1. Have you ever made out with someone you weren't dating?
noo!!// heck no!//no i have not.
2. Is there a difference between the words 'best friend' and 'friend'?
3. Has anybody on your top ever admitted to liking you?
4. Do you miss anyone?
every day//of course//sorta
5. Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone?
yup....// yes // yah
6. When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
idr//last sunday//earlier this week
7. Who is your celebrity crush?
Hah! to many to name//i don't have crushes on celebs anymore because i discovered they all have girlfriends//johnny depp
8. Can you touch your toes?
pretty sure//i think so//i'm touching my toes right now.
9. Do you know anybody who was abused?
not that i remember//yes//yes
10. Do you take walks often?
11. Is silence really golden?
yes!//sometimes//(i agree with amanda)
12. Do you have any interesting tattoos/piercings?
not really//same//nuuoo
13. Are you afraid to grow up?
i never want to grow up! i want to be like Peter Pan forever!//i agree//i agree
15. Can you count past 100?
Lol yes//yes//yeah
16. What language are you taking?
not at the moment//spanish and french// none.
17. Any upcoming vacations?
maybe when we move//noo?//no
18. If you had to marry someone on your top, who would it be?
None!!//there are girls on my top//emily! haha
20. Would you call yourself smart?
Pssshhh... maybe? lol//scatter brained schizophrenic//everyone says i'm stupid... so no. (emmy and amanda think those people suck)
21. Do you like to read?
love it//always//sometimes
22. Do you own a pair of Nike's?
pssh no//no//no
23. Have you ever touched an elephant?
emmy and amanda have ridden on one together//no
24. Plans for tomorrow?
1. Is anything wrong?
no... my lips are dry though//not really//no (ian's mom is a hoe)
2. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
EEWW! heck no/.r{}* no//maybe
3. Do you want to go to college?
haven't decided//i think not//cosmetology school?
5. Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)?
most of the time haha//yes//snum sure
6. What did you do for your last birthday?
family//i didn't do anything//i did something that i'll regret for the rest of my life.
7. What were you doing at midnight last night?
watching up be retarded//laughing and falling asleep// the same as both.
8. Name something you CANNOT wait for?
i guess my birthday-driving//febuary to be over//i have no idea
10. What's your favorite season?
fall and winter//yeah//winter
11. Have you ever talked to Tom?
yes once//no cause emily deleted him off my freinds//no
12. Last thing you ate/drank?
we all have weird pasta and bread with grape soda and off brand dr.pepper named dr. choice. haha
14. Have you ever ran with scissors?
always!//probably// yes
15. Do you like peanut butter?
sometimes//it depends//yes
16. Who’s making you feel the way you are right now?
wait wa?//tht's confusing//my leg
17. Most visited web page?
myspace//probably xanga//myspace
19. Coke or Pepsi?
20. Looking forward to something this weekend?
uuuuhm. not really//going back to lwcc//my cuz's dance thing and maybe seeing ian.
22. Do you have any siblings?
23. Do you have any pets?
3 puppies//definitely//yes
24. What's your favorite number?
32//i dont have a favorite//3
25. What are you watching now?
the screen//emmy//emmy typing
26. Do you know how to swim?
sorta//i should hope so//yes
27. Is good grammar attractive?
Very!//indeed//who needs it?
1. Are you jealous of one or more of your friends?
nnaaahhh//kind of//gah no
2. Have you known any of your friends your whole life?
yes//yes since our mummys were prego//for 13 years
3. Are any of your friends taller than you?
yes//all of them//my boyfriend is taller than me
5. Where do your friends live?
6. Have you lost or forgotten a friends phone number?
7. Have you been to most of your friends houses?
pretty much//mhmm//only the ones who live in the dfw area.
1. Do you currently like someone?
2. Do they like you?
3. Do you get bored of your girlfriend/boyfriend easily?
4. Has one of your crushes ever called you self centered before?
1. Who do you want for President?
somebody republican//mike H//somebody republican
2. Do you think abortions are horrible?
3. Needles aren't so horrible?
they can be//grimace//oh psha
4. You have plenty of secrets?
eh not that many//no//no
1. Do you enjoy drama?
HECK No//high school drama no but acting dress yes//nope
2. Who was the last girl/boy that said "i love you" to you?
(HAHAHA!! It was a survey my sister took an hour ago!) :lol: :lol: :lol:
26/01/2008 : Fin de la saga NRJ Music Awards !Finalement c'est une vidéo qui a été enregistrée pour l'évènement. Michael y remercie ses fans français mais aussi ceux du monde entiers pour avoir fait le succès de Thriller. Il a également dit être étonné qu'aujourd'hui encore Thriller restait l'album le plus vendu de tout les temps. Il en a aussi profité pour faire un peu de promo pour la version anniversaire de Thriller
Date: Feb 7, 2008 5:05 PM Subject: Weeding out the friends list... Body: Chances are if I do not know you personally or talk to you through the 'net, or if i've never really spoken to you before, you're gone. ;]
I do this to protect myself, as well as my friends on here. I'm not a 'number' on your prided list and the people that I add, I either plan on talking to, checking up on (to see how they are), or are close to. So...
posted that on my myspace to my friends via bulletin :lol:
------♥♥------Plz ----♥♥-♥♥----Put This ---♥♥---♥♥---On Your ---♥♥---♥♥---Bebo If ---♥♥---♥♥---You Know ----♥♥-♥♥----Someone -----♥♥♥-----Who Died ----♥♥-♥♥----Of ---♥♥---♥♥---Cancer
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