Why are people becoming Michael Jackson fans?

I don´t really know when I began to love him.
I saw some of his musicvideos when they came, and I saw some interviews and I always thought nice things about him.
I didn´t support him during the trial, I was busy trapping cats, trying to get them more social, selling things in the junkmarket to get money to veterinarian.I didnt know much about what happened outside my world with starving,freezing cats.

I was happy for him when he announced this it it concerts and when it was soldout.I was worried about if he could do the shows especially after seeing a picture of him in a wheelchair.Maybe I cared more about him than other artists because I knew he was treated really bad sometimes.
When I heard he had died I began to cry and I´m still mourning.
I liked Patrik Swayze to but its different with MJ.
I discovered youtube and i got obsessed with his videos and lyrics, quotes,oxford speech.There were other people at youtube who also had become obsessed and we don´t know why .
I love his music, dance and song but I love the man more than that.I would like to hold him too, telling him everything would be allright and its ok to cry if you are sad.
I want to make a better world with other MJfans but it seems like people are most busy arguing about things.
I've only been a fan for two years and only discovered that there were sites like this with fans after he died, because I was alone the night he died and I was trying to find information about it after I got a text saying ''Michael Jackson died'', I couldn't believe it and found this place when I was googling. Before 2007 I was a casual fan, my aunt was a big fan so I used to play with her Black & White Michael Jackson doll and listen to her tapes. I don't really call myself a hardcore fan now either, I'm somewhere in the middle between casual and hardcore :)

I do hate when people on here assume that because you joined after he died your a new fan. I have nothing against most new fans, although I do feel a bit bitter at school when I see all these sudden new fans thinking they are the biggest fan ever and they all assume you are just a new fan too. These people though will have forgotten all about Michael in a years time. The ''good'' new fans will be the ones that are still here and spreading Michael's legacy next year.

I don't really have anything against people who talked shit about Michael a couple years ago either around the trial period, especially kids because they will just repeat what they hear, and now consider themselves to be a fan. They realise now what Michael really is about and that's all that matters. There is no point at all holding a grudge.
People are either becoming fans because they are jumping on the bandwagon or they are genuinely new fans.

People are getting mad at new fans but we need to keep in mind for many younger people before this there wasn't much exposure to his music and all they had heard was negative negative negative (it's still like that but you know what I mean).

People are all saying the new and old fans need to get along but its' hard for some because some of us were there for him in his hardest times and got picked on etc. so when a new fan gets crud from a older fan they need to keep that in mind.

Some older fans need time.

Yet we should all try and understand where the other is coming from.

I went off topic a bit...
Personally, while I welcome genuine new fans, the majority of people out there "getting into" Michael are doing it to jump on the massive publicity and PR bandwagon.

The attitude of people, when they hear you listening to Michael's music, has also changed somewhat.

We all know Apple's iPod/iPhone headphones leak sound when up loud, but I don't care. On the train to work, when listening to Michael, you would get looks that said, "Oh, you're listening to him". Whereas now you get nothing of the sort, it's like people just think everyone listens to him because he's passed away.

Personally, I've been a fan since around the age of 8. The song that got me hooked on Michael was probably The Way You Make Me Feel, because here in Glasgow at that time, cable TV was new and my parents got it installed and we were one of the first people I knew to have the likes of MTV.

The Way You Make Me Feel must have been the current single, because it was never off MTV and I remember strutting around the livingroom with a denim shirt open and tied at the bottom, dancing around to my parents amusement.

For my Christmas that year I got the Bad album on CD, but was not allowed to use it myself. If I wanted to hear it, I had to ask to have it put on ... this, I was told, was so when I was old enough to look after it I would be able to use it myself. And, to this day, I have that same copy of Bad.

Anyway, back to the topic, I actually become quite snappy with people who I know aren't "genuine" about liking Michael or his music. It's like a guy in work who found footage of Ghosts on YouTube while searching for Michael and heard the awesome 2 Bad mix. I just said, "I bought that on VHS back in the day ... although the song itself is actually 14 years old, album wise. Track 12, Disc 2, HIStory".

