Why are people becoming Michael Jackson fans?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
People are becoming fans is a good thing.. If you really like some of his songs. But there some people that say " I like the few songs yet don't know much about MJ. What makes a person a real MJ fan? I know a few people who tell me that they only like a few MJ songs.
I think from the moment you get interested by one song for example.. then you buy an album, another, and from the MOMENT you decide to do some research on the man, not just on his music, then you're.. caught in the fandom and it just gets bigger.

I always tought that to be a Michael Jackson fan, you have to understand suffering, criticizing and injustice, you probably felt it once, you care for others, you want to save the world and you want to hold this 50 years old little kid in your arm and tell him you love him...

When you have that, I think you have everything to be a MJ fan, and you probably will if you take that step into the 'out of ignorance' process.
I think it's great that his fanbase is growing for the first time in a long time. It just sucks it took all this happening for it to become reality.

To be a real MJ fan...I think a lot of it has to do with not just liking a few songs here and there. I think it also comes with understanding his "essence". Understanding and relating to innocence and being partial to good nature and purity and positivity and love. I know it sounds like I'm just speaking in platitudes here, and I guess I am. But you MJ fans....you know what I'm talking about.
I believe that it's if they've heard a vast majority of his songs and desire to know more about him.
Your friends are most likely casual fans. My mom only got Thriller for Thriller, Beat It, and Billie Jean. :p Plus the Dancing Machine and Rockin Robin 45s and she likes some of the other J5/early Michael stuff. Casual fan example.
If you feel like a fan of MJ then you're a fan of MJ... It's as simple as that in my eyes. Doesn't matter if you know his favorite color or not, or only know his most popular material.
If you feel like you're a fan, who's to say you're not?
I think because my parents listen to MJ when they was growing up. The fact is that when I was small, I used to wacth "Moonwalker" tape when my aunt used to got it a long time ago. My mom used to have that MJ musical tape & me & my borhter used to danced my him & idolized him so much!
You are a casual fan if you follow a singer's music every now and then...

You are a true fan when you not only love the person as an artist but also as a person as well...

P.S. It's really easy to become a MJ fan if you were brought up in a non-bias environemnt... It doesn't take two brains to understand that Michael is a GENIOUS!
If you feel like a fan of MJ then you're a fan of MJ... It's as simple as that in my eyes. Doesn't matter if you know his favorite color or not, or only know his most popular material.
If you feel like you're a fan, who's to say you're not?

I agree.

I hear a lot of fans bashing "new fans" who only became interested in Michael after his death. But if they are genuine in their love and admiration for him and his music, then what's the problem?

Personally, I'm so happy that more and more people are coming out of the media-induced stupor they've been in for years and realizing that he was both an incredible artist and a good human being.
I've heard a lot of people say things like "wow, I never realized x or y about Michael Jackson...they press really did lie about him. What a shame". And every time I hear something like this I feel happy, because it feels like a little bit of vindication for Michael and a loss for the tabloid press.

(And YES it's truly horrible that it took his death to wake people up, but this is something we have to accept.)

I embrace anyone who calls themselves a fan, and I hope others do the same.
It doesn't matter how long you've been a fan or whether you own every single song he ever recorded. All that matters is genuine love and respect.
I think there are different layers of fans for any artist. it just depends how devoted to their music you are!
I'm a Michael Jackson fan.
A lot of people say that when they really mean "I'm a Michael Jackson music fan."
I love his music to death and believe he's in a league of his own when it comes to performing.
But above all of that -
I am a fan, a lover, of Michael Joseph Jackson.

And I think that's what counts.
i don't really like the term fan for some reason, i guess the true meaning of "fan" is someone that's a fanatic. But i think if you just admire, respect and enjoy an artist that makes you a fan.
(And YES it's truly horrible that it took his death to wake people up, but this is something we have to accept.)

Your right with that, "converted fans" since his death probably did use to just read the press and think he was strange and never bothered to look into it, now MJ's the " in " hype, they start to look into his life working backwards which gives them a new admiration and start to question the media etc... which takes me back to your line ... :)
I've always been a fan. It's just my level of being a fan has increased tremendously since his passing. Before I didn't have the desire to listen all of his music. I just knew most of the hits or more popularly well known songs. Aside from the music I always admired him as a person. I could identify with certain things like his shyness. Now in doing further research I see that we have a lot in common that I did not know about before.

I think I always believed he wasn't capable of the things he was accused of. But that was mostly by instinct (and that he was fully acquitted - which I have frustratingly learned isn't enough for some people). He just always conveyed a certain innocence of spirit. I didn't really explore the details of the accusations until after. Then I purchased the Aphrodite Jones book and that clarified things for me factually.

And me joining an MJ message board...that was new. But I needed to mourn along with others who felt the same affection for him. And I wanted to learn more about him. I feel like most of the people around me aren't feeling the enormity of this loss like I am. Here they get it.

His death made me pause and ask what happened. What went wrong? What have I missed? Why haven't I heard this song before? Why didn't I know this or that about him before?

His life passed before my eyes when he died. Every stage from his childhood with the Jackson 5 to the present was reviewed in my mind. And I realized the incredible loss.

