When, why and how did Michael become a contraversial artist.

I think, during the Thriller era, he was more mysterious than controversial, and indeed he firstly became controversial during the BAD era, his image (pure facial image)had become more feminized, and the skin color changed somehow...During Dangerous era it was more obvious, after the case in 93, he was targeted as a complete controversial pop star, he was badly misunderstood since then... And in his HIStory album, he showed how outraged he really was, the album was not as gentle as the previous ones...He tried to have the audience concentrate on something else more than the change of his image, and the case in 93, and also he tried to show the public he is as normal as the boy next door, he could also fall in love with someone and have a normal family...but....of course in 2003, for him just everything became worse... I think Vitiligo is one of the reasons made him controversial, and another reason could be, he was too much isolated from everyman's life, he concentrated a lot (too much in some people's opinion) on loving and helping children, and meanwhile, due to the isolation, he became awkward for some socializations...He couldn't explain his thoughts very well, that make people misunderstand him more.
well his music is not controversial , people have nothing bad to say about that , rare critics about his music (apart the jewish about "they dont care ") but nothing realy bad ;

Its when he became "Heavy" in the music industry , white people started to worry about this balck man who is more famous than the POPE lol .
MJ or at least MJ's people had a hand in building the controversy, The papers write horrible things but without that publicity many of our stars would be has beens, they build you up the break you down but Michael is still in the wings! ALL PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY!
well his music is not controversial , people have nothing bad to say about that , rare critics about his music (apart the jewish about "they dont care ") but nothing realy bad ;

Its when he became "Heavy" in the music industry , white people started to worry about this balck man who is more famous than the POPE lol .
I am sorry, but I have to completely disagree..

Earth song is one of the most controversial songs ever made because it has been critically bashed for its lyrics.. The music video was controversial because of the use of real footage of cruelty in the video.

His music is extremely controversial in some respects, but that is what it takes to get a point across.
Foxy said:
Earth song is one of the most controversial songs ever made because it has been critically bashed for its lyrics.. The music video was controversial because of the use of real footage of cruelty in the video.

His music is extremely controversial in some respects, but that is what it takes to get a point across.

woah, Earth Song is controversial????? :huh: I love that song, how can anyone disagree with any of the lyrics? Humans are destroying the environment, and killing each other off all the time. that's just the truth. how could there be controversy over that? And the cruelty shown in the video is enlightening, because it wakes people up to the terrible things we are doing. I'm not arguing with you that there was controversy over it, I just didn't have any idea that there was.

I think most of the controversy over MJ in general is, like many of you have said, due to his viitiligo and his lifestyle, which many people view as strange. People are too narrow-minded and judgemental, so anything that is different from what they are used to is automatically labeled as "weird" and becomes something to fear and destroy. the media have had a big hand in the alteration of his public image as well. imagine if there had been more news channels saying that Michael was innocent during the trial, or even if the coverage had just been neutral and objective, as it should have been, instead of slanted against him?
when he bought the Beatles Catelog and also when he was Called the king of Pop. those two things really got folks at war with him,but why? I mean the Man had the money to buy the Catelog and also He changed the course of Popular Music forever with Thriller so what else would you call him? the Man changed the way you heard, watched and felt music. he was a Event. being a Black Man having that kind of Power and Control has to mess with some folks heads it truly does.
Would you say his personality and persona is controversial or the music? The music isn't really that controversial, one or two tracks here and there... but he is.
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Well aside from a few songs such as "They Don't Care About Us" and music video's, like the ending of "Black Or White, which caused a big controversy, his music isn't really controversial. Pretty much anyone can listen to his music, which is something I think a lot of people liked about him, that any age pratically could listen to his music. It's definitely his personal life that has 'caused him most of the controversy and problems he'd had over the years in regards to the public and media.
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His public image is controversial. Caused by the media, and Michael himself. The media took his eccentricities and turned them into something nasty.:( Which is unfair but expected since he is one of the most successful people in America and the globe. :timer:
Lord Jesus, the reasons why Mike became "controversial":

1.) His lifestyle
2.) Him buying a music catalog (I could give a doggone what music he got it from being Beatles or the frigging Dave Clark 5, he still got a doggone catalog of LEGENDARY music, this was BEFORE musicians even THOUGHT of buying a catalog, lol!)
3.) Uh, should I say PETER PAN?
4.) Well, obviously Michael looks-wise is different from what he was 20, 30 years ago.
5.) His words can ALWAYS be misconstrued because when he tries to explain himself, he sounds plum crazy and people use that to think he's an idiot or a monster or something.