I don't mean to be so nippy with people, but they're just frauds to me ... I can't help how I feel. I took dogs abuse throughout Secondary School and College for listening to Michael while everyone else was into Oasis and Blur, but I defended Michael every single time someone called him a "Paedo", "Freak", etc. I'm proud that I stood by him, and even today I still do.

A girl in work, who must have hit out with every single Michael Jackson "joke" imaginable when he passed away, didn't like it when suddenly everyone was cracking Stephen Gately (Boyzone singer for those who don't know) after he died. She was a Boyzone fan, and I simply smirked and said, "Not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, is it"?

As I said, I appreciate there are new fans out there, and even a line I used back in 1997 when Blood On The Dance Floor hit No.1 in the UK and people at school (I was in my final year of Secondary by this time) were saying it, "Didn't count, because the Charts can be fixed". I simply remember saying, "You know what? Michael won't be appreciated fully by the majority of people until he's gone. Only then will you know what you missed out on"[/i].

I remember those words are clearly today as I did then ... I just wish Michael had stuck around a bit longer before proving me right.
I think its great that there is a new generation of fans. I've seen kids that were born in 2004 dancing to Michael and squealing when his music comes on the music. You cant help when you are born. Great talent will always be there. Legends never die-people born 5, 10, 20, 40, 50+ years from now will be loving Michael!
It's in to be a MJ fan at the moment, many people just want to ride the wave and I guess in a way it makes them feel connected... but that will pass in a couple of months...

I'm sure though that there will be a few of those new fans who will keep their newfound love for everything MJ. Shame he didn't live to see that happen :(
I don't think it's wrong to start to like Michael only after his dead. It's not because of that we like more or less... what counts is what is in our hearts and in our heads.
I know some people who are fans of Michael after his dead and they don't talk only about his musics... but about the person he was! That's a very important thing! It means that they care much more than only by the musical side.
Being a fan is not only to like the musics and stuff, is much more than that...! Since his dead everyone "likes" him, but in a few months it won't be the same thing. People will forget him somehow, but not us. Not us, the true fans. Us, that always believed in Michael, that never doubted of him and always will admire him.
People get more interested in a person after they died. Like someone else said you dont know what you have got until is gone.
I became a fan 2005....during the trial...
But I'm glad for these 4 years..which made me very happy..I want to go back...buying all the MJ stuff,wearing MJ shirts, being proud, waching MJ videos all the time, asking questions, just waiting for a nw MJ picture....waiting for him to go to your town or just be somewhere, where you could go 2...this is all gone...

Before that well I was young and stupid and didn't know anything about him.
And I believed the press..

To me a Fan is not someone who listens only 2 his music and that's it...no he has to know his history. At least why he "became" white..
I think to call someone not a "true fan" is unfair, it may seem silly that people dont know many of his songs or dont know anything about him as a person, but loads of people, including many members on here (including me) have been in that position before. When you wernt brought up knowing his music (my parents are into a different genre of music) as i was, i started to become a fan arround the LWMJ era, where i decided to do some research of my own into who he really was. And i started like the people you are refering too, who only know a few songs, mostly older stuff, (billie jean, rock with you, twymmf etc) and gradually listened to more songs and brought albums and then started to learn more about the man himself, eventually joining MJNO, but as far as im concerned iv always been a "true" fan, lack of knowlege dosnt make you not a true fan, everyone should be given a chance to learn new things, listen to less common tracks etc, and then make their own decisions. Since his death where more people have become fans, some are doing it simply because its "cool" to do so, whereas others may, like many of us, genuinely didnt know about michaels kindness, his humanatarian work, and indeed some of his less well known music. All fans should be given an equal chance, thats what Michael would have wanted.
I think to call someone not a "true fan" is unfair, it may seem silly that people dont know many of his songs or dont know anything about him as a person, but loads of people, including many members on here (including me) have been in that position before. When you wernt brought up knowing his music (my parents are into a different genre of music) as i was, i started to become a fan arround the LWMJ era, where i decided to do some research of my own into who he really was. And i started like the people you are refering too, who only know a few songs, mostly older stuff, (billie jean, rock with you, twymmf etc) and gradually listened to more songs and brought albums and then started to learn more about the man himself, eventually joining MJNO, but as far as im concerned iv always been a "true" fan, lack of knowlege dosnt make you not a true fan, everyone should be given a chance to learn new things, listen to less common tracks etc, and then make their own decisions. Since his death where more people have become fans, some are doing it simply because its "cool" to do so, whereas others may, like many of us, genuinely didnt know about michaels kindness, his humanatarian work, and indeed some of his less well known music. All fans should be given an equal chance, thats what Michael would have wanted.

