Why did he have to go?

:cry: We're all here for you. It's one big mess. *hugs times infinity*

Thank you so much for your support.
I'm so sad. It hurts. I dont know what to do. I'm thinking about the people who were with him in his last hours and why they let it happen. Why why??? WHY? Someone tell me why?.. Our hearts are crushed...:(
Jesus... please believe me when I tell you my heart is hurting right now.. I dont even know what to do without Michael. Life doesnt make sense without him. Mike please come back. This pain is unbearable. Please God take my life but let Michael live. :cry:
Thank you so much for your support.
I'm so sad. It hurts. I dont know what to do. I'm thinking about the people who were with him in his last hours and why they let it happen. Why why??? WHY? Someone tell me why?.. Our hearts are crushed...:(
Jesus... please believe me when I tell you my heart is hurting right now.. I dont even know what to do without Michael. Life doesnt make sense without him. Mike please come back. This pain is unbearable. Please God take my life but let Michael live. :cry:

Michael would not want that. You are special and beautiful just as he was. Please appreciate yourself like he would want you to. :(
I'm so glad I have all you guys in solidarity. Not many people understand this pain. :(
Michael would not want that. You are special and beautiful just as he was. Please appreciate yourself like he would want you to. :(
I'm so glad I have all you guys in solidarity. Not many people understand this pain. :(

I know. Thanks. But you dont understand. I cannot live without my love..Im crying SO HARD right now SO HARD. Im shaking. I feel sick like throwing up. I cant believe this. Ive lost my LOVE, my life.. Im crying so hard I cant even see what Im writing..
I know. Thanks. But you dont understand. I cannot live without my love..Im crying SO HARD right now SO HARD. Im shaking. I feel sick like throwing up. I cant believe this. Ive lost my LOVE, my life.. Im crying so hard I cant even see what Im writing.. __________________

:hug: I know sweetie :( I have nothing to say...I feel the same.
Michael was utterly beautiful and exuberant and lovely and gentle and amazing and gifted in This Is It. He had such an incredible show in store for us all, and an important and heartfelt message to put across to the world.

Why? :cry: I can't be the only one feeling this way? :cry:

You are not the only one who feels this way I am still devasted Michael is gone like so many others here. I'll be honest with you I am absolutely pissed off with Murray I want him to pay for this, and all those other bastards who may have had a hand in this. I hope they all rot in jail. Michael should be here I hope there is justice for Michael soon.

I couldn't help but cry after the film, I mean, is this it, is this the final closure, is this how I have to say goodbye? :cry:....It just hurts so much at times.

I feel as if this film brought me a everlasting sadness, although I enjoyed it, the reality hits, and "this is it". :boohoo:
Michael was utterly beautiful and exuberant and lovely and gentle and amazing and gifted in This Is It. He had such an incredible show in store for us all, and an important and heartfelt message to put across to the world.

Why? :cry: I can't be the only one feeling this way? :cry:

Try to take some comfort in this fact. Michael's message will now be heard by so many more people then it would've been if he did the concerts. If there any "good" that comes out of this. It's that. and Michael is smiling in heaven about that.

750,000 people would've gone to the concerts. in just the midnight showings in just the united states. 2,200,000 people got the message.
Yesterday I read some article that he looked grotesque in the movie and that it's a good thing he died at this age while he still had at least some abilities. That it was a gift for his fans. I died inside reading that. Needless to say I didn't read the whole thing because it made me cry. The person who wrote that awful article has no heart AT ALL. And it was on a very popular site. :cry::cry: Why are some people so awful??? And they get paid for it. I expected to read something nice but this...so hurtful.
I totally understand you guys. I miss Michael soooooo much. I miss the days when we would always get a laugh out of Michael's silly outfits. The lime green jacket and the slippers :doh: The zorro mask :lol: Michael sporting the leopard print pants, or the Balmain jackets with the dangerous shoulder pads :rofl: I miss the days when we would get over excited about the curls coming back, or when we all banded together and united for Michael when he was going through that hideous trial. I miss the days when Michael would give us messages, and we would spend the whole day trying to decipher it. I'll never forget the one that said "be conscious, subconscious... being God" We were all like "I...Don't...Get...It. :scratch: Is he telling us to meditate? Michael what are you trying to tell us?!" :lol: Or the ones where he would say things like "I can feel your energy penetrating through these walls" or when he would hint things like "I MUST sleep now... I love you all" which was basically Michael's polite way of telling fans outside his hotel room to STFU because he was trying to get to sleep :giggle:. He was so cute. I'll miss him forever and ever.... and ever.