Controversy followed Michael from Thriller onwards. You know how the Jehovah's Witnesses got offended when he did the video. So it's been like that since '84.
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Also, that HIStory album was some brash ill stuff.

Come on who else you know gonna do a diss record about a prosecuting attorney, try to make a point in another song making remarks that people rightfully deem derogatory (though I doubt to this day that Mike did this to upset anyone), and sing about how a little girl died in a song?

The only other musicians, NON-RAP, I knew that went there (talking about harsh issues) were John Lennon and Marvin Gaye!
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when he bought the Beatles Catelog and also when he was Called the king of Pop. those two things really got folks at war with him,but why? I mean the Man had the money to buy the Catelog and also He changed the course of Popular Music forever with Thriller so what else would you call him? the Man changed the way you heard, watched and felt music. he was a Event. being a Black Man having that kind of Power and Control has to mess with some folks heads it truly does.
You sommed it up right there, mJ knows it too.
Unforgiveable Blackness, Jack Johnson. see the videos I posted in discussion 3, pity more people haven't watched it. They will see the real reason why MJ is suffering now and see that nothing much has changed at all.


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Would you say his personality and persona is controversial or the music? The music isn't really that controversial, one or two tracks here and there... but he is.
There is nothing about Michael that I see as contraversal. Nothing whatsoever. It is the media that is making him contraversal. Pick out oone think that Michael does that is contraversal and tell me why you think that.
The President of the United states praised Michael Jackson as an example to young people. Well MJ NEVER changed.
His public image is controversial. Caused by the media, and Michael himself. The media took his eccentricities and turned them into something nasty.:( Which is unfair but expected since he is one of the most successful people in America and the globe. :timer:
This is the problem I am having with what you are saying. What in god's name is contraversal about MJ's public image? See, you have allowed the media to brainwashed you into thinking that MJ is doing something wrong and is causing a problem. What is he doing wrong publically, to be so contraversal? I see a meek, gentle soul who is gracious and kind to everyone. One of the most polite person in show business, who always put a smile on my face when he is in public. What do you see, Cathrine?
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Those of you who think MJ himself has never contributed to the controversy and can do no wrong are simply delluded. Of course the media is making up much crap, but often MJ gives them the ammunition to shoot him with.
Those of you who think MJ himself has never contributed to the controversy and can do no wrong are simply delluded. Of course the media is making up much crap, but often MJ gives them the ammunition to shoot him with.

Exactly. I agree.

In fact MJ said in his interview with Diane Sawyer that he did the HIStory teaser to get people talking. He stirred them up and created controversy on purpose. He's said with his own mouth. "Good", he said with glee.
Every parent endanger their childs life at some time or other. Some intentionally, some unintentionally. Because He is MJ doesn't give the public the right to treat him as if he is a worse parent for doing what every other parents did. He should have been allowed to get on with his life without the media and the whole world harping on about it. That is my point. MJ is not allowed to make mistakes like any other human being because the camera is always there and every body and their momma amways have comments to make. That is the whole point.
I stood infront of a bus stop and watched the little girl ran into the road and thew oncoiming car knocked her flying. The parents mother ran to pick up her child. The mother made a mistake by letting her child go. Where is the worldwide oputcry for this mother who caused her child to get hit by a car.
What is the purpose of targetting MJ in his moment of lasp and making him weird and contraversal for something EVERY parents do from time to tome, ie, make mistakes with their children?
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To this day I still do not see MJ doing anything in public that is weird. I see him cover hios chioldren but he explains why he does it and it makes perfect sense to me. I see him cover his face when he doesn't want to be photographed and that makes sense to me he deprives the pops of taking his image, cause the media use his image and istort it and make unsavoury docu of his face. That makes perfect sense to me. I have never seen MJ acting out in public or being anything but a gentleman. So where is this talk coming from about him being weird. I do not see it at all.
Yes, and I can see a dumbed down brainwashed group of people who do not think for themselves but will forever allow the media to shape their way of thinking. More people are waking up to the medias agenda, they will not win.
Yes, and I can see a dumbed down brainwashed group of people who do not think for themselves but will forever allow the media to shape their way of thinking. More people are waking up to the medias agenda, they will not win.

