What will your first emotion be?

screaming and crying all the time and not believing that i actually see him
its just soo unrealll :D and im so happy to see him finally
thinks: **oh my god! there's the guy who i've admired for more than 12 years! the guy that i've seen on all the dvds, heard on all the cds...OH MY GOD! (SCREAMS) WOOOOOOOOOOOO!**

Maybe something like that ;)
I'd like to think i'll be able to keep all the emotion inside me and not scream like a little girl . . But I dont know if i'll be able to do that - it may all get too much lol.
Hmmmm, Well I have wondered this for a long time. Well I don't officially have any tickets yet, but when I do, it will be close enough to where I can see his sweat fall to the ground.

I have already seen MJ in concert (MSG 2001) but I wasn't that close. I seen Janet 4th row and I was freaking out by seeing her... BUT

If I were to see Michael as close as I did Janet ...

first when I get inside the areana, before the show starts I'll keep repeating to myself .. "I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening." Then when I get to my spot I'll probly be like.... "I can't believethis is happening, I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening."

And well .. Then I'll probably get tearied a bit.. then it might hit me that I'm seeing himi that close and then I might cry my eyes on my friend's shoulders...

When MJ comes out.. hmmmm Dunno if I'll faint.. probably not because I am use to seeing him, since I have seen him for other occasions but to see him that close to perform a song like lets say... "Man in the Mirror"? OMG.. I dunno I dunno what I'll do, probably cry.... through out the concert it will be in between crying with tears of joy and screaming my head off, and dancing..... and uh... about sitting at an MJ concert.... HELL NO! LOL

so yeah that's my feelings about it. At least how I think I'll react.

yeah, same here. i cant wait :yes:
I would scream and cry and need mum to stop me falling over. I will probably be crying most of the way through. If he sings 'You are not alone' I will faint I know that!
I can't wait to hear how many times fans say, 'Oh my god!' LOL.
If its the same as last time when I saw him - i thought before that I would Cry and Scream and Faint but infact I couldnt scream or shout or make any noise I just stood next to paris hilton shaking uncontrolably that she had to take a pic of him for me at the WMAS!
I just shook I cant explain it!!
I will Shout, Scream, Cry then Smile. Lol, all MJ titles.
First time I saw Prince at the O2 he came out from inside the stage in a cloud of smoke I was just shocked and couldn't stop smiling. There's the guy i've been listening to and watching on tv for 20 years and he's stood in front of me! Incredible, u have to remind ure self that it's actually for real. The crowd was going crazy, then 1999 started and I can honestly say i've never been happier.

I've seen MJ twice on the Dangerous tour and once on the HIStory tour but I was quite young on both occasions so i'll probably remember more of these concerts and appreciate them more. Even though i've seen MJ before i'm sure i'll end up going nuts when the music starts cos I'm a bigger fan of MJ than Prince. Just talking about it is getting me excited (goes to watch some live MJ on youtube)
I'll cry,fall to my knees, pull my hair LOL and scream,...DANCE....SHOUT ;)
gonna shake my body down to the ground
I can't wait to hear how many times fans say, 'Oh my god!' LOL.

I'm sure I'll say it at least 20 times!!

About 6 on the way there and then a couple more when we get inside and then it will just be 'Oh My God' after every song (and probably everytime he smiles!'
Cry, no doubt. I already know because I always cry when I feel a lot of emotion no matter what, happy, sad, excited, mad, whatever.... I won't cry the whole time though, just when all the excitement is built up and he comes out on stage. :wild:
I usually cry when I see him after a long time...
So I guess I'll have a few tears running down my cheek when I see him on stage. And then I will just be happy and smile all the way :)
yeah i imagine shock would be it... like a real real OMG OMG OMG..... :swoon:BREATHE.... then it would be like... :shock: get a grip.... try to act like this is normal :pleased:
It's funny - the first time I saw him in '88 at Wembley (I was 18 and had been a massive fan since '83) I thought I'd cry or pass out but I didn't! I was screaming plenty and couldn't keep the grin off my face but I didn't cry, but, when I saw his announcement at the O2, I cried! My kids looked at me as if I'd gone mad and wondered what on earth was wrong, lol! So, who know's what my reaction will be in July! I'm damn sure I'll be so excited I won't know what to do with myself though!

What I'm not looking forward to is the enormous come down afterwards....
What I'm not looking forward to is the enormous come down afterwards....

ohhhhh man... this is what i fear the most. i've never seen him in person, and what i've dreaded since i became a fan is that experience where you're with him... in his space... and then... you're dropped back into the abyss without him... its overwhelming. your word enormous is fitting.