It's just so hard to imagine that Michael, our Michael, our playful, funny, kind, humble, strong Michael is no longer here. I'll never understand why he was forced to suffer so much when all he wanted to do in his life was to use his God-given talent as a tool to bring joy and happiness to other people. It was almost as if he was being punished for it. One thing that touched me more then anything else in the film was when he was talking about the state of the planet. It was clear that even after all the junk people put him through, he never changed. He never stopped caring. He was doing This is it to remind people that we have a responsibility to our planet. That it is our job to do something about the horrible things that are going on. And hearing him say that totally tore me to pieces. He was so strong. Damn, he was so strong. If I had been through what Michael had, I would have said to hell with it. If the people I help are going to treat me like crap, then I'm just going to stop helping them. It ain't worth it. I just love and admire him sooo much and it hurts to know that someone like that is gone and that people spreading hatred are still free to roam the earth and destroy our planet. I don't understand it. The world needs Michael :cry: It hurts.

I think Jermaine said it best when he said "... the world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you" :cry: Ain't that the truth :boohoo:
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it's strange. it's really strange. the sense of being fulfilled yet so eternally empty. he is there, you see him more alive than ever. and then reality kicks in...

yep..................the film makes it sink in even more:no:
I'm in tears reading these posts. Well, I have been in tears on and off since seeing the film last night. God he was incredible, amazing. I could have burst with pride but at the same time I can't bear what's happened. He should have done these shows, all the love and preperation he put into them. He was the most unique talent this world has ever known, and like the rest of you, I miss him so much. Beautiful, beautiful Michael...xx
Yesterday I read some article that he looked grotesque in the movie and that it's a good thing he died at this age while he still had at least some abilities. That it was a gift for his fans. I died inside reading that. Needless to say I didn't read the whole thing because it made me cry. The person who wrote that awful article has no heart AT ALL. And it was on a very popular site. :cry::cry: Why are some people so awful??? And they get paid for it. I expected to read something nice but this...so hurtful.

Aliana, that's terrible, but I've read quite a few reviews, and most of the ones I've read have been so positive - praising Michael's abilities and his musical intuition and commenting on his attention to all the details of the show, his politeness/kindness to the cast, and his humanity - just how likable and down-to-earth he was. The fans already knew all of this, of course.
Aliana, that's terrible, but I've read quite a few reviews, and most of the ones I've read have been so positive - praising Michael's abilities and his musical intuition and commenting on his attention to all the details of the show, his politeness/kindness to the cast, and his humanity - just how likable and down-to-earth he was. The fans already knew all of this, of course.

I know. I didn't expect such awful article at all! Especially now. That person has serious issues with himself. Who the fuck hired him to spread his vicious thoughts on a news site. I can't take that site serious anymore. They have a bunch of shitheads writing whatever they want. No thanks.
I want something to happen, some miracle to bring him back.

As in Apocalypse Please by Muse:

"It's time for a miracle
Come on,it's time for something biblical..."


He deserved a miracle. He deserves to be brought back. Or for example,if in the future people get to resurrect people I think that Michael Jackson should be the first one to be brought back to life. He is too big to be dead. I hope you don't think I am crazy...
I want something to happen, some miracle to bring him back.

As in Apocalypse Please by Muse:

"It's time for a miracle
Come on,it's time for something biblical..."


He deserved a miracle. He deserves to be brought back. Or for example,if in the future people get to resurrect people I think that Michael Jackson should be the first one to be brought back to life. He is too big to be dead. I hope you don't think I am crazy...

You are not crazy. I agree with you! I still can not accept the death of Michael. I really love him so much! I believe he will come back one day in the future. He is just hide and seek with the world. He like a children. He love play. So I hope that the he was just a joke with us. He will come back! I also hope that he is alive even if only far one can see him.