Prior to his death I owned one book on MJ...the first edition Moonwalk (which I immediately pulled from my bookshelf to re-read). After his death I have read three MORE books about MJ. My awareness of him has changed completely. And it's regretful it happened now. I am surely kicking myself for not paying more attention and for not fully appreciating him while he was still here.
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If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.
If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.

That's not necessarily true. Michael's last album was back in 2001, and it didn't get a lot of airplay. A lot of people just were not familiar with the scope of his work. Sure, they knew of him, but I've loved him forever, and I'm hearing some of his cuts for the first time.

And just think of all the little kids who absolutely love him. I mean you've got 2 year olds dancing to Michael. It's the exposure to his work that is garnering a lot of new fans.

For myself, I just think Michael was magical. I've loved a lot of performers, but no one EVER affected me like Michael. I can't explain why someone we don't directly know can touch us so deeply that I grieve them like a family member. And frankly, I don't want to know. I'm just glad Michael Jackson happened in my lifetime and I was a fan.
If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.

I completely disagree, everyone is allowed to change their mind.
Would you rather they stay ignorant and continue hating MJ?
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good question. I actually became a fan not because of his talent but because the message he always sends to people, LOVE.
I just truly dislike the people who are 'fans' just because the current 'in' thing to do is be a MJ fan. They have all the hits on their phones and stuff just there but know nothing about the King and they may even be the ones who talked bad about him before his death. I know one idiot like that.
If you became a fan after he died and/or didn't support him through the trial, your a pretender.

Yup! It's what I call the "Fair Weather Fans". Now since he has passed it's all good and MJ was a great guy with them. They scrutiny from the media is not so so much anymore (still bad though with some) but easier from some the hang with.

Now I do know people that became fans during the trial because they started researching MJ and the same with people after his death. Some truly just did not take the time to discover MJ and now they are. These are the people who never really said anything bad about him but are just not discovering him. So they cool.

But to those people who were talking ish about him 2 weeks before he died and did not care for him. They can stay where they are and fall back.:mello::yes: Shoot we the ones who had to stand up for MJ and drop knowledge on folks, verbal fights, and whatever else. Nothing compared to what MJ went through but I have been standing up for mike when all the ish hit the fan in the 90's. I was about 11 then.

and more respect to the fans who had to defend against when they started with him in the 80's. MJ fans are some strong smart people! We learned from the best! MJ was so much more than what people thought him to be and this film gives a glimpse of that.
I posted this in another thread too but it feels right to post it here too. :)

I don't think it matters if fans became fans last decade or last week. What matters to me is that Michaels fan base is growing even more, not that I ever thought it would be possible. And all this is helping his legacy to grow stronger. The more 'younger generation' fans that their are means that they'll be listening to it into their "older years" and their kids will become fans and their kids etc. All this meaning that Michael's legacy and legend will live forever, and that's what matters :)
I think because my parents listen to MJ when they was growing up. The fact is that when I was small, I used to wacth "Moonwalker" tape when my aunt used to got it a long time ago. My mom used to have that MJ musical tape & me & my borhter used to danced my him & idolized him so much!

My parents got me into him at first too !! but know I'm more of a fan than both of them put together :)
I'm a Michael Jackson fan.
A lot of people say that when they really mean "I'm a Michael Jackson music fan."
I love his music to death and believe he's in a league of his own when it comes to performing.
But above all of that -
I am a fan, a lover, of Michael Joseph Jackson.

And I think that's what counts.

Well said. I feel EXACTLY the same way.
Wow. You need to go listen to some more of his music, 'cause clearly you've missed most of his messages....

True MJ fan stick with Michael through thick and thin, no matter what.
And yeah i do listen to all his music.
- "Watch the ones with the biggest smiles. The idle jabbers... 'cause they're the backstabbers"
Sadly must people only discovered his magic and talent after he died.It happens after any star dies. I welcome all new fans with open arms, just as Michael would.
True MJ fan stick with Michael through thick and thin, no matter what.
And yeah i do listen to all his music.
- "Watch the ones with the biggest smiles. The idle jabbers... 'cause they're the backstabbers"

"Sticking with Michael" after you've found him is one thing - and I totally agree with you on that - but you're assuming that everyone knew all about him all along, but decided to turn on him until he died.
Not everyone was as informed before. You can't fault them for that. How can you possibly blame someone for not having been exposed? You can't control when or how you discover something.
What truly sucks is that, for a lot of people, his death was the first time they'd been made aware of things, the first time that he became readily accessible, and the first time they'd heard his music (or had been able to put a song with a name). You have to remember that he simply hasn't been present in the last 5-8 years. The trial dominated that era. That is what sucks.
I discovered Michael myself when i was 13 i think, i just saw/hear him once, then started to hear all his music, i love all kinds of music but Michael, i think im a perfectionist and also passioned for music like Michael, but as far as a person i am a fan of him only, i am also a fan of all good music, but Michael is like so freakin talented i just became a fan of HIM without noticing it, he was the ONE, he had it ALL
I think from the moment you get interested by one song for example.. then you buy an album, another, and from the MOMENT you decide to do some research on the man, not just on his music, then you're.. caught in the fandom and it just gets bigger.

That's how I got sucked in back in 1995-_-