Why are people becoming Michael Jackson fans?

"Sticking with Michael" after you've found him is one thing - and I totally agree with you on that - but you're assuming that everyone knew all about him all along, but decided to turn on him until he died.
Not everyone was as informed before. You can't fault them for that. How can you possibly blame someone for not having been exposed? You can't control when or how you discover something.
What truly sucks is that, for a lot of people, his death was the first time they'd been made aware of things, the first time that he became readily accessible, and the first time they'd heard his music (or had been able to put a song with a name). You have to remember that he simply hasn't been present in the last 5-8 years. The trial dominated that era. That is what sucks.


I totally agree with everything you said! Took the words right out of my mouth :yes:
For myself, I just think Michael was magical. I've loved a lot of performers, but no one EVER affected me like Michael. I can't explain why someone we don't directly know can touch us so deeply that I grieve them like a family member. And frankly, I don't want to know. I'm just glad Michael Jackson happened in my lifetime and I was a fan.

good question. I actually became a fan not because of his talent but because the message he always sends to people, LOVE.

Exactly. :yes:
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i know tonnes of people who are suddenly 'huge fans'.
fair enough if they genuinley enjoy his music and respect him as a person but something tells me not all of them do.
I think from the moment you get interested by one song for example.. then you buy an album, another, and from the MOMENT you decide to do some research on the man, not just on his music, then you're.. caught in the fandom and it just gets bigger.

I always tought that to be a Michael Jackson fan, you have to understand suffering, criticizing and injustice, you probably felt it once, you care for others, you want to save the world and you want to hold this 50 years old little kid in your arm and tell him you love him...

When you have that, I think you have everything to be a MJ fan, and you probably will if you take that step into the 'out of ignorance' process.

what you said is spot on, everything.
If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.

WOAH that maybe true for some but not all...
you don't know how they feel so your statement lacks a lot of validness.

personally, i have no right to decide who is an MJ fan and who is not.
I love him before his napping but i will never judge others just because they love him after his napping. love is love.

I wouldn't even call myself a fan even though I love all his music.
I'm just a Michael Lover. (note: i did not put 's lol)
I simply adore him. MJ the person always first before MJ the Entertainer.
I think from the moment you get interested by one song for example.. then you buy an album, another, and from the MOMENT you decide to do some research on the man, not just on his music, then you're.. caught in the fandom and it just gets bigger.

I always tought that to be a Michael Jackson fan, you have to understand suffering, criticizing and injustice, you probably felt it once, you care for others, you want to save the world and you want to hold this 50 years old little kid in your arm and tell him you love him...

When you have that, I think you have everything to be a MJ fan, and you probably will if you take that step into the 'out of ignorance' process.

WEHH. you just made me cry.
and i was doing so well today too.
only cried twice.

truly i never cared for people until Mike.
Ever since I became a Michael Lover, I want to help save the world.
He truly makes me want to be a better person. and i was doing really good until his napping kind of almost ruined everything [cos' i went completely mental for a short period of time]

I always hated myself growing up, but after Mike, i don't hate myself anymore. and learn to love others, full heartedly. :) finally learned what the real importance of life is.

I learned a lot from him.
he brought me closer to God.
I couldn't ask for anything more.
no because if you're not an MJ fan, you're a LOSER.

it has always been like that and always will be.

it's fact, i'm tellin' ya.

[ok i'm really done with this thread now hehh... and leaving...]
If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.

not that true.

some ppl are/were just toooooo young

and if they were young, they were brought up in the times of bad media portrayal. and liking mj was not the done thing.

but after his music have been playing constantly for 4 months.....it's a no wonder that ppl are starting to apreciate him again, for his music was / is timeless.

for me a fan is just that, a fan.

and any positive word of mouth is better than no word of mouth.

I welcome all who just want to spread his LOVE.

I say this not to contradict you, but all for love -peace-
Alot of people discovered Michael after he passed away. Like my co workers and some friends. As one of my co worker states "theres no real talent left after him" and i always smirk when she says it. It just makes my day. I dont think there is anything wrong with becoming a MJ fan now. We`r nothing but just sharing his love. I know alot of people who are going to watch This is it because they are just curious to see what he was up to. I also promoted the movie and 8 more people are going to watch it. So i am pleased. As long as the fan base keeps growing as long as the message of love gets thru, i am happy.
not that true.

some ppl are/were just toooooo young

and if they were young, they were brought up in the times of bad media portrayal. and liking mj was not the done thing.

but after his music have been playing constantly for 4 months.....it's a no wonder that ppl are starting to apreciate him again, for his music was / is timeless.

for me a fan is just that, a fan.

When i say pretender, i meant in general terms.There are some sincere ones out there and of course kids are an exception.
To those true pretenders out there, in 30 years time:-
"In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There?"
I guess what Da1AndOnly was tryin to say is that, those who was a hater and turns their back on Michael when Michael needs our support the most, became a fan only after Michael's passin.

To me, it doesn't matter when you become a fan. As long you love Michael as a person, and when you say "I love you Michael" Its nothin but true love from you to Michael. That will be enough.
Its all about love L.O.V.E
"There are two kinds of people in this world: Michael Jackson fans and losers."

- Seth Green

That's what it's about.
If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.

How about me? I was too young to really get how big he was (I'm 16 now) so I wasn't a great follower of the trial... I do remember listening to the verdict on a live feed from the internet though ;)

Anyway I would consider myself a fan of somebody once I do something I wouldn't normally do. Like saying "Today im going to buy Bad". It shows I want to get to know Michaels lesser known songs better, which is a plus :cheers:

Also, I'm always looking up things about Michael, posting on MJJC and blasting his music non stop :giggle:
I've been creating MJ fans the last couple of years.:D

I work in an indoor skatepark once a week and we play music there all day long.
The playlist consists of mostly punk, hardrock and hiphop tracks but I started to sneak in some classic MJ songs.
I didn't do anything else, but kids started to ask who's songs is this and what's it called and I told them it's MJ, go do some research.

