Whoopi Goldberg defends Michael Jackson tooth and nail!

This is just so not fair. In a week from today, Michael was suppose to be able to say "Screw all of you." But, he can't now. Why does the hate tend to prevail? It is so not fair to him when they just give out passes to everyone else.

If you noticed, later when talking about Sarah Palin, Hasselbeck's first comment to suggestions of possible legal inappropriateness was that she was never indicted on anything. Yet, when that was offered as a defense for Michael with the first accuser of course it wasn't good enought.

I would take a million Michaels to their one hypocratic self.
Trust me before it's all over and the Jackson's began to take the air waysMichael will prevail!
Whoopi also said when the issue of past "settlements" came up that she too can understand why he paid as a celebrity and that she has paid settlements before to make things go away so she can move on.
Who cares what this low life loser had to say? I'm talking about Joy. They can talk all they want. No one will remember them years from now. Michaels impact on music and the world will be forever remembered and his legacy will surpass these angry miserable people.

I admire Whoopi for standing up for Michael.
Yes, I remember her so excited about Michael's tour announcement in London, she said she would like to go and also during the trial she was verry vocal in support of Michael on the show as well.

glad whoopi always speaks her mind and not conform to what other people say like Joy..i thought Joy was different, but apparently not. btw was this the first time whoopi mentioned the death of michael on todays show.. or is there another show too? so i know everything she said on his passing.
This is my first post. I just uploaded the video of Whoop defending Michael on The View to my channel. It's still processing, so just wait a few minutes.


When I turned on CNN this morning and saw that salacious Peter King video, I wanted to throw something at my TV, I was so angry. That guy is ignorant, hateful, and IMO a racist. He obviously only knows what the media has said about MJ and has not done any research. Why attack Michael? If he is so angry that there is so much coverage on MJ, then attack the networks!!

There is a poll on CNN's Rick Sanchez's blog about if you agree with Peter King or not:


56% don't think that MJ is a 'pervert'. 38% agree with King. 6% are on the fence. This is out of only about 3400 votes, though.
It really makes me very angry when they make negative comments about him especially after he is dead, thanks to Whoopi for standing up for him.
I like the way they have been snidey on that poll and not given us a straight up ''NO'' .. Basically there are 2 yes buttons and an on the fence button.
Thanks for uploading the video.Thanks Whoopi for standing up for Michael.
I'm sick of people bringing up the fact that Michael said he shared his bed with children. Michael was not the sick one, they are the sick one's with the sick minds for thinking that bed equals sex.

and they always fail to mention that Michael said he slept on the floor
I like the way they have been snidey on that poll and not given us a straight up ''NO'' .. Basically there are 2 yes buttons and an on the fence button.

Ugh. I hate that so much. Even a lot of the people who do say positive things about Michael, they often do so in a way that implicitly accepts the allegations/criticisms of him just like the poll ("Of course he was weird, but his music was good", "He may have been a perv, but he sure knew how to dance," "Because he just died, we'll ignore the horrible evil things he did and just focus on his good side" [which leaves me like "WTF?! What evil things?]). It just makes me want to scream! Why don't they question that stuff? Don't they realize that not everyone accepts their presuppositions?
Ugh. I hate that so much. Even a lot of the people who do say positive things about Michael, they often do so in a way that implicitly accepts the allegations/criticisms of him just like the poll ("Of course he was weird, but his music was good", "He may have been a perv, but he sure knew how to dance," "Because he just died, we'll ignore the horrible evil things he did and just focus on his good side" [which leaves me like "WTF?! What evil things?]). It just makes me want to scream! Why don't they question that stuff? Don't they realize that not everyone accepts their presuppositions?

that is well said. very true. so, they let us SEE that they rigged the poll. but they are so caught up in their blind hate, they're blinded to that fact.
People WANT to believe bad stuff about others because it makes them feel better about themselves somehow. It's a sickness. Those of us living in reality can see the truth and the truth is Michael was a good man, no if and or buts about it.
this peter king guy seriously reminds me of someone...



just sayin
This is my first post. I just uploaded the video of Whoop defending Michael on The View to my channel. It's still processing, so just wait a few minutes.


When I turned on CNN this morning and saw that salacious Peter King video, I wanted to throw something at my TV, I was so angry. That guy is ignorant, hateful, and IMO a racist. He obviously only knows what the media has said about MJ and has not done any research. Why attack Michael? If he is so angry that there is so much coverage on MJ, then attack the networks!!

There is a poll on CNN's Rick Sanchez's blog about if you agree with Peter King or not:


56% don't think that MJ is a 'pervert'. 38% agree with King. 6% are on the fence. This is out of only about 3400 votes, though.

Thanks for uploading and I voted!!! everyone should tooo!! =]:yes:
it's the time that the press realizes they were the only ones who hated him. They made the stories which kicked him off his throne and off the screens. They are responsible for him not making music. It's time they say sorry.
I think I have a newfound love for Whoopi. She was understanding and representin Mike before that hag, you go gurl! And she was very articluate...Love ya Whoopi!

She made some comments to him being asexual, but I can forgive her for that cuz she quite clearly expressed it as her opinion.
it's the time that the press realizes they were the only ones who hated him. They made the stories which kicked him off his throne and off the screens. They are responsible for him not making music. It's time they say sorry.

True but flying pigs come to mind. The majority of the press don't have a conscience.
It's time the Jackson family take a stronger stand against these idiots criticizing Michael like this Congressman and file a lawsuit against their ass. Defame of character, The Jacksons as a group and the Jackson family name.

If only someone in the Jackson family done the above mentioned sooner it would have put a stop to this unresistant media assault that MJ has taken throughout his life in recent years.

Put their money where their mouth is.
yay whoopi :yes:
I was so happy when she shut Joy up! And thanks for posting the youtube vid