Where were you when you heard about MJ death?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I woke up on June 26 and I checked my email box, having the morning coffee in my room...

inside there was an email I wish I had never read...

in which my sister from Chicago wrote: my bro, I'm so sorry but Michael Jackson has passed away ;(

I was shocked, didn't know what to think :(

hey is it a joke? I didn't believe it first...

then, I switched TV on and you know the rest...

I was crying all day long ***
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I had spent the WHOLE day on MJ Forums and watching MJ on youtube. I clicked refresh and someone had written 'ambulance gone into Michael's home' and I was watching everyone saying it was tabloid rubbish. Until my brother turned up Sky News.
Watching some documentaries on TV, not a care in the world, then the pizza arrives at the door and then she tells me Michael died. :(
I was online looking up for stuff on Video games and then I turn down the tv and seen Michael jackosn rush to the hospital,I said What?
My mom called me at 00:30 to tell me. I am so thankful that she did that, some things should not be heard on the breakfast news. I spent the whole night crying and praying and trying to come to terms. Mom called me 6 more times that day, just to check how I was doing and to provide some calming words.
Btw, it has been the worst day in my whole life :(

I will never forget that date ;(

Now it has been 16 days since MJ is gone ;(

Now it's even worse, when I read that he was going to perform 'Jam' at This is it gig ;(

Jam is one of my favourite ;( I would die if he started singing and dancing to 'Jam'
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I came home from a visit. Went to this forum but it wouldn't load. I knew something big was up so I searched for another forum and found out that he was taken to the hospital...I was glued to the computer for the next 2 hours or so, shaking and refreshing cnn and MJ forums until it was confirmed...he was...gone...:(
My husband and I where trying to book a hotel for our stay in London for the This Is It tour when my daughter phoned to ask how I was. I hadn't a clue that anything was wrong so she told me to put on the news. At this point the ambulance had taken Michael to the hospital and I just was praying that it was the media going overboard but unfortunately it wasn't the case. I didn't sleep a wink that night, I was just shaking and crying.
I still cant believe what has happened and everyday I wake up and it hits me anew.
My boyfriend told me, I got very mad at him because he read it off some site like tmz and I insisted it had to be wrong...oh the sadness. I shouldn't have been mad at him but it was how I reacted.
I was on a Michael Jackson forum (not this one), and suddenly there was a thread saying "Michael Jackson has gone to hospital from suspected cardiac arrest." I was shocked, and at first I followed it when they were saying he was in a coma, and nobody knew what was going on. Then it was confirmed that he had passed away. :(
i was leaving sizzler with my grandparents and my friend txted me and was like michael jackson died! i was like your lying stop playing. i told my grandma and she said no he isnt its just a rumor but we turned on our radio and it was confirmed.. i cried
I was at home on the computer and some friends put on their facebook status updates that Michael was in a coma. I rushed to the TV and followed the coverage on Sky news, I was praying for him for hours until they confirmed he had passed away, then I felt complete disbelief and numbness. I couldn't go to bed so just dozed on and off on the sofa with the news on all night, there was some comfort in hearing his music and voice in clips they were showing. It felt like the moment I turned off the TV and went to bed I would be accepting the horrible truth.
25th june is my mom's birthday,so me and a couple of friends were just having fun in my room,drinkin cocktails and laughing our asses off. my best girl friend had to read for exam so she didn't come and then we went out and then just as we got to the center she called and i said, hey you are gonna join us? and then she said , no milan, michael jackson just died... and i couldn't move... then we took a walk and waited for her to confirm it , and after she did we went to this gig that we headed for, and coincidentally the song they started playing the moment we got there was... "She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene..."
I was coming out of tesco's of all places and recieved the worst text message of my life.. almost crashed driving home :( trying to see through tears... not the best :(
I was on here and saw the first thread about a ambulence turning up at his hosue, I followed it from the very beginning of speculation all the way through to confirmation.
so hard getting the news

i was completely unaware till the next morning.......i had come off here at about ten at night then i found out by my sister phoning me and telling me before i put the news on.i'll never get that phone call out of my head
amelia i completely know what you mean. i distinctly remember the exact tone, voice, and everything about the sentence that my friend told me...
I was in this very chair watching Beverly Hills Cop 2 on ITV4 and my friend, Trish came on messenger and said the following:

Trish (11:47 PM): Hey- I suppose you heard the sad news...
Richard (11:47 PM): Which is?
Trish (11:47 PM): Michael Jackson has passed
Richard (11:47 PM): You shitting me?