I appreciate what you're saying, but there's a difference between becoming a fan in a different era of the artist, and becoming a fan after the artist passed away and everyone, everywhere is trying to take a final piece of him.

I think it's fair to say we're all feeling a little over-protective of our Michael right now.

I consider myself a true fan not only because I bought his records, listened to his music regardless of era or popular opinion, and always defended him in a protective manner when people tried to diss him or ridicule him or ridicule me for being a fan. That's my definition, it may not be yours ... but the world would be very boring if we were all identical in our points of view.
May I say my 'piece'? plz?
Humbly I come here.....humbly I joined here........yes it's true I joined after MJ had passed................BUT.................and this is a BIG BUT................I have loved MJ's music since I was 16 yrs old.............when thriller came out in the early 80's!

Now as a 'mature' adult ( which is a polite word for old- lol )........I feel the need to be around people who love Michael the way I do..................I must admit and being brutually honest I just 'liked' MJ's music and dance...........but when he died I NEEDED to be around people that LOVE MJ.................for the MAN..............for who he IS......the man behind the genius...........

I'm certainly not 'jumping on the band wagon' as it were.............

I've come to a place where MJ's love is welcoming..........I want to learn ALL about MJ............get to know him.........God knows I wish soooo much that I had done this BEFORE he passed.......:(

But I am here now..........surely that counts for something? :agree:

Michael knows my heart................I speak to him and thank God for him everyday..........I pray for his children...and for my fan friends who miss him...........

MJ knows my heart..............:wub:
The way I see it, there are four things going on here.

1) The people who were big fans back in the day and casually throughout the last decade or so, but had careers and families to raise and lost touch, but have now "come back" to grieve and celebrate.

2) The people who were too young to have been introduced to him and were just unaware for one reason or another, but who have found him and truly love him for him and are now fans for life.

3) The people who were too young to have been introduced to him and were just unaware for one reason or another, but who have jumped on the bandwagon because it's "in" and will jump right back off in a few months.

4) The haters who bashed him and joked for years, but who have jumped on the bandwagon because it's "in" and will jump right back off in a few months.

Obviously, number fours are despicable and karma will get them. Number threes, ah, the heck with them. Ignore them, they don't count, they'll be gone soon anyway. But number twos and ones should not be judged and scorned. They never did wrong by him and they've always been honest. You never know someone else's situation and the reasons why their life hadn't lead them down this path until now. It doesn't mean they were all out there hating on or ignoring him before this. Life is not that black and white.
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I introduced my son now aged 23yrs to MJ when he was young!
He is totally 'sold out' for MJ!
He has ASD..............and his obsession is MJ! :)
Why do we tear eachother apart though? Folks who join now.........surely............ALL folks who love MJ should be welcomed.........not debated over?
Just a thought..............a strong thought at that! :)

Take a look at ourselves? make the change?
MJ wants us to love eachother..............it's all for love...L.O.V.E. Whether joined in 2003.....( when I prayed alone for MJ during his trials...........) to present day..........??? love......L.O.V.E. :)