Whitney Vs Michael: Who Will Have More Successful Comeback?

look let me say it again, u cant compare the two. U can if u want to compare in a specific area. But we are comparing success right. Who will be more successful. Of course i like whitney, but michael is on another planet as whitney. Michal has reached the success only god himself may be able to reach. Can u picture whitneys new music video being premiered on 3 chanells at the same time, or all over the world at the same time. Michael thinks big, his success is big, his comebacks are big, so big they are untouchable, and since they are untouchable, their is no comparison. Who's going to own 09-11 , Michael hands down. Everything will come as planned by michael, The Biggest Comeback ever. When michael is determined to do something, he does it. I believe in him. And so far, Michael is winning by far with 50 sold out shows,..... You aint seen nothin yet.
this isnt a comeback like others say until he actually comes back with an album. this is more of a good bye in the terms of the way they have promoted it. of course mj beats whitney interms of the concert sales. but whitney has never been huge outside of the america bar the odd biggie hit imo ok compair the two in the american market but not worldwide
How is that silly? Whitney's sales have been nothing short of phenomenal for the most part. She is one of the biggest selling female artists ever. Her debut album is or was for a time at least the biggest selling debut album by a female artist ever. I don't even have to say anything about "The Bodyguard". That album and her remake of "I Will Always Love You" was a gigantic success and is the biggest selling soundtrack ever. Michael has had more successs, but the Whitney comparison is not silly. They both had great success in the 80's and beyond & are considered icons. Whitney is also one of the few black stars besides Michael who has really and truly crossed over and has had major worldwide success. I definitely see the connection. Also both are coming from hardships and tarnish public image. Whitney's image is not as damaged as much as Michael's, but they have a lot in common. It's a fair comparison.

Very Well Said!
MJ all the way. Not a fan of Whitney.
I hope they both make it and do successful, even though MJ will be at top lol.
I love Whitney! I'm so looking forward to her new stuff. I think they'll both be successful, although there is more interest in Michael imo. I hope they'll both do really well.
I love them both, but I fear Whitney may have lost her voice and her physical ability whereas Michael has sounded as smooth as silk in all music he's released in the last 10 years. Michael clearly still has "it." Does Whitney?
this isnt a comeback like others say until he actually comes back with an album. this is more of a good bye in the terms of the way they have promoted it. of course mj beats whitney interms of the concert sales. but whitney has never been huge outside of the america bar the odd biggie hit imo ok compair the two in the american market but not worldwide

I agree with your comments.
this isnt a comeback like others say until he actually comes back with an album. this is more of a good bye in the terms of the way they have promoted it. of course mj beats whitney interms of the concert sales. but whitney has never been huge outside of the america bar the odd biggie hit imo ok compair the two in the american market but not worldwide

Agree with everything you've said. :yes:
I just hope MJ will soon release new music. Before he does that Whitney seems to have the most successful comeback.
judging from the fact that 50 concerts sold out in four days, I'd have to say MJ sort of won already.
I love Whitney best female vocalist ever. I'm waiting for her comeback i will be there to buy her album and support her to the fullest. Now for my main man, the best there is, was, and ever will be Mr. Michael Jackson. There is no need for an introduction. I'm more interested in Michael's comeback.