When, why and how did Michael become a contraversial artist.

The statement that I have highlighted is a total misrepresentation of what MJ has said. MJ was asked about an particular promotion video whioch he was responding to. He in no way spoke about his entire life and the way the media behaved towards him. For yopu to use that and claim that MJ said he did it on purpose is gross misrepresentation ion my view. I do not believe MJ invites controversy around hom at all. I believe it is there because he is the mosdt famous and negativity sells and he is a target from certain established group, maybe political. As I said, this is not new it happened before to other well establiched black celebrity. Mohammed Ali suffered the same fate, so di Jack Johnson. It is steeped in racism.

Well each to their own. MJ has said that he invites the media when he wants which means he knows how to play them and he obviously has before. After 40 years in the biz you'd think he know a thing or 2 about the media. So MJ admitting that he wanted attention for the HIStory trailer shows that MJ has used the media for his own gain. There is another moment similar to this. Same as the HIStory trailer was designed to get peoples attention, so was the BoW short film which is what got people attention to that album which it did as is shown in the Dangerous DVD so Mike aint shy about his using of the media. 2 exact instances where MJ has used his short films to get the media talking and causeing a stir, causing controversy in his favour for once. And so he should. MJ is a VERY smart man and knows how to play the media in his favour to stir them up which is controversy. Dont know how you can deny that either. I mean its on his DVD.
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Well each to their own. MJ has said that he invites the media when he wants which means he knows how to play them and he obviously has before. After 40 years in the biz you'd think he know a thing or 2 about the media. So MJ admitting that he wanted attention for the HIStory trailer shows that MJ has used the media for his own gain. There is another moment similar to this. Same as the HIStory trailer was designed to get peoples attention, so was the BoW short film which is what got people attention to that album which it did as is shown in the Dangerous DVD so Mike aint shy about his using of the media. 2 exact instances where MJ has used his short films to get the media talking and causeing a stir, causing controversy in his favour for once. And so he should. MJ is a VERY smart man and knows how to play the media in his favour to stir them up which is controversy. Dont know how you can deny that either.
All celebs do that. It is called PR. Madonna is the queen of such things. her mounting a cross. Why isn't she targettg and called weird, when she does the exact same thing. MJ didn't create pr, he just does what he has top do to promote his work. That should never have seeped over into his private life anymore than it does ointo Madoinna's or any other popstar who use the media for publicity.
All celebs do that. It is called PR. Madonna is the queen of such things. her mounting a cross. Why isn't she targettg and called weird, when she does the exact same thing.

Theres a difference between PR and controversy. Controversy gets more people talking than PR which is want MJ wants and Madonna caused controversy with the cross. It was more than just PR.
That should never have seeped over into his private life anymore than it does ointo Madoinna's or any other popstar who use the media for publicity.

No thats right I agree hence why Ive said that there should be laws to protect celebs and their families as the paps go insane and situations like Princess Di's happen.
Contraversy can be a good thing if it raises consciousness and make people think. That type of contraversy is what I believe MJ has been engaged in.

The contraversy that the media provokes is spiteful and stirs up hatred such as what we see on websites and on utube. That is irresponsible and malicious and the media obviously has an agenda in doing so. They have said as much.

Why did they lie about the case and with held the truth from the masses? I think they have shot themselves in the foot with this one because more and more people are beginning to hear the truth and see how MJ has been targetted by the press.
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^^ This is one post of yours on this subject I agree with.
Well each to their own. MJ has said that he invites the media when he wants which means he knows how to play them and he obviously has before. After 40 years in the biz you'd think he know a thing or 2 about the media. So MJ admitting that he wanted attention for the HIStory trailer shows that MJ has used the media for his own gain. There is another moment similar to this. Same as the HIStory trailer was designed to get peoples attention, so was the BoW short film which is what got people attention to that album which it did as is shown in the Dangerous DVD so Mike aint shy about his using of the media. 2 exact instances where MJ has used his short films to get the media talking and causeing a stir, causing controversy in his favour for once. And so he should. MJ is a VERY smart man and knows how to play the media in his favour to stir them up which is controversy. Dont know how you can deny that either. I mean its on his DVD.

So true. Michael knew what the h*ll he was doing with the HIStory thing. Everyone was trying to play HIM so he played them back.
Those of you who think MJ himself has never contributed to the controversy and can do no wrong are simply delluded. Of course the media is making up much crap, but often MJ gives them the ammunition to shoot him with.

