When was the first time you?

When I received my first prank :lol:!

When was the first time you were completely moved you ended up in tears?
when I was a baby, that's why I'm so addict to it ;)

when was the first time you rode a donkey?
when i was a kid but i didnt like it cuz donkeys stink pretty bad ewww or at least that one did

when was the 1st time u listened to a michaels song
When I was in elementary school.

When was the first time you did something you weren't suppose to?
back in ...1997 i think .

um lol...fiirst time u signed up for any forums ?[lame i know:lol:]
let me see now , ...oh :lol: on that tolight roll thread on mjno last year some time .

when was the last time u felt alone ?
do u rember the tolight roll thread .extra green bogrolls :lol:

um ..open all hourz ..a coupel weeeks ago , i watch all the oldies

when was the last time u needed to write , express, exactly what is in your heart ?
we roxs !!! :punk:

at the simpsons movie on mon , oh and a silly rerun of mr bean last night

last time you went on a girlie night outttttt:dance:
You mean first..... I probably had a real breakfast when I was like 4 or 5 I would think.

When was the first time you rode a bicycle?