Tonight I'm going to TII with some of the kids form the skatepark.
They are going to love it, I'm sure.:punk:
and then there's also fanatics. the idiots who claim to be fans but are just showing off and trying to prove that they are THE BIGGEST FANS AND YOU BITCH AIN'T A FAN , A'RIGHT??!?!?
I'm a Michael Jackson fan.
A lot of people say that when they really mean "I'm a Michael Jackson music fan."
I love his music to death and believe he's in a league of his own when it comes to performing.
But above all of that -
I am a fan, a lover, of Michael Joseph Jackson.

And I think that's what counts.

HERE HERE! I can't say this enough, you've said it perfectly.:clapping:
some folks feel guilty for taken his talent for granted and then others really didn't get exposed to his work believe it or not. then the element of death makes some folks see other things they may have missed.

bottom line no disrespect to other acts who lost there lives but the MJ afterlife is gonna be even bigger than before because he is a timeless artist who already was larger than life to so many. just you wait and see.
I am always glad to see new fans I would rather Michael was loved and respected, even if it is just for his music, than hated. The more people who support Michael the better.

i dont know, why are people becoming fans? i guess because it tends to happen after something big...?
you know... maybe the ''somewhat'' older folks remember being fans of michael in the J5 era, and then later out came Thriller and Michael got so many more new fans, or when Bad-Danergous hit...more fans. the Trial... more fans, after trial.... even more fans.
It sometimes takes something big for people to notice. so why would death be any different?
i do sometimes feel though that there are people who tend to be attracted to people in death more than in life. which is odd to me. when you were around when they were alive too. ..

but, i feel bad for the newer fans getting insulted for simply being new fans, reading the rude comments on peoples ''Sign up dates'' after Michael had died. For one thing, the long time fans could also have those sign up dates too, but they simply did not sign up til after for support. and if its a new fan , who cares??? Michael would welcome any new fan, plus, if Michael did not get new fans his ''legend status'' would not last too far into the future with the new generations. so its really pathetic with some comments on other threads insulting even younger fans.

its really kinda dumb to talk about, the only thing that matters is your relationship between you and Michael, not what other fans think is a ''real fan'' verses ''fake fan'' ....some people think they own Michael, but they don't. i don't care if they say..''well you weren't there during his hard spots''
Again, you dont' own Michael so don't insult... be happy new fans saw the light. and that hes also getting younger generations of fans.

The new fans who have written in their posts that they feel they have to prove something to older fans or feel unconfortable here now that hes died, let me tell you this judgement isn't new. i remember when i first signed up and there were some folks who would look at others sign up dates and assume if you did not join in 2005 or earlier you must be some new fan or weren't there during the trial. bullshiiiieeet, lmao so this isn't new.

a fan...is a fan...is a FAN! I dont care if you think you know about his personal side more than others, you own more or little albums than others, you been there and back or been there right now. you are a freakin' fan!
I am sick of NEW fans being called FAKE fans.
There is a huge difference!
I've been a huge fan of MICHAEL JACKSON THE MAN since I was 12 and I'm 19 now. I signed up for this forum after he..after what happened because I needed support and another fan told me how good it was...
I've been on the KOP forum for many years so how rude is it for someone to assume that just because the signup date is June that I am a new fan or a FAKE fan??
People will always be discovering Michael now and they will fall in love with him. That doesn't make them fake fans.
There are fake fans who are just liking him all of a sudden because "it's cool" (what they don't realize is that loving MJ has always been the COOLEST thing ever, imo anyway)

I love Michael and I don't really know what I'm talking about or where I'm going with this haha...

Let's just remember it's all for love. L.O.V.E :heart:
I believe people are becoming fans either because they realised all too late what we've lost. Or are as the general opinion goes and I tend to agree, they are bare faced hypocrites.

Why not love him, appreciate him, support him when he around to know about it, it makes me angry! If people could only have shown him such devotion then, his life would not have been so painful for him...these people who never cared for him back then - I've no time for them.
I am sick of NEW fans being called FAKE fans.
There is a huge difference!
I've been a huge fan of MICHAEL JACKSON THE MAN since I was 12 and I'm 19 now. I signed up for this forum after he..after what happened because I needed support and another fan told me how good it was...
I've been on the KOP forum for many years so how rude is it for someone to assume that just because the signup date is June that I am a new fan or a FAKE fan??
People will always be discovering Michael now and they will fall in love with him. That doesn't make them fake fans.
There are fake fans who are just liking him all of a sudden because "it's cool" (what they don't realize is that loving MJ has always been the COOLEST thing ever, imo anyway)

I love Michael and I don't really know what I'm talking about or where I'm going with this haha...

Let's just remember it's all for love. L.O.V.E :heart:

I couldn't agree more! I joined in August, but for the same reason. I've been a fan for a long time, but after it happened, I really wanted to be with other fans. I personally don't look at join dates when I talk with other members, that doesn't matter to me at all. I just worry that with all these threads lately about new fans and when you joined etc, it might put new members off posting because don't feel "good" enough to be part of the forum, which I would hate to happen. To me, everyone is welcome here, regardless of when you joined. :)
I've been an MJ fan since I was 9-10 and I'll tell you now, the amount of times I was teased in primary school! I'm just glad the world appreciates him...I actually cry sometimes over it, its a blessing. Its a pleasure to see people pick up his CD and listen to the greatest artist, singer, dancer, entertainer...of all the times in the history of lifeeee. I love it, everyone jump on the bandwagon! Because once you are on, you would never get off!