Who was MJ's Soulmate?

^ lol

i think it was Lisa Marie/Diana Ross
^ Probably someone we don't know, I agree. :)
Of the people we do know I would say Lisa Marie. In another time I believe they could have lasted.

no no! of course not!
I dont like talking in past tense. I just cant bring myself to do that :no:
someone :heart:Michael didn't find...

True, if he have a soul mate, she would have been with him until the end and he would have much more support to go through TII without propofol!

I always think if Elizabeth Taylor is much younger, she could have been with MJ. She seems so loyal and she doesn't have soul mate either. That is why she married 7 times and broke up with all of them! hahah!
I think Lady Diana was his soul mate. He said once that she is a amazing women with style and class. And she cared about those in need just like he did.
They would be a couple made in heaven. ( besides me and Mike....of course...ha, ha )
he told himself in the geraldo interview when asked who were his best friends michael told him he probably wouldn,t know them.

So i would say.

Unknown person ;-)
Well to be honest with you all I think that we are all his Soulmates because we miss him and all feel some form of connection with him either through his Music of fancying or just Loving him for who he was and the empathy that we feel for him and his Children.

We miss his dance moves, his lovely sweet smile, that sexy American Drawl of his, that swagger in his walk, his Spin, his White Socks, the red Shirt...... I can go on.

I think that Elizabeth Taylor may be his TwinSoul as they were so close!!!!!!
I don't know really. Probably the fans-he loved them and we loved him unconditionally. Plus his children, I believe they were his soulmates!
I think he found his soul mate in everyone that has been mentioned. a part of each. I think everyone was diiferent to michael. he found something special in each one. i feel Diana R. & Diana S. were spirits he felt deeply for. LMP also,but the two Dianas for sure.
I think if he had a soul mate, he would want to protect that, so maybe someone we don't know...
its hard to say who his soulmate was because he had so many people in his life. as far as a romantic realationships i would eather say Brooke Sheilds or Lisa Marie. Lisa Marie was very devestated over his passing and seemed to truly regret not being there for him or helping him knowing he was going down the same path as her dad. the same with Brooke. She seems to truly regret got taking the time to call him or help him when he needed someone who understood and she was one of the few who did. She doesnt seem to want to admit it but i get the feeling she was in love with michael and feels remorse over his passing. Friends i would say Diana Ross and Liz Taylor. They loved Michael dearly and truly cared about him and im sure they wish they would have done something to save him. and for true uncondishtional love i would definetly say The fans. We love him so much and he knew we loved him and felt that love and and we felt it right back. We fought for him, we were always there fir when he needed us and we will always keep fighting for him no matter what. I would say that Michael and his fans were a great love affair that the media and everyone eles just never seemed to understand.