fly...above the clouds....along the shores.....where he'll forever be Peter Pan.

When I close my eyes and I think of all these....I know he is in a better place.
The movie was incredible, but the shows would have been 100 times better. Michael going full force, the audience, the love...

It's just not fair, and I don't understand why he's gone...
There has to be a reason, but it's really difficult to understand.
He's with God now, but he should have been with us a little longer.

I miss him so much.
I loved the movie but it was rehearsals and it isn´t fair he couldn´t do a single concert.
If he was still alive I guess I would never meet him but it was enogh to know he was somewhere on this planet.
But he is in heaven now and there is nothing we can do about it.
But at least people got his message and I read on another MJforum that they wanted to give money to children in africa,join greenpeace, discussing other things they could do to save the planet.
My own feelings aside the hardest thing to comprehend is how Michael can be in a better place now without his children. Surely to be with his kids is what is best for him.

I just dont know, I try to tell myself that on a deeper level, maybe Michael has accomplished all that he needed to, and what we all have to do is to take all his achievements and messages and do something with them, but it still doesnt actually make me feel any better to know that he wont be coming back.
Oh God I'm crying so much.

During Earth Song I kept thinking (while crying) "Why Michael? Why not a criminal? Why not a rapist? Why not a radical terrorist? Why not a murderer? Why Michael? Why? All he wanted to do was love..."


Oh my baby...
TII was amazing and I really enjoyed it. But afterwards I couldn't come to terms with what happened again. I was like MJ should be here doing what he loved!! I'm hurting all over again :cry:
Michael was utterly beautiful and exuberant and lovely and gentle and amazing and gifted in This Is It. He had such an incredible show in store for us all, and an important and heartfelt message to put across to the world.

Why? :cry: I can't be the only one feeling this way? :cry:

No you are definitely not the only one. I haven't even seen This Is It yet or heard the song. And I already am an emotional wreck. Have been ever since the premiere of This Is It. I had an MJ dream that night and it was about me being with Michael watching him rehearsed for This Is It. And he just looked so good as I was watching him rehearsed. I didn't want to wake up from that dream but I did. And I was really crying and missing Michael terribly. And I blame this emotional wreck on Dr. Death himself. He is the cause of this constant horrible pain I have been in during this past few months. I just get so damn angry at that murderer who took Michael from the people that needed him the most. Not just his fans but his children mainly. They are forced to grow up without their father in their lives. I never had a loving father in my life. But those poor children did and it just really angers and kills me to know to know what they must be going through now. I hope Dr. Death and who ever else that is behind Michael's death spends all eternity burning in hell. Because what they did is absolutely unforgivable in my eyes. And yes I have tried to think of Michael being in a better place now. I remember on the day of Michael's funeral I had said a prayer for Michael and his children. And after I was done that prayer I looked up and I saw a cloud that was shaped as an angel. I really do want to believe that was God's way of telling me that he is happy, safe, and that he is with him now. But I just don't know anymore. To me he should still be here with us. And not be where he is now.
Oh God I'm crying so much.

During Earth Song I kept thinking (while crying) "Why Michael? Why not a criminal? Why not a rapist? Why not a radical terrorist? Why not a murderer? Why Michael? Why? All he wanted to do was love..."


Oh my baby...

:boohoo: :better:
During the meetup at the o2 on Sat we were in the shop, all getting very excited about MJ heaven and perusing the stuff. There was a little girl in a Snow White dress, the o2 had Disney on Ice that day, and she was in the shop with her mum. This little girl said to her mum, 'mummy, why did Michael Jackson have to die?' It was so heartbreaking.
I hope they all burn in hell.

LOL :D - is that all you learned from the positive things Michael mediated to the world?

Regarding the topic, I seldom think about being sad of the shows. Of course this would have been a blast and I was sooo looking forward to them, but I still feel so sorry for Michael having to leave that this overshadows anything else.

Regarding the shows, just imagine there hadn't been any rehearsal recording. I think for all people that loved Michael and his talent the rehearsal recordings are such a great consolation, we should be more than thankful it exists.
I am pretty sad and emotional after seeing the film, he should have stayed with us a little bit longer esspecially with al his future plans and everything.
At least the world knows now that he still had it and was to his death a great genius...
That is a question I have asked every single day since June 25th. I still don't know the answer.
I started thinking that it doesn't pay to be a good person or to be kind to others like he was. You just get taken advantage of, used, manipulated, hurt, abused, etc. But then just yesterday or today, I realized that was wrong. I've read what people have said about Michael for years. If he wasn't the way he was, then he wouldn't have touched so many people's lives, he wouldn't have helped so many of us, he wouldn't have made such an impact on everyone like he did. We all would have missed out. So I guess what we should do is still try to be like him, like he would have wanted us to be, even though we will never understand why he was taken from us so soon. :(
Oh God I'm crying so much.

During Earth Song I kept thinking (while crying) "Why Michael? Why not a criminal? Why not a rapist? Why not a radical terrorist? Why not a murderer? Why Michael? Why? All he wanted to do was love..."


Oh my baby...
That's EXACTLY what I thought too.... :boohoo:
I don't think I will ever understand, not ever.

Had my 2nd viewing yesterday and it was even worse than the 1st. I bawled my eyes out of frustration, felt so powerless.
It's just unbearable and I wish sooooo badly I could jump into that moviescreen, run off to Michael as fast as I can, put the time on freeze....and make sure June 25th will not ever happen.
There's nothing more I wish for....nothing. :cry:

I keep thinking that he is in a better place, a far better place than here. Where he can be himself...where he can look over his children and protect them, where he can look over us and feel our unconditional love........where he 'll dance on a green flower field.....where he'll sing us songs to take away our pain.....where he climb the highest tree and sit on a branch listening to the melody of a water fall....
...where he can fly...above the clouds....along the shores.....where he'll forever be Peter Pan.

When I close my eyes and I think of all these....I know he is in a better place.
your post is BEAUTIFUL.

I plan to read it often.
Its what I tell myself every day. Even six months later I still cant get my head round it and I never will. It will never sink it that he's gone. But I know he's in a better place now. He was treated so cruely here and it was us fans that kept him going through the tough times. Now where ever he is he's laughing and smiling when he watches his beautiful children and looking out for each and every one of us. We're keeping his legacy alive and making him proud, and I know he's smiling about that thinking to himself 'I really have the best fans.'
It's like what Stevie said. We needed Michael but God must have needed him far more
My heart is actually aching for him today.. I want him back, more than anything. I just feel so extremely lost and empty without him in my life now. I was even up the entire night just crying and really thinking about Michael. I am still in as much pain as I was then when I first heard the horrible news. I just want him back so very badly now. :weeping:
God has given you the most beautiful and purest smile... that's why we need you .. We need your humanity .. We need to your heart .. We need you to stay with us in this world which has become desolate and cold after you gone from our world.. Michael, we need you to come back. Please, give them another chance .. We want to restore the warmth that it gone with you and colours of happiness, which became gray. :weeping:
God derserve to have him now.. The world does not derserve him.. I mean.. look what they did to him (I dont talk about you MJ fan.. but the hater) :( He did everything good but he did not got love back... God is a really good person.. he is way better than the people in this world..
He is in a better place now were he can be peter pan forever.
He was really sad when he was alive here after the 2005 trials... Now he will be happy forever were he is now :)
I still trying to figure out why he had to go. So many things are incomplete without him. Things will never be the same again.:no: