Who do you prefer: Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?

I choose Britney Spears. She has always managed to make me speechless, and has stood by her image in terms of music.

What Christina regards her latest songs have really been some disappointment, I think. She does not exploit her amazing voice, like she used to do.

But speaking about their voices, Christina do clearly, without a doubt, have a much bigger voice than Britney.

That's just my opinion. :)
im not a fan of either but i do like christinas voice much better she has amazing pipes!! lol very versatile range!!!
well.. I don't had to think a lot to choose... of course Christina is better! (for me) I think she has such a better voice then Britney, ahe is amaizing ;)
We're talking about Apple and Orange in here.

But since you have asked.

I prefer Britney.

I admit Christina has the vocal power but it's empty. I can't get her feeling. Sorry to say but her vocal is soulless. I tried really hard to get into 'Beautiful' but failed.

For me, Christina is trying too hard to show off her vocal ability by adding too much growls with high pitch here and there. Too much that it becomes a distraction in her delivery to send the message inside her song.

There is only one song that I can really 'feel' from Christina. A song called So Emotional. It contains perfect amount of vocal without overly done. Yes, I have Christina's debut album. So Emotional is one of my all time favorite songs to listen to.

As for Britney, no she is not in the same league as Christina when it comes to vocal department. When she sings, she can be a hit or a miss.

A hit when she actually uses her own natural voice. A miss when she adds that boyband/girlband/bubblegum twang (like a spring being disconnected from something) and overly done robotic vocal.

Britney is capable of bleeding my ears. But she also can deliver a soulful voice when she actually sing. Ergo, Born to Make You Happy and particularly Everytime are both inside my Ipod. Everytime is one of my favorite songs to listen to while resting on my bed in complete darkness.

Sometimes you don't need a power house to be soulful and to deliver a soulful song. You just need to be truly sincere in delivering it.

Each to their own.

Completely agree. Christina tends to oversing and it's like it has no "flavour" but Britney can be really emotional although she doesn't have a wide range like Xtina.

Janet is kinda the same thing for me...not a huge range but she can deliver the emotions BEAUTIFULLY!
We're talking about Apple and Orange in here.

But since you have asked.

I prefer Britney.

I admit Christina has the vocal power but it's empty. I can't get her feeling. Sorry to say but her vocal is soulless. I tried really hard to get into 'Beautiful' but failed.

For me, Christina is trying too hard to show off her vocal ability by adding too much growls with high pitch here and there. Too much that it becomes a distraction in her delivery to send the message inside her song.

There is only one song that I can really 'feel' from Christina. A song called So Emotional. It contains perfect amount of vocal without overly done. Yes, I have Christina's debut album. So Emotional is one of my all time favorite songs to listen to.

As for Britney, no she is not in the same league as Christina when it comes to vocal department. When she sings, she can be a hit or a miss.

A hit when she actually uses her own natural voice. A miss when she adds that boyband/girlband/bubblegum twang (like a spring being disconnected from something) and overly done robotic vocal.

Britney is capable of bleeding my ears. But she also can deliver a soulful voice when she actually sing. Ergo, Born to Make You Happy and particularly Everytime are both inside my Ipod. Everytime is one of my favorite songs to listen to while resting on my bed in complete darkness.

Sometimes you don't need a power house to be soulful and to deliver a soulful song. You just need to be truly sincere in delivering it.

Each to their own.

that's a good post. there are so many points about it that i agree with, and from some of them, i have my own take, too.
honestly my opinion...:D there should not be a comparision anymore. It worked when they were both teens and looked like bubblegum straight out of the wrapper. but christina was forced to hold back her voice..it was easier to be in Britneys catagory with christinas first single..and that mickey mouse club thing.

miley cyrus..even though shes annoying she is strickly bubble gum pop diva like spears.

Christina on the other hand is in the league of Whitney..Mariah..and miss Aretha. shes young still but this is who shes going to be in the catagory with. and if christina over sings so does mariah. to me thats not a good excuse to insult her compared to britneys voice. Christinas a singer who can actually sing the national anthem live and people wont cringe at any part of it.

ill say Britney has some great pop songs yes..but her dancing and her voice are not historically good. her voice is too nasal and her personal life is what gets her on the covers of magazines even in the begining of her career. and honestly theres musical peers who still think shes talentless. including grammy spokespeople have insulted her in the past. i take that view over young fans because they are in the music biz themselfs.
Britney all of a sudden got 3 VMA awards not 1 but 3 awards when people felt sorry for her. why did she not sweep up those awards before when she was ''oops i did it againing'' ............ from what i read she hasnt actually won an American VMA until now. correct me if im wrong. but her albums before should have gotten one if she was that big and talented. it looked set up.

all around its christina talent wise.
no a huge fan of either but defo go for christina any day as shes actually got some talkent and isnt just a typical record label creation
Not really a fan of both even though Christina has made some descent pop songs
ex: Beautiful and The Voice Within
Christina Aguilera gets my pick ONLY because she is a better talent as far as singing goes.
Christina, from a vocal standpoint as well as the type of music she has done. Nothing against Britney per se, but her music/style is probably a little too "young" for my fossilized enjoyment, don't know how else to explain it.
ummmmm, obviously vocally Christina is waaaayyyy better. But for some reason she bores me....
I didn't really like Britney for a long time, until her last couple of albums. I know that I only like her cause her songs are catchy, but oh well.... Basically, I think she is overrated, but man- those songs are catchy.
I don't think Christina is on the level of MJ, or aretha, anita, or whitney yet. I think we are overshooting it a little. She has an amaaazing voice, but there is something missing that I can't put my finger on. I think she disconnects from her songs and shows off alot. She needs to learn how to sing for the song, like stevie and mj and so on. They know what to do with a song, and make amazing music.
soooo basically they are both ok, but arent on my favorites list for different reasons...

but of course this is all IMO
^^^oh no, I'm not 'on edge about being attacked'......But this is obviously a personal opinion thread, and I wanted to make sure mine was seen as just that. Also, I didn't want to offend anyone with my opinion. But of course, this is all IMO....you may think whatever you like about my post :yes:
Christina. BY FAR.

She's an amazing singer, great voice. Has some very good songs, some are very touching, but there are other songs I don't like so much.

Unlike Britney, she has real talent and can sing. That's what makes her a star, not just scandals and personal drama.
I love everything about Christina Aguilera, an amazing talent and a really beautiful woman (not the greatest sense of fashion at times) and intelligent women. I like Britney, but she's not in my opinion very talented and though very attractive, she's not beautiful like the media say she is.
mmmmmm Christina or Britney?????

After careful thought and consideration I would choose to have my left kidney removed before listening to any of them :)
well, where's the christina thread in here? i see the britney thread about her current release..and it's over 200 posts long. lol...

i have to say, i heard the title track 'circus' and i liked it. doesn't hurt that she's on the atv roster either..lol..she's all over the countdown these days..lol(pls don't trash me for mentioning atv as one of the reasons i'm liking her now, lol..my prerogative..hehehe)
CHRISTINA AGUILERA BY FAAAAR; i like her voice, even Axl Rose said she has an amazing voice, Britney is a product i dont like her at all.
Let me say Christina actually composes all her songs, except the ones from the first album, Britney is a very pretty face, with a nice voice, and mediocre dance, but very nice clothes if you like cheap stuff, no, she does not compose, thanks God, and she's so arrogant, now she acts like if she was a little lamb but that woman has a brain, and she laugh of her own fans, and i think she herself does not even like her own music, she knows is all about the money, and she'll never be an artist, just a pretty face playback singer mediocre dancer, but you know, she is easy to hear, and you know the media loves her, as long as media loves her, she'll be the best, even if thats a LIE, see what media has done to Michael, they turned him into a strange man, a perverse man, even they dare to say hes not talented, but see, is like this, always unjustice, like the world we live in. While, people adores Britney Spears, thousands of children around the world are dying, sorry, but i HATE fucking media, stupids, they managed the world, so you keep loving britney, cause media loves her. YES PEOPLE YOU ARE MARIONETS SO BE HAPPY!!!!
Let me say Christina actually composes all her songs, except the ones from the first album, Britney is a very pretty face, with a nice voice, and mediocre dance, but very nice clothes if you like cheap stuff, no, she does not compose, thanks God, and she's so arrogant, now she acts like if she was a little lamb but that woman has a brain, and she laugh of her own fans, and i think she herself does not even like her own music, she knows is all about the money, and she'll never be an artist, just a pretty face playback singer mediocre dancer, but you know, she is easy to hear, and you know the media loves her, as long as media loves her, she'll be the best, even if thats a LIE, see what media has done to Michael, they turned him into a strange man, a perverse man, even they dare to say hes not talented, but see, is like this, always unjustice, like the world we live in. While, people adores Britney Spears, thousands of children around the world are dying, sorry, but i HATE fucking media, stupids, they managed the world, so you keep loving britney, cause media loves her. YES PEOPLE YOU ARE MARIONETS SO BE HAPPY!!!!

Wow, that's pretty harsh. I love Christina too, but I'm also a fan of Britney, and yes I think she's talented. Britney has really great songwriters, and she has a good voice (no, not great like Christina, but good enough to stand on it's own.) Plus, she's a really good dancer.
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Let me say Christina actually composes all her songs, except the ones from the first album, Britney is a very pretty face, with a nice voice, and mediocre dance, but very nice clothes if you like cheap stuff, no, she does not compose, thanks God, and she's so arrogant, now she acts like if she was a little lamb but that woman has a brain, and she laugh of her own fans, and i think she herself does not even like her own music, she knows is all about the money, and she'll never be an artist, just a pretty face playback singer mediocre dancer, but you know, she is easy to hear, and you know the media loves her, as long as media loves her, she'll be the best, even if thats a LIE, see what media has done to Michael, they turned him into a strange man, a perverse man, even they dare to say hes not talented, but see, is like this, always unjustice, like the world we live in. While, people adores Britney Spears, thousands of children around the world are dying, sorry, but i HATE fucking media, stupids, they managed the world, so you keep loving britney, cause media loves her. YES PEOPLE YOU ARE MARIONETS SO BE HAPPY!!!!

A bit harsh don't you think?
Yes the media has been kissing her ass left and right lately, but if your beef is with the media then there's no need to insult her fans.
I think Chrisitna and Britney are both good in different ways...Britneys songs are very catchy but overall I'd say i prefer Christina..her vocals are far superior and although her songs are not as catchy as britneys they are more meaningful and she is also a better songwriter...

I actually wouldn't put chrisitina and britney in the same league anymore...Christina is in the league of mariah, whitney, aretha, celine ect..whereas Britney would be more comparable to Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Kylie minogue ect...
I think Chrisitna and Britney are both good in different ways...Britneys songs are very catchy but overall I'd say i prefer Christina..her vocals are far superior and although her songs are not as catchy as britneys they are more meaningful and she is also a better songwriter...

I actually wouldn't put chrisitina and britney in the same league anymore...Christina is in the league of mariah, whitney, aretha, celine ect..whereas Britney would be more comparable to Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Kylie minogue ect...

Miley Cyrus? :blink: :(