Telling Frank to say he slept in hyperbaric chambers, posting a picture of him in one to the Enquirer, which is a junk magazine, then saying he was gonna buy the Elephant Man bones when he really wasn't interested in either. But the thing is like has been pointed out, it backfired on him and just led him to being ridiculed as some kind of oddball who "mutilated his face and hang out with old actors, kid stars and animals". We really never got to see the real Michael Jackson. The thing about Michael is he uses the media too. He's not at all a 100% victim. The only real things I think that did him wrong was being accused of child abuse be it molestation or dangling a baby. Other than that, everything else is for shock value. Michael wanted people to think he was loony. Hell people thought he was already loony by Thriller time when he first talked about saying he was Peter Pan in his heart and that wasn't even in 2003, it was in 1983! :lol: So why anyone wanna believe that people who talk sh*t about him will stop because he said stop? NO WAY.
Anyway, I feel he's gonna always be a controversial artist for the right...and wrong (to some) reasons. I rather deal with it. You can hope it'll stop but it won't.
Telling Frank to say he slept in hyperbaric chambers, posting a picture of him in one to the Enquirer, which is a junk magazine, then saying he was gonna buy the Elephant Man bones when he really wasn't interested in either. But the thing is like has been pointed out, it backfired on him and just led him to being ridiculed as some kind of oddball who "mutilated his face and hang out with old actors, kid stars and animals". We really never got to see the real Michael Jackson. The thing about Michael is he uses the media too. He's not at all a 100% victim. The only real things I think that did him wrong was being accused of child abuse be it molestation or dangling a baby. Other than that, everything else is for shock value. Michael wanted people to think he was loony. Hell people thought he was already loony by Thriller time when he first talked about saying he was Peter Pan in his heart and that wasn't even in 2003, it was in 1983! :lol: So why anyone wanna believe that people who talk sh*t about him will stop because he said stop? NO WAY.
None of these things that you described make him weird or contraversal. Just because someone jokes about buying some bones in a museum doesn't make them weird. People joke all the time. A photo in a hyperberic chamber that he actually donated for a burns unit doesn't make someone weird. It was a photo. All they had to do was accept it as a prank. MJ is a prankster. So everything he does as a joke is suppose to define him. Does your jokes define you? So popstars aunt suppose to joke no more otherwise they are called weird?
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Michael wanted people to think he was loony.

Actually MJ wanted people to think of him as being 'mysterious' like Prince but when he used the term bizaare in the National Enquirer for the hyperbaric chamber story, it was the start of people thinking of MJ as a weird instead of a mystery. You're right it backfired and MJ has been paying for it ever since. But now MJ has learnt to use the media to his own advantage. Hell, I expect to see MJ create some kind of controversy again yet for this new album to get people talking.
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Actually Mj wanted people to think of his as 'mysterious' like Prince but when he used the term bizaare in the National Enquirer for the hyperbaric chamber story, it was the start of people thinking of MJ as a weird instead of a mystery. You're right it backfired and MJ has been paying for it ever since. But now MJ has learnt to use the media to his own advantage. Hell, I expect to see MJ create some kind of controversy again yet for this new album to get people talking.

Yeah that's what I meant to say, he wanted to be "odd" like Prince and for a time I thought Mike and Prince were related in the late-1980s. :lol: And yeah Mike has learned to use it as his advantage yet I still believe the Bashir interview was a comedy of errors despite "good intentions" which was a lie.
Yeah that's what I meant to say, he wanted to be "odd" like Prince and for a time I thought Mike and Prince were related in the late-1980s. :lol: And yeah Mike has learned to use it as his advantage yet I still believe the Bashir interview was a comedy of errors despite "good intentions" which was a lie.

Bashir lured MJ into thinking he was painting a favorable image of MJ when instead he was using his journalistic ways for evil instead of positive intentions. But thats something else altogether again.
That's when the News really made him controversial in the 80s ,when he Started buying Catalogs, Especially The Beatles' catalog ,Something that certain people didn't want him to obtain. He wasn't suppose to know about such things,if you all get my drift but it took Paul McCartney to open his eyes and Make him think in the longterm on filling his pockets with Green. Now he will always be faced with Greeneyed Monsters when it comes to business deals. The Industry really wanted him to lose or sell That Beatles' catalog and They tried ways to do it and I bet you they are not finished trying.They want him to be Dead, Broke and Smokin' but He's better than that.He's just doing what he thinks is best and He's showing them all you can't keep him down.

