Who got time magazine!!!!

I bought it today, it was the last one. I haven't read it yet, but the pictures look nice.
barnes & noble has it. also Newsweek. the pics in Time are really good. love the one in the middle that's 2 pages with his back to the audience with his arms out and his brothers playing.

there's a pic in one of them during the trial that shows sooooo much pain in his eyes it's hard to look at.
bought two. Is there anybody who would like to have one? they both look not that perfect in shape as they were the last... :) the first one who ansers will get it. as a present.
got mine in Walmart - also saw it in Royal Farms. If book/magazine stores are sold out, don't forget to check grocery stores and convenience stores that usually carry mags.
lol thriller was best selling with over 100 copies

What? OVER 100 copies!

Wow! I had no idea it had sold THAT many!

You'll be telling me that Michael Jackson was quite popular next!

Anyone know where I can buy it online? Like, without subscribing? I'm working ridiculous hours this week so dunno if I'll be able to get into town.
Try a local newsagent. They will sometimes order magazines for you.

Anyone know where I can buy it online? Like, without subscribing? I'm working ridiculous hours this week so dunno if I'll be able to get into town.
What? OVER 100 copies!

Wow! I had no idea it had sold THAT many!

You'll be telling me that Michael Jackson was quite popular next!


To be exact, 109 million copies of Thriller were sold....:bugeyed
I bought 2 copies at Barnes and Nobel :yes:
They have the magazines behind the counter
and will only allow 2 copies
They also have the Newsweek.
I called 4 borders locations and they were sold out. I mean SOLD OUT OF EVERY MICHAEL JACKSON Stuff they had. CD's DvD's Books you name it. So now I called Borders @ Tysons corner and they said they had it. and ama go and get it in bout an hour. hopefully they dont get sold out!

I went to my nearst Borders Location and only got NewsWeek Magazine. NinaB. said, the writer was kinda rude.

Yeah I didn't really care much for the Newsweek article but loved the pics. Between the two I like the Time magazine better :)
I still don't have it. :( Today I went to the store, checked the magazine spots, and not there. We've asked if they have anymore, or if they are selling it, and they said they had a limited amount of supply, and once they put it out it was gone. Sold out. O_O My dad then went to make a smart remark, ":blink: Haha, you guys sell all those "Star magazine", "People", tabloids, CRAP magazines, not selling well. And you have A LOT of them?! Psh."

I bought a copy --today---in Brisbane, Australia.
Mostly I like it-----could've shown a better picture when they came to Michael's plastic surgery.
On the whole it is the best I've come across.
This sucks, ppl all over the world have it and I can't get it here in the states bc I live in a smaller town... I hope they'll bring it tomorrow and they didn't just say that...
I bought a copy --today---in Brisbane, Australia.
Mostly I like it-----could've shown a better picture when they came to Michael's plastic surgery.
On the whole it is the best I've come across.
So they ARE selling it in Australia?!! :D:D
Awesome - gonna check tomorrow.
how much does it exactly cost?
how many pages r there in it? and how many pages about Michael? how about the content?
Can you guys post some pics inside, pleaseeee!!!

Is there anybody got 'People' ?
Argh, I'm going nuts! I've called Borders again and they don't have it yet, they said to call back this afternoon. I'm really losing hope...
i bought it from whsmiths
it was £3.50
it has 64 pages all about michael

front cover

Awesome pics


how much does it exactly cost?
how many pages r there in it? and how many pages about Michael? how about the content?
Can you guys post some pics inside, pleaseeee!!!
Is there anybody got 'People' ?
I have People. It does not have as many pages about Michael as Time, but I prefer it. It's very positive. I didn't like that Time had a section called [tabloid name for Jackson] which basically called his life and career from 1990(!) onward a failure. And the headline for one of the articles was very negative. I did not like it.

I don't have a scanner, but I'll see if I can get some pictures of People up.

Anyone got the Rolling Stones one? If it's good, I'm walking out right now to buy it.
I read it would be available July 10...
Here are some pictures from People. Sorry about the quality and glare of the light.


Other side of the cover:

The picture that sold me:




Here are some pictures from People. Sorry about the quality and glare of the light.


Other side of the cover:

The picture that sold me:





Thanks so much! is it a good tribute or are they trashing him?
I don't know what would be considered trashing by different people. I haven't read the articles in their entirety, but in leafing through it for you I did see mention of drug use and demerol in the article about his death, there are pictures of his children (absolutely adorable, but it might bother some although accompanied by sidebar and quotes about what a great father he was), there is a small picture of the incident with Blanket but with no negative commentary, there is a spread about plastic surgery mostly just showing pictures of his face throughout the years (I like seeing all the pictures but the some might find the topic itself undesirable), and there is a page about the allegations which is the most negative part of the magazine.

I don't think it trashes him. That might seem like a lot of lot of negative stuff, but I tried to identify every possible thing that might offend various fans. I think there is much more positive than negative, and I don't think it is worse than Time. There is also a nice article about his rise to superstardom, but on the whole it is not as article-heavy as Time. It is mostly comprised of pictures including a spread of pictures with him and many different celebrities. The best part of the magazine in my opinion, and why I bought it, was the back section. It has a bunch of full-page and full-spread pictures with nothing but a quote by him on each page.
I went out Wednesday and got the LAST copy from my local Barnes and Noble store. There was an entire stand for the magazine, 4 shelves, and there was only ONE copy left. I was so glad to get it. The girl who checked me out at the counter said she had set one aside for herself, I told her that was good because I got the LAST copy! She was shocked they were gone already! Other than the error about Thriller, it really is a beautiful tribute. I sat down and cried flipping through it. Even the back cover made me cry.

ETA: Thanks for the pics of People. I hope I'll be able to find a copy of that! I got Newsweek also on Wednesday, but it pales in comparison to Time.
i cant find it anywhere... *sigh*
i got hello magazine though. its not too bad.