People dont like to admit how easily brainwashed they are by the media or they dont even know they have been. Its sad and yes lets hope that people will wake to the risks of the media and that laws are established to keep celebrities being put in the same position as Princess Di.
Yes, and I can see a dumbed down brainwashed group of people who do not think for themselves but will forever allow the media to shape their way of thinking. More people are waking up to the medias agenda, they will not win.
Insulting people you don't know, eh?
Michael Jackson has not changed from the person that President Reagan praised in the steps of the white house. He remains the same humble and gentle person. It is not him that is contraverasal, it is th media that has sought to make him so, by highlighting every little thing that he does, even when much of whjat he does it cultural and common to his people, they have used it against him and tried to make him seem weird in the eyes of the public.

The problem is that the public still cannot see what is weird about him, so they go along with the media but they still continue to support him musically. It is like they are schitzophenic. They still go crazy when they see him in public and when they actually spend time with him they come back saying that he isn't weird at all. Even when the media hear this over and over again, they still carryon calling him weird, because they have an agenda
This is what Kanye alluded to in his blog.

Seems like some of you have totally forgotten one, extremely important rule, which says

3. Mr. Jackson’s health will not be a topic of discussion here, nor will invasive personal discussions of his finances, private life and children be permitted. All pictures of MJ's children must receive approval from the MJJC Mods and Admins.

Thread is closed for cleaning.
All the posts breaking the rule I posted above (as well as some off topic discussions) has now been deleted.
Insulting people you don't know, eh?

You don't think people are being brainwashed and dumbed down by the media? It is the media who is insulting people by not reporting the truth and sensationising other peoples issues for making money off of us. Get angry with them, not me.
Michael Jackson has not changed from the person that President Reagan praised in the steps of the white house.

No MJ is still a moral person but in the eyes of the mainstream world which is controlled by the media they have made him into something else and this is why the White House (whom some have conspired to be apart of the 05 allegations) will not hold MJ in the same light as in 83.

It is not him that is contraverasal

As Ive said before. MJ has been honest and has said he has been controversial on purpose. I think he has a right as an artist and as a celebrity who have used MJ for personal gain, to use the media in return for his gain, hence the BoW short film, the HIStory Teaser, the lyrics in TDCAU.
No MJ is still a moral person but in the eyes of the mainstream world which is controlled by the media they have made him into something else and this is why the White House (whom some have conspired to be apart of the 05 allegations) will not hold MJ in the same light as in 83.

As Ive said before. MJ has been honest and has said he has been controversial on purpose. I think he has a right as an artist and as a celebrity who have used MJ for personal gain, to use the media in return for his gain, hence the BoW short film, the HIStory Teaser, the lyrics in TDCAU.

The statement that I have highlighted is a total misrepresentation of what MJ has said. MJ was asked about an particular promotion video whioch he was responding to. He in no way spoke about his entire life and the way the media behaved towards him. For yopu to use that and claim that MJ said he did it on purpose is gross misrepresentation ion my view. I do not believe MJ invites controversy around hom at all. I believe it is there because he is the mosdt famous and negativity sells and he is a target from certain established group, maybe political. As I said, this is not new it happened before to other well establiched black celebrity. Mohammed Ali suffered the same fate, so di Jack Johnson. It is steeped in racism.