What you all need is...

I know. It's all about l.o.v.e. That's probably my new favorite phrase now. Even if I'm angry at someone, "now I say this with l.o.v.e...." :lol: I might use it sometime. Michael knew how to deal with conflicting situations without getting angry and doing it with l.o.v.e. Much respect. :wub: Everyone should follow his example.
So sweet.. brought tears to my eyes. My heart just keeps bleeding L.O.V.E.

If love could have saved Michael, he never would have died. :weeping::weeping::weeping:
So sweet.. brought tears to my eyes. My heart just keeps bleeding L.O.V.E.

If love could have saved Michael, he never would have died. :weeping::weeping::weeping:

I so agree. :cry: :weeping:

I just totally L..V.E. this topic and this site. :heart: :wub: And plus I just totally L..V.E. being a fan of Michael's. :wub: :heart: Who I will forever L..V.E. :wub:
Sweet thread.
I think we all need to keep this in mind.
Discussions around here have been lacking in it for sure.

Respect & love seem to have gone out the window lately.
It's understandable, but still...
I've been in tears reading this thread :cry: Wish I felt this much love immediately after the 25th :cry:
It's All For Love. L.O.V.E.

Has anyone else put that up there with one of their favourite Michael quotes? :cry:

He's so beautiful.
Hugs to all of you, I know we have crisis threads immediately after June 25th but we still need these kind of topics when we encourage each other with love and not aggitation. I love you all very much and Im glad this thread has inspired you in some form. Keep the sweet pictures of a happy Michael going. Keep his memory and message alive. He would not want us to be angry at each other.
It's All For Love. L.O.V.E.

Has anyone else put that up there with one of their favourite Michael quotes? :cry:
Yes! And I was just wondering that it's becoming very "classic" quote, that everybody remembers who said it and when :heart:

Hugs and L.O.V.E. to MJJC :huggy:
Did someone say they needed a thread like this? Well then my friend you are in the right place. I here on give you a smiling Michael and a *mental hug*:


Remember. Love is where you want it to be, if you find none, then create it. :wub:

Thanks, I just the picture. I hope that I can get over this sadness soon. :(

So sweet.. brought tears to my eyes. My heart just keeps bleeding L.O.V.E.

If love could have saved Michael, he never would have died. :weeping::weeping::weeping:

:cry: That is right, But we loved and continue to love him. :cry:

And I love your signature it is so beautiful.
Beatiful thread. Is this something Michael has always said, spelling out L.O.V.E. and all or is it something he only began saying more recently?









REMEMBER THE TIMES? REMEMBER WHEN THE VIDEO WATSUPWITHU CAME OUT? EDDIE AND MICHAEL SURROUNDED BY BIRDS AND HEARTS? Can anyone do me a favour and post screenshots of this video!!! It was all about the love then and its still all about the love now!
thats a nice ideai , uplifting..
i hope someone is able to .
This is a beautiful thread...thank you......We really needed this thread here...I thought we had forgotten ...ALL FOR L.O.V.E..........Thank You Michael for reminding us...:love:...........Make that Change.....:love:
Sending LOVE to all of you!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :hug:
Wonderful thread!

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with." MJ