When was the first time you?

WHAT???????????????????? :lol:

I don't remember :unsure:

when was the first time you said you were sick just to get out of school or work?
I said it but I also meant it :p

when was the last time you punched a friend and regretted it soon afterwards?
In 2003.

When was the first time you sailed on a boat?
Okay, now I'm jealous of you. Paris, huh?

If you mean a little vacation....my first several were nothing more than a car trip up and down the coast of California when I was between 5-10 years old.

When was the first time you had stitches?
when i was um 11 i think [exosist]

when was the first time you fell in wub :lol:/!
Well, I watched all dem classics when I was knee high, like the original Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolfman, Invisible Man, The Mummy...even Abbott and Castello meets Frankenstein(one of my all time favorites). But I did get scared and think the Wolf Man was in my Mom's closet once and wouldn't stay alone in my parents' room for years. Haha.

UH oh....too slow. New question:

Never have been in love, sadly.

When was the first time you wore suntan lotion?
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Well, I have an early memory of my playing sock football in the hall with my older brother. I enjoyed that.

When was the first time you were blinded by headlights? (like anyone can answer this question)
I never listen to the news. It's too depressing.

When was the last time you skied downhill. (hmm, like... opposed to... skiing uphill?..what the...)
the first and only time i went bungee jumping was in 2004 in canadas wonderland. it was awesome :D my cousin was too afraid to come and i was the brave one but in the last minute she decided to come with me :lol: she was scared to death and i was so enjoying it lol

^that's so cool roxy! :clap::lol:

never! :(

when was the first time you went :threaten:? lol
when i was 1 day old :punk:

when was the first time u wanted to make out with
Haha when I was a child, I think it was hot milk I don't remember.

When was the first time you were teased?
five years old, the color of my skin, hair and eyes

when is the first time you payed a bill?
i haven't yet, my parents still pay for everything

when was the first time you wore torn jeans?
in 2000 when i got my first computer i was 10 :D

when was the first time you listened to a mj song?