What would you do if...............

MEOWWWWWW! And want cuddles all the time from my owner.

WWYDI animals suddenly got smarter than us and started putting us in the zoos and wildlife parks?!
Sort out my problems with the mice.

WWYDI your computer/laptop broke and you lost everything on it??
Omg lol, buy fake ones and glue them on?? :lol:

WWYDI a ghost jumped on your bed and started break dancing? :O
Be absolutely devastated either way you mean....

WWYDI you saw someone about to get run over?
I would call 999 straight away!

What would you do if somone asked you to play the lead role in a Hollywood blockbuster, cos they thought you looked perfect for the role?
I don't think I'd make a good actress :lol: and I doubt i'd be able to learn all those lines :toofunny: oh gosh, I guess I'd give it a shot? :D

What would you do if you found a suitcase in a public toilets containing £100,000 in cash?
Not take it. I'd feel guilty for some reason.

WWYDI you woke up and you were in someone else's body? :O
Depends what sort of body I had whether i'd be happy about that or not :lol:

What would you do if you poked your tongue out and it hit the floor?
Eugh!!! LOL! Probably get my butt to a doctor pronto. :lol:

WWYDI there was suddenly no such thing as chocolate anymore??
wouldn't bother me :eek:

what would you do if you built a snow man then went inside, looked out the window and he started to walk away? :lol:
Omg follow it and ask if it can fly me through the air with it. :lol:

WWYDI cars/buses/planes etc were all banned and everyone had to use horse and cart for transportation from now on? :O
Omg wonder if I was dead or something. :huh: Scary thought.

WWYDI cockroaches took over the planet? :O
tell people what i really thought of them good and bad, try to remember all my confessions, make amends, and spend the rest the time with my family and make sure they know how blessed i feel to know them

what would you do if you got snowed in?
:mellow: I'd laugh and cry at the same time :lol: and scream, and think how cool! But be very scared. So a lot of mixed emotions :lol:

What would you do if you were stroking a cat, then it started talking to you like a person? :toofunny:
Omg I'd die of excitement. :lol:

WWYDI a dragon asked you to come fly with it? :O
Check it was edible? :lol::lol:

WWYDI you woke up and found your house was flooded?