What would you do if...............

Stand under it :lol:

what would you do if you sat down to watch a movie and the movie was all about you?
id be so embarrass and i wouldnt even stay for the movie
what would you do if the person sitting next to you had B.O and you couldnt leave
again make myself very rich :lol:

what would you do if a shark was coming at you?
:lol::lol::lol: @ Shark thing.
Accept it? Not much I could do lol!
What would you do if you found out you were going to die tomorrow?
oops I was late

well I'd wish to death that I'd meet Michael and talk to him.I realy got to before I die....

what'd u do if no one understood you?
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Be upset.

WWYD if you found out you were a king in a past life and the person who killed you is your best friend today? :O
I would ask them if I have to be in a bad movie next?! lol

What would you do if you had one extra toe and one extra finger?
Ask them a lot of questions about the universe and if I can go with them.

WWYD if you woke up and found out that your entire life was just a massive dream?
^ :eek: OMG! I'd be very intruiged as to WHY I was on the front :lol: wow, that would be something, right :unsure: dunno if that's good or bad :lol:

What would you do if a stranger broke into your house and walked into your bedroom at night? :unsure:
I would pick up my lamp shade and knock it over their heads :lol:
Scary, though. Ahh I hope that never happens!

What would you do if there was no Christmas? :eek:
Prod it and see if I can feel myself prodding it? :unsure::blink:


WWYD if you woke up and suddenly couldn't hear anymore??
That did happen to me and I still have some hearing loss in one ear from a very serious ear infection many years ago, I just dealt with it :)

What would you do if life didn't present challenges for you, would you take every day for granted?
Yes I would.

WWYDI it was suddenly found out that there are other earths out in the universe with people on. Would you want to go and visit??
Accept it. Nothing I can do. I would let all those who I love know before the time came. :)

WWYDI you found out you were related to George Bush? :O