I feel Michael should own anything he wants that would make him money so He'll have nothing to worry about when he can't Moonwalk anymore.He also needs an apology for making him go through so much heartache,The Trial ,false accusations,ect..I'll doubt he'll get it from some people because they want to see him suffer.Jealous Cows And About why he's not on shows.They should let him do them, but it was told that nobody wants his Divaism. That's if he really acts this way and even if he did ,he has a right to some terms to be followed.If Beyounce and the Others want what they ask for in their rooms before a show or appearence,let him have what he wants ,even if he wants to hear the toilet flushed every 2 minutes.You want ratings, You want a big turnout for shows,Give him what he wants.And if he doesn't want to perform,So be it,as long as you got him in the building saying a couple of words,You get what you ask for.People still love Michael and they want to see him ,So whoever is reading this who is in the industry. Give Michael a chance to regain his glory and stop holding him down.We need his Soul,His Wisdom and His knowledge.Michael is one of a kind and we don't want to lose another star for the foolishness of Jealousy because they can't measure up to him.People should be glad he is still here to share his love of Music and ideals with us.
Enough said.
That's when the News really made him controversial in the 80s ,when he Started buying Catalogs, Especially The Beatles' catalog ,Something that certain people didn't want him to obtain. He wasn't suppose to know about such things,if you all get my drift but it took Paul McCartney to open his eyes and Make him think in the longterm on filling his pockets with Green. Now he will always be faced with Greeneyed Monsters when it comes to business deals. The Industry really wanted him to lose or sell That Beatles' catalog and They tried ways to do it and I bet you they are not finished trying.They want him to be Dead, Broke and Smokin' but He's better than that.He's just doing what he thinks is best and He's showing them all you can't keep him down.

I feel Michael should own anything he wants that would make him money so He'll have nothing to worry about when he can't Moonwalk anymore.He also needs an apology for making him go through so much heartache,The Trial ,false accusations,ect..I'll doubt he'll get it from some people because they want to see him suffer.Jealous Cows And About why he's not on shows.They should let him do them, but it was told that nobody wants his Divaism. That's if he really acts this way and even if he did ,he has a right to some terms to be followed.If Beyounce and the Others want what they ask for in their rooms before a show or appearence,let him have what he wants ,even if he wants to hear the toilet flushed every 2 minutes.You want ratings, You want a big turnout for shows,Give him what he wants.And if he doesn't want to perform,So be it,as long as you got him in the building saying a couple of words,You get what you ask for.People still love Michael and they want to see him ,So whoever is reading this who is in the industry. Give Michael a chance to regain his glory and stop holding him down.We need his Soul,His Wisdom and His knowledge.Michael is one of a kind and we don't want to lose another star for the foolishness of Jealousy because they can't measure up to him.People should be glad he is still here to share his love of Music and ideals with us.
Enough said.

Youve said it all my dear. You have said it all. Peopel should stop judgiong Michael by their own standards. MJ has never lived the life of the avewrage Joe. HJe has never been the 'Normal man' Stop judging him.:cheers:
Michael is a controversal artist because the plastic surgery, the iperbaric chamber etc.. and all these crazy stories... then he decide to be himself with Oprah interview and LWMJ or take 2 or interview like that.. if you want know Michael , listen HIS voice, listen what he said... he always talks about himself.. and of course he don't lie because he's the most honest person in this world.. he lies to jornalist sometimes because they deserve this... .. but people don't understand him.... but he's really special, not an image nothing of nothing... he's really different, few people are like him and can really understand him... that's why all his problem, because people can't understand him... (even fans sometimes) , he show Blanket at the windows and he don't knew that all people would become mad with him for an innocent gesture like this... he felt that he was doing nothing wrong.. but people and fans judge him... I think that you should understand his way to be before judge him ... he's an human being yet, but really have a big heart, he don't like bad things, he likes just good things... and his gentless is true, his way to do neat things, his kindness... he hate volgar things, he is for neat and good things... he's really special because few human that be so neat and good like him to understand him.
I would like that everybody could have a friend like him to understand how is possible that there's really people like that. That's why he's a 'victim' of this world.
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He's controversial simply because he is not of this world and never has been. He challenges humanity to live to a higher standard and makes the masses socially conscious of what's REALLY going on in the world. He understands life and everything that is in it than any other human being. To most people that is unheard of and that's why they can't seem to understand him. He doesn't conform to the standards and rules of society and neither has he apologized for not doing so. That's why the media and "powers that be" hate him because they can't change or control who he is and how he thinks. How many artists have been treated to the magnitude that Michael has? None that I can think of. And why do you think Oprah is not treated as viciously by the media as MJ? She black, wealthy and influential too. Why do you think that is? Can anyone tell me?

But yeah, that's exactly why he's controversial along with him becoming a music emperor more so than the "beloved" Beatles and Elvis Presley. And that's the truth.

Where'd all my posts go, lol?

Anyway, I'll say this. Michael isn't a controversial character, he's merely different. That makes him in to a percieved threat to many people, and thus controversy is created in their own minds. Because he isn't like them, they lable him and what he does wrong. And that in itself is wrong. Michael never hurt anybody, he's only helped people and he's a very good person, a beautiful person really. He should be admired and respected for all the good he's done in this world, and for daring to let the world see sides of him which he knew they would deem strange and attack him on, but did so anyway.

Michael said in an interview from the early 80s that when he spoke his mind, what he said could sound strange to other people's ears. He KNEW people would think he was weird, but that didn't stop him from sharing those ideals and values with us anyway, because he wanted to and probably still want's to change the world for the better. That's amazing, if you ask me.
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