Whoopi Goldberg defends Michael Jackson tooth and nail!

I'd say Whoopi is probably the most level-headed person on that show. It actually kind of makes the show watchable.

The reason that they're just talking about him now was because they've been away for a few weeks and this is the first new show since.
this peter king guy seriously reminds me of someone...



just sayin

BWAHAHAHAHA! You're right!!!
This is my first post. I just uploaded the video of Whoop defending Michael on The View to my channel. It's still processing, so just wait a few minutes.


When I turned on CNN this morning and saw that salacious Peter King video, I wanted to throw something at my TV, I was so angry. That guy is ignorant, hateful, and IMO a racist. He obviously only knows what the media has said about MJ and has not done any research. Why attack Michael? If he is so angry that there is so much coverage on MJ, then attack the networks!!

There is a poll on CNN's Rick Sanchez's blog about if you agree with Peter King or not:


56% don't think that MJ is a 'pervert'. 38% agree with King. 6% are on the fence. This is out of only about 3400 votes, though.

ahh thanks !!
I felt a strong need to defend Michael against this horrible man. I've also uploaded a video from MSNBC who talked to 3 political analysts, including Republican Pat Buchanan. All three analysts were in agreement that Peter King had overstepped boundaries (to put in lightly) and defended Michael against those comments.

MSNBC: Political Analysts Defend Michael Jackson against Republican Peter King's Salacious Comments
i just saw some idiots talking heads on CNN saying that King hit a nerve with people, and all of them saying they wouldn't leave their kids with Michael, one talking head even say "he covered the trial, I wouldn't leave my kids with MJ"

What an idiot
i just saw some idiots talking heads on CNN saying that King hit a nerve with people, and all of them saying they wouldn't leave their kids with Michael, one talking head even say "he covered the trial, I wouldn't leave my kids with MJ"

What an idiot

The way some of these people talk about Michael Jackson you'd think he was a registered sex offender. In any case, I'm glad some people in the media are actually taking the high road and refusing to bash Michael. He hasn't even been buried yet. It's a matter of being tactful.
Unfortunately, the same audience laughed at the cow's "Nanny cam" joke. If no one laughed, that'd be powerful...but what do you expect?
Go Whoppi.. she's not someone you can mess around with.

And I never understood why fans like people based on whether or not they like Michael. Anyways....

I think that not whether they liked Micheal or not is really what determined anything, but it's sort of a litmus test for seeing if people are just meanspirited or just brainf***ed.
glad whoopi always speaks her mind and not conform to what other people say like Joy..i thought Joy was different, but apparently not. btw was this the first time whoopi mentioned the death of michael on todays show.. or is there another show too? so i know everything she said on his passing.

The show was in re-runs for a few days, Today was the first day back live so that's why they are just adressing it.
I'm glad the hear that Whoopi was standing up for Michael. Some people just don't have a heart. Imagine if Michael's kids turned on the tv and saw that congressmen talking about their father that way. His comments were out of line, and I hope Michael's family sue him for slander because enough is enough.
Go Whoppi.. she's not someone you can mess around with.

And I never understood why fans like people based on whether or not they like Michael. Anyways....

i understand it completely because people don't come up to me or respond by saying they dont like his dancing or his songs which is purely opinion because it's art, they come up to me and discuss the rumours and gossip. That's says alot about them as people. It's insult to him and art in general.

I stand for Art,Entertainment, Individuality.
Not for Gossip, Rumour & Hearsay.
It also sickens me like when I saw a little of showbiz tonight and can't believe there are even these debates if it's ok to criticise MJ even in death.
I love Whoopi she stands up for what she believes in and she's honest. I got a lot of respect for her she's always balanced on that show and she's REAL and she's got no agenda but truth and real facts. She doesn't try to dress stuff up like Hasselbeck and she doesn't force her opinion on everyone like Joy.

Was really happy for Whoopi to explain that a lot of people end up settling out of court. Cause people try to make out the settlement was due to a sinister reason as opposed to a legal reason.