Michael, please come back! :cry:
I wish he would come back too. After watching the movie makes me miss him more.
I literally have to see the movie every day to be happy and not taken to sadness with the thought of him... But i am afraid I might lose the touch with reality if I do that... I hope we get more from Michael. More rehearsals, more unreleased music, more videos... Somehow. I don't know, I just can never get enough of him.
I literally have to see the movie every day to be happy and not taken to sadness with the thought of him... But i am afraid I might lose the touch with reality if I do that... I hope we get more from Michael. More rehearsals, more unreleased music, more videos... Somehow. I don't know, I just can never get enough of him.

Me too. All I can think of doing to cheer up is to see the movie again..
It saddens me so much also because Michael always talked of how he wanted to live a long life and now look! I thought he would live to be 100 or something. I really did. I was always worried about his health over the past year, especially in the past few months when we kept seeing him going to the doctor's office constantly, but I never thought anything would actually happen to him. I just... I cant see how I can get through this. I feel such an intense amount of grief that I cant bear it.

Why Michael?!:(
I totally understand you guys. I miss Michael soooooo much. I miss the days when we would always get a laugh out of Michael's silly outfits. The lime green jacket and the slippers :doh: The zorro mask :lol: Michael sporting the leopard print pants, or the Balmain jackets with the dangerous shoulder pads :rofl: I miss the days when we would get over excited about the curls coming back, or when we all banded together and united for Michael when he was going through that hideous trial. I miss the days when Michael would give us messages, and we would spend the whole day trying to decipher it. I'll never forget the one that said "be conscious, subconscious... being God" We were all like "I...Don't...Get...It. :scratch: Is he telling us to meditate? Michael what are you trying to tell us?!" :lol: Or the ones where he would say things like "I can feel your energy penetrating through these walls" or when he would hint things like "I MUST sleep now... I love you all" which was basically Michael's polite way of telling fans outside his hotel room to STFU because he was trying to get to sleep :giggle:. He was so cute. I'll miss him forever and ever.... and ever.

It's just so hard to imagine that Michael, our Michael, our playful, funny, kind, humble, strong Michael is no longer here. I'll never understand why he was forced to suffer so much when all he wanted to do in his life was to use his God-given talent as a tool to bring joy and happiness to other people. It was almost as if he was being punished for it. One thing that touched me more then anything else in the film was when he was talking about the state of the planet. It was clear that even after all the junk people put him through, he never changed. He never stopped caring. He was doing This is it to remind people that we have a responsibility to our planet. That it is our job to do something about the horrible things that are going on. And hearing him say that totally tore me to pieces. He was so strong. Damn, he was so strong. If I had been through what Michael had, I would have said to hell with it. If the people I help are going to treat me like crap, then I'm just going to stop helping them. It ain't worth it. I just love and admire him sooo much and it hurts to know that someone like that is gone and that people spreading hatred are still free to roam the earth and destroy our planet. I don't understand it. The world needs Michael :cry: It hurts.

I think Jermaine said it best when he said "... the world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you" :cry: Ain't that the truth :boohoo:
Oh wow...you just said it all there.:boohoo:Beautiful.....:heart:

Don't have anything to add on that, besides that I feel so completely miserable...I'm trying to focus on something else, but it's just all haunting me after watching the movie. Feels just like a movie on itself, all this time since that lifechanging day.
I feel little, a little spot in a lonely and lost place that's worth nothing in all this hype over his death.
Just can't...even...get the right words out now. :no:
I have to believe that where we go in death is way much better than where we are now, cause I cant find any other reason why Michael had to be taken.

