Who is the best Joker ? Jack or heath

best joker

  • Jack Nicholson

    Votes: 32 47.1%
  • Heath Ledger

    Votes: 36 52.9%

  • Total voters
cant say both just as good for being different, Jack captured the whacky side that Ledger didnt
that's not even remotely true. ledger seemed way more insane. not just darker. he literally seemed wackier and more out of touch with reality. jack nicholson wasn't playing the joker. he was playing jack nicholson. his personality, his tone of voice, his attitude was the same as it always is. He acted like Jack Nicholson. NOt saying he isn't a talented actor who can convincly convey emotion while having a dominating stage presence. I'm just saying he acted not like the Joker. He acted like Jack Nicholson. I really don't think he was at all right for the part. He was chosen to bring a big name to the movie to help attract audiences.

and Ledger went into the dark side that Jack didnt

one things for sure though, Ledgers Joker is the most overrated thing of all time
the performance he gave required a LOT of talent. It was unlike anything weve ever seen before. critics aren't caught up in trends or the fact that he died. and they were kind unanimous in their praise for the performance he gave.
that's not even remotely true. ledger seemed way more insane. not just darker. he literally seemed wackier and more out of touch with reality. jack nicholson wasn't playing the joker. he was playing jack nicholson. his personality, his tone of voice, his attitude was the same as it always is. He acted like Jack Nicholson. NOt saying he isn't a talented actor who can convincly convey emotion while having a dominating stage presence. I'm just saying he acted not like the Joker. He acted like Jack Nicholson. I really don't think he was at all right for the part. He was chosen to bring a big name to the movie to help attract audiences.

the performance he gave required a LOT of talent. It was unlike anything weve ever seen before. critics aren't caught up in trends or the fact that he died. and they were kind unanimous in their praise for the performance he gave.

lol..how do we know what's in the mind of critics on somn like this?
that's not even remotely true. ledger seemed way more insane. not just darker. he literally seemed wackier and more out of touch with reality. jack nicholson wasn't playing the joker. he was playing jack nicholson. his personality, his tone of voice, his attitude was the same as it always is. He acted like Jack Nicholson. NOt saying he isn't a talented actor who can convincly convey emotion while having a dominating stage presence. I'm just saying he acted not like the Joker. He acted like Jack Nicholson. I really don't think he was at all right for the part. He was chosen to bring a big name to the movie to help attract audiences.
sorry but that part made me laugh :lol: so he was playing himself ? lol funny how i've never seen him act like a psychotic clown in real life like he did in the movie. his character had the cartoon element and u cannot see the jack nicholson attitude in the joker character at all except from the beginning before he turned into the joker. jack has been so connected to the joker character that ppl oversee the fact that its just a performance and think that its really him lol. thats how i see it at least.
he acts just like that in every movie. yeah he might not be planning schemes to destroy the city or wearing make up, but his demeanor is the same in that movie as it is in every other movie.
every great actor has a unique personal style. that doesnt mean he doesnt nail every character he plays.
every great actor has a unique personal style. that doesnt mean he doesnt nail every character he plays.

true.. my previous comments on Ledger were that he had a unique style specifically to the joker, instead of just unique to himself. his personality in that movie was unlike his personality from any movie he had done before, which is why I made the comment about talent. It was an example of diverse acting abilities.
I think the Nicholson issue is almost impossible to determine, because Jack Nicholson himself is a character. A character in his own movie :)
The easiest way to find an answer is to ask yourself which Joker you would be most frightened to be captured in an elevator with, and for me that is Jack.

And just like you guys said, Heath's joker really is overrated.
I wish they'd make him "more" - let him be more psycho, be more violent, be more of everything.