I then went to the Yahoo homepage and saw it for myself, I then turned on Foxnews and the tears jsut came flooding out of me.

My blackberry had never been so busy my friend from Florida emailed me, the next day my Aunt emailed me, it was all over Twitter the next day in town every papers front page had the same it was all anyone was talking about.
same here with the call from my sis. i couldn't believe it and thought there was some mistake but i could hear the news on her television in the background
I was at home browsing the web listing to michael at the time my best friend phoned, he didnt know how much i was really into michael as i neever told anyone i like him simply because they didnt ask, and because not alot of my friends like him. But when he told me i dropped the fone and broke down crying damn michael i miss you.
I was watching something in bed about 10.30pm GMT, my mam of all people txt me saying mj had been rushed to hospital, I dismissed it as she always txt me the usual tabloid crap about MJ, then 2 mins later she said 'rip mj', thats when i got up on put sky news on, it was still unconfirmed at that time, but half an hour later it was worldwide news he'd passed away.

Think I drank a bottle of gin that night, Ive never felt emotional pain like that in my life, not even through family members dying.

I will never accept the fact he's gone, it just doesnt register with me. Lennon, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain maybe, but Jackson? I didnt expect to see that day for at least another 30 odd years.
I was watching something in bed about 10.30pm GMT, my mam of all people txt me saying mj had been rushed to hospital, I dismissed it as she always txt me the usual tabloid crap about MJ, then 2 mins later she said 'rip mj', thats when i got up on put sky news on, it was still unconfirmed at that time, but half an hour later it was worldwide news he'd passed away.

Think I drank a bottle of gin that night, Ive never felt emotional pain like that in my life, not even through family members dying.

I will never accept the fact he's gone, it just doesnt register with me. Lennon, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain maybe, but Jackson? I didnt expect to see that day for at least another 30 odd years.

I've never felt so much pain in my life, Its the saddest news ive heard my how life. I didnt even hurt as much when my gran past away. I always looked up 2 michael he is the briggest star that you will ever see.
I left work early and as I was walking into the door, my fiance was sitting in front of the television. I heard CNN say vitiligo and instantly thought, why in the world are they talking about MJ. I didn't even have to hear his name, I just knew they were talking about him. They were giving a run down of his health history. In my gut, I knew something bad had happened. Within seconds of walking into the door, my fiance said, "Michael Jackson is in the hospital." When they mentioned cardiac arrest, that's when I got scared. At first, I imagined how horrible it would be for him if he survived and had brain injury. I sat in a surreal state almost unmoving from the tv for hours after they pronounced it. I told my mother "someone killed him. someone must have poisoned him." she told me not to jump to conclusions.
I will never accept the fact he's gone, it just doesnt register with me. Lennon, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain maybe, but Jackson? I didnt expect to see that day for at least another 30 odd years.

i know what you mean, i never expected him to be young, always imagined he would be on stage getting some grammy lifetime achievement award at 80
still can't really believe it
same here bobo, i always thought i'd be around 40-50 years old when he dies... but what can you do... life is unpredictable. today you're here , tomorrow...who knows..
It was the craziest experience ever!

I am a student and we have about 7 exams each semester.That Thursday (when MJ gone too soon) I found out that I passed my last exam, so very positive thoughts appeared as my summer vacation was about to begin. So I checked this message board (everybody was counting down the days, K.O. was posting exciting news in his blog and everything was so perfect), packed my rucksack and went to my grandparents, which live in a small city. I rarely visit them as I don't have any fellows in that city where they live + they don't own internet. :) So after a supper, I went upstairs, turned on my laptop, listened to some MJ's unreleased songs and with a smile in my face went to sleep. A Friday came. I got up and went to have a breakfast. My grandfather listens to local radio station when he eats. And suddenly I hear a man is speaking about MJ in the past tense... he was saying MJ was preparing for the comeback and so on... I thought WTF? Why is he saying it in the past time? Were the concerts cancelled? OK I need an explanation, I thought! And after a couple of sentences this radio program ended. Than after one stupid local news, I heard MJ died at 50... My heart almost jumped out of my throat while I was eating...

And all they said was that he died because of the heart attack! I even thought he may have died during the rehearsals!

Thursday was so perfect and Friday began with such news, the worst news I could ever imagine. Another problem was that I was far away from internet so I had to deal with it on my own... But it was just better I guess... I didn't see this hysteria in the media...