Who was MJ's Soulmate?

I always had the feeling that Lady Diana and michael are soulmates...

He probably has more than one.
I think it was Debbie Rowe who do you think?

This is just my opinion you all I truly feel Michael didn’t allow his self to love again after his children because of so much heartache its written in his songs.

to me a soul mate is someone you find after death so I always replace soul mate with living mate. I would say Debbie was his phileo love a deep friendship that is deeper than passion this love lasts forever it depend on if you are willing to deal with the person flaws, down falls everything that comes into a relationship/friendship I now deeply understand why she had the kids for him and why he truly appreciated her that documentary he did with martin failure speaks for it self.
mate some one who consort each other in ways people can’t understand. (lol trust me I once had this in my life).

Lisa was his true compassion mate/ Agape love how they act towards one another only if she took the time to understand him even though his was on a mission he went by any means necessary to get what he want Agape love can also be strong if the couple is willing to make it work when the other person feels its time to move on they would stray without a trace..
Actually, everyone that says Elizabeth is right I believe. :) It seems to me like she is his soulmate in friendship terms. But I think you can have more than one soulmate; many even.
Do you mean romantic soulmate? In my mind romantic soulmates are kindred spirits who stay with each other and ONLY each other through good times and bad times forever and ever. That is my definition, anyway. Doesn't appear to me that Michael ever found that, sadly (and who has, really).

I think Michael and Elizabeth Taylor were soulmates in friendship.

To my knowledge Diana Ross never reciprocated Michael's romantic feelings but they were probably soulmates in friendship as well.
speaking of michael's soulmate i don't think michael trust himself enough to find a soulmate?
later on michael's childern were/are michael's soulmates
i know michael write a song about diana ross called dirty diana
a close friend of michael who he spend with is elizabeth talor
michael was married to lisa? not much talk of romantic feelings/thoughts
michael did date brooke
and michael got fan(sail)mail send to neverland home that he did not find to open after michael died michael start looking for a new soulmate he spend time in heaven
I agree :yes: or maybe someone among the fan community who he never met :wub: just a thought

I always get sad when people say his fans were his real friends/soul mates etc. He did say that in that "Beat it" interview in 1983, but that was kind of sad too. It just showed how lonely he was if, when talking about friends, the first thing that came into his mind was fans. Everybody needs REAL friends with whom you can share intimate secrets, whom you can trust etc. Sorry, but fandom won't do that.
After all the stuff I've read on another board, I believe it was Lisa =D
I don't personally feel he ever had a "soul-mate" to speak of...otherwise he would have been with someone.

But, even though I know people won't like this...I always thought him and Tatiana Thumbtzen were a cute couple back in the day and it is kinda weird to me to think that they were never "together". At least officially...at least from what we know I guess.
I think that only Debbie healed the mind of MJ
Elizabeth Taylor. If she was his age, they would have had 10 kids by now and happily married for years!

Didn't Michael mention Liz Taylor in the tapes (book) and about how if they went there, the media wouldn't have been kind or something?
You are right I do think it is Liz Taylor. It is a big shame about the age gap though. They would have made a wonderful Couple and she was and still is so beautiful......
Michael's soul mate. I would say the person who remained closest to Michael was Miko Brando. They were like brothers, so I'd say he was Michael's soul mate.

I'd say Elisabeth Taylor was his Soul Mate as far as love goes. I think she's the only person he told everything about himself to. They were both child stars who became more famous as they got older, and became Icons which is rare. So they will be a unique bond between them. And Michael did say in an interview around 1999, along the lines that she was his soul mate, as he said they come from the same Star !
Elizabeth Taylor. If she was his age, they would have had 10 kids by now and happily married for years!
Didn't Michael mention Liz Taylor in the tapes (book) and about how if they went there, the media wouldn't have been kind or something?

that would have been beautiful
imagine this Elizabeth
with this MJ
quoting from Thomas Moore's beautiful book Soul Mates -

"A soul mate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts , but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life. We may find a soul partner in many different forms of relationship - in friendship, marriage, work, play and family. It is a rare form of intimacy, but is not limited to one person or one form."

having said that, i don't want to hazard a guess because i don't really know the nature of his relationships.
quoting from Thomas Moore's beautiful book Soul Mates -

"A soul mate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts , but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life. We may find a soul partner in many different forms of relationship - in friendship, marriage, work, play and family. It is a rare form of intimacy, but is not limited to one person or one form."

having said that, i don't want to hazard a guess because i don't really know the nature of his relationships.
I agree. :yes: This is so intimate and private that only Michael could say. But there is no doubt that there a very strong bond and intense Michael with fans. :wub:

This quoting from Thomas Moore's was beautiful and perfect. :yes: :wub: