Who was MJ's Soulmate?

oh my god can you guys imagine if MJ and lady diana had married. The king and the princess!!

Ya know what is interesting is I could have seen them being a couple. Well it would probably be disastrous as far as the media and coverage would be concerned. But I could have seen them together and I know he was quite fond of her and vice versa.
Re: Liz & Michael: Many of you say it would have been great if she is younger and they could have been a couple. I'm not sure. Sometimes it's just better to stay friends, if the relationship goes on to another level that could just complicate things and sometimes poison things. (Let's not forget Liz had 8 marriages, so she definitely wasn't an easy person to live with. Michael the same - he told that to the rabbi himself.)

I have read once Diana Ross told to a friend she was aware that Michael had a crush on her. In fact, Michael told her since he was 12 that he was gonna marry her. And the friend asked if she never thought of Michael like that and she said she doesn't want that because she loves Michael too much and if they'd be romantically involved that could just ruin things between them if it doesn't turn out well. And he couldn't bear losing Michael like that.

I guess that's the same with Liz too.
Rumors were Diana Ross was his first, wouldn't surprise me. A "cougar" couldn't of been very popular back then hence Diana's silence.
Call me crazy, but I know he's my soulmate & I am his soulmate. The second I layed eyes on Michael, I knew that he was my soulmate. I was able to see memories of us in the part but I had never met him before. He was my dream man, he was in all of my dreams. But I lost him ...fate was so cruel to rip us apart, leaving me with an ever bleeding heart, and I know his heart is bleeding too. We have been seperated by the impossible, but absence only make the heart grow fonder. I feel his spirit under my skin and his love overwhelming my heart, his gentle touch and his wonderful hugs. He is my favorite soul of all and I pray that some day we will reunite..... ..I love him more than life and beyond death ....more than words can even describe. I'm trying now to put the feeling into words I know that it's really beyond description...beyond words...And yet maybe one word comes a little close........"Love".
Rumors were Diana Ross was his first, wouldn't surprise me. A "cougar" couldn't of been very popular back then hence Diana's silence.
Agreed. We know it was more than just a crush. They shared the deepest secrets, which is what he said in an interview.

And Liz Taylor

And an unknown woman-I hope he found his soulmate in a woman we never or rarely heard of cuz that means their relationship was protected from all the gossips and tabloids. I also hope this woman was everything a soulmate could be-lover, friend, sister, auntie, mother, grandmother, all these combined in one person. Makes me return to Diana Ross again. If I had to name only 1 person, I'd say, yeah, Diana Ross.
I'd like to think it was me :D
In reality though, him and Diana Ross would have gone well together...and Diana would have treated him well. :)
But I guess we'll never know.
Perhaps it was Me? :shifty: hehehe
nah i would say his fans, or Liz!
I think Michael really loved women. You know, there was the Michael all the medias knew " shy, uncomortable, etc.." but i really think it was a game he played. I sincerely think that he knoew how to deal with the media to give a icon image - an angel image - Michael was simply a man who liked women like every guy on earth..

I know you gonna kill me ;-) But as there was MJ in the oxygen chamber, MJ with elephant man, i think MJ wanted people believe he was DIFFERENT..
I have read so many true stories, and when i met him in Geneva, he was with a gorgeous woman...so....

thx for your attention :)
he loved women but not the way you think..

I absolutely believe he has a pure soul, better than most people on earth, yes. But I'm not sure what you're suggesting. You're saying he didn't have sex with Lisa (or other women)? or read some kind of magazines? If I'm not mistaken his lawyers said he freely admitted to read that kind of stuff.

Please dont get me wrogn, I'm just trying to understand what you're saying :)
Of course he was a pure soul, but I think he wanted to protect his real private life.

Please give me a break He is pure unadulterated man!!!!!! Never will a Crotch be so wonderfully grabbed in this life time again. I have seen him smack a Woman's bottom in two different short films. Please he must have loved giving as much as he loved getting!!!
I would say Lisa Marie. Neither of them could give what the other wanted at the time, but in the end I think she was the one who got away. I don't think they ever stopped caring about each other either.