It's something very unpleasant with Jack's joker, you feel uncomfortable even looking at the TV screen.

so blowing up a hospital, submitting video murders of himself slashing people's throats to the media on a daily basis, ripping people's mouths open with a knife, initiating people into his gang via last-man-standing w/ pool cues, forcing someone to listen to their loved one die, giving civilians and prisoners the power to blow one antoher up, smashing a guy's eye into a pencil, setting up hostages to get executed by the police, setting off a bomb in a guy's stomach, and creating an atmosphere of chaos and terror wasn't psychotic or violent enough for you? Wow.
as for who's 'better,' i voted for heath but i liked them both. i thought heath personified the whole 'agent of chaos' angle better, as well as summizing the relationship of batman vs the joker as 'an unstoppable force vs an unmovable object.' to me, the joker doesn't care about $, allegiances to anyone, or anything -- he just cares about F'ing w/ Batman and riling people up, and i think the movie/heath did an excellent job @ that.

as for jack, he was great too. i don't see the need to put one performance down because i prefer another as 'better.' both did well at personifying certain points of a character who's been around for 70 yrs or so and therefor has MANY facets. what i liked about jack: the prostetics, the over-the-top side of the joker, the origin, the fun yet 'don't F w/ me' attitude, the grisley yet fun ways of killing (the hand buzzer, the big gun pointed at the batplane), etc.

both are very quotable too, though i find jack more quotable: 'this town needs an enema'/we've got a live one here/where does he get those wonderful toys/stop the press. Who's that? vicky vale/oh we've got a live one here!/have you ever danced w/ the devil in the pale moon light? i always ask that of my prey/wait until they get a load of me . . . even michael keaton had some good lines: you wanna get nuts, let's get nuts!

and of course prince gave us batdance (lol), which probably accounted for a few of the quotes form above.

wow thinking of those burton movies has made me nolstalgic; i think i'm gonna watch them again today n' tomorrow lol

Long live Heath and Jack's performances! Embrace them both!
Heath wins hands down, i agree that Jack didn't play who the Joker really is. I had my doubts at first when i heard Heath was going to play him but as soon as i heard a sound clip of the laugh I was convinced he is the Joker I know and love. Jack just played a gangster in make-up, but then he had Tim Burton for direction who never bothered to find out who the characters really are.

Maybe people don't find Heath as scary because he proves that my puddin' is hot. (inner Harley Quinn shining through :p)

The new films just win hands down on all counts, more true to the comics and Batman actually kicks ass like he's meant to.

Loved the Mark Hamill comment!!!! hahaha!!
I thought Heath was terrifying and not just because of the crimes he committed but the way he behaved, talked, moved and everything. It was amazing! No way was he overrated.
How many of you in this thread actually read or watch other mediums of Batman other than the films?
Jack's Joker definatly had the better henchmen. I mean come on he had Bob with him!! And Bob is the man! :p
Heath. Jack was good, but he played himself. Heath actually became the character.
Heath Ledger, no question. He portrayed what Joker was truly about. Jack Nicholson, while good at the time, was more campy and turned Joker into a clown - when that really wasn't his persona. Joker was dark, dangerous, deadly, and diabolically insane - Heath captured his essence perfectly.

Heath actually became the character.
Yeah, that . . . .
Equal, I would say. Like Chaos said, they both interpreted aspects of the comic book charcater that the other did not. Maybe someday they'll be able to merge all these qualities together for the ultimate live action Joker, lol.

Agreed.They both play on different characteristics.I can't even compare them.Love both of them.
If l have to choose l like heath as the joker.But l don't mind jack as the joker either.

Susannah xx
Jack Nicholson gets my vote he made an uncanny Joker and his performance in 'Batman Returns' (best-loved of all Batman films) was extraordinary. Although one of the bad guys 'The Joker' is one of my all time favourite comic book characters. Clearly he was born to play that role, he brought out the essence of the character.

Heath Ledger's role was brilliant too but in a completely different way. His sinister and moody portrayal brought something refreshing to the character but I prefer Nicholson's mischievousness. The difference between the two was that when watching Nicholson you couldn't help but egg him on and like him. With Heath you were more inclined to dislike his character, he brought out a much darker Joker.

Remember when an actor dies in young and tragic way they're work is often elevated to a higher status regardless of whether it truly deserves to be or not. This might be true for Ledger's portrayal as 'The Joker' to a certain degree.
I voted for Heath.
I couldn't even watch Batman Returns all the way through. It's too cheesy for me.

I need a good scare. I need to feel the character come to live. To believe he could do me harm.
Heath showed that. From the way he swaggered on the screen, to the laugh, and the way he spoke his lines.

It was such a good movie in my eyes, that I watched it three times in the theater and have seen it at least four more times at home since I bought it.