Nothing is the same anymore. Watching the film makes me feel like he's still here. I've just come back for a second time watching it and when I listen to the unique way he expresses himself and just how connected he is to music I feel pain all over again that he was a real treasure to us all. How can the world be any better now that he is gone, how can all the pain and hurt that so many are feeling ever be for a greater good?
It feels like Michael just disappeared. It does not feel like he is gone. I wonder what happens when You die? I believe in reincarnation. I hope Micheal reborn in another Galaxy where it is better. He will shine with that massive talent.
I always thought God's plans have a larger view. I mean, I cannot accept that he died for no reason. I just cannot. Even if I don't see the reason right now, I am positive that in time it will be revealed. I cannot give up my faith in God, is all I have left in a tragedy like this.
His life was no ordinary neither his death. He impacted like no one the entire planet, people's conscience and I truly believe he was a chance from God for humanity to wake the heck up. It was necessary to be shocked and tormented as we are right now to refresh our minds and clean our hearts. Pain and suffering is an ultimate tool to learn a lesson. I hope we finally learn it, even if it takes generations. God bless you MICHAEL...
I love you guys. You are the only ones who understand my grief. I am going tonight to see the movie for the 5th time. I'm like the other poster who said they need it to be happy. Why are there people in this world who feel threatened by Michael Jackson? Why are they so pissed off because millions of people unconditionally love him? I am so sad I feel like I am choking on it. Some people said the movie gave them closure and peace but I am worse!!
I want something to happen, some miracle to bring him back.

As in Apocalypse Please by Muse:

"It's time for a miracle
Come on,it's time for something biblical..."


He deserved a miracle. He deserves to be brought back. Or for example,if in the future people get to resurrect people I think that Michael Jackson should be the first one to be brought back to life. He is too big to be dead. I hope you don't think I am crazy...

I don't think what you said is crazy. It's nice to know there's someone else who feels the same way I do. I have been hoping since MJ passed that there was some way he could come back. If I told anyone else that they'd look at me like :unsure:, but I really feel like that. It may seem silly or childlike to hope that but I just cannot accept that this is really the end. I can't believe Michael is gone. He was a really special person. I'd give anything to have him back again, anything!

I want him back damn it! Why can't he come back?! Why is he no longer here? It's so unfair. I miss Michael soooo much. There are no words that can express how sad I am over MJ's death and how much I miss him and want him back.

When Michael died, the world somehow felt a little less magical. At least for me. I can't imagine a world without MJ. I'll never fully accept this.

I totally understand you guys. I miss Michael soooooo much. I miss the days when we would always get a laugh out of Michael's silly outfits. The lime green jacket and the slippers :doh: The zorro mask :lol: Michael sporting the leopard print pants, or the Balmain jackets with the dangerous shoulder pads :rofl: I miss the days when we would get over excited about the curls coming back, or when we all banded together and united for Michael when he was going through that hideous trial. I miss the days when Michael would give us messages, and we would spend the whole day trying to decipher it. I'll never forget the one that said "be conscious, subconscious... being God" We were all like "I...Don't...Get...It. :scratch: Is he telling us to meditate? Michael what are you trying to tell us?!" :lol: Or the ones where he would say things like "I can feel your energy penetrating through these walls" or when he would hint things like "I MUST sleep now... I love you all" which was basically Michael's polite way of telling fans outside his hotel room to STFU because he was trying to get to sleep :giggle:. He was so cute. I'll miss him forever and ever.... and ever.

It's just so hard to imagine that Michael, our Michael, our playful, funny, kind, humble, strong Michael is no longer here. I'll never understand why he was forced to suffer so much when all he wanted to do in his life was to use his God-given talent as a tool to bring joy and happiness to other people. It was almost as if he was being punished for it. One thing that touched me more then anything else in the film was when he was talking about the state of the planet. It was clear that even after all the junk people put him through, he never changed. He never stopped caring. He was doing This is it to remind people that we have a responsibility to our planet. That it is our job to do something about the horrible things that are going on. And hearing him say that totally tore me to pieces. He was so strong. Damn, he was so strong. If I had been through what Michael had, I would have said to hell with it. If the people I help are going to treat me like crap, then I'm just going to stop helping them. It ain't worth it. I just love and admire him sooo much and it hurts to know that someone like that is gone and that people spreading hatred are still free to roam the earth and destroy our planet. I don't understand it. The world needs Michael :cry: It hurts.

I think Jermaine said it best when he said "... the world was never meant for someone as beautiful as you" :cry: Ain't that the truth :boohoo:

That was a lovely post. I agree 100% with everything you said.