What will your first emotion be?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
what will your first emotion be when michael comes out on stage? mine will be shocked and then start crying what about you?
I'll probably be in too much shock to think of anything!
I'd imagine it'll be something like this: :bugeyed :wild: :woohoo:

Unless the excitement gets too much for me and I'll just :dropdead:
to start of with i think i'll be quite calm, like, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then, suddenly i'll faint and fall to the floor. :D
and miss Michael !
I've been going over it and I think I'll scream like a little girl and scare my girlfriend half to death. LOL
I cant explain what reaction I will have. But This moment will be special . And I think the whole crowd will screaaaaaaammmmmm soooooo louuuuuud .............. that my ears will broke ;)
I actually have no idea. It's going to be spectacular though.
I have never seen a person that is my Idol, heroe, +++ so the emotion will be kind of new. Thank you, Michael.
I don't know what will happen to me, wen he comes on stage b/c of it being my frist mj concert.
i prob be in shock and cry, or on the other hand i could faint

anything could happen really!
When i saw conor oberst I fought back the tears cos I was embaressed with the people i was with but could have sobbed like a baby! When I saw NIN I screamed and went mental! These are my other two idols, but only for a few years. Michaels been my idol since I was four and I've never seen him live, so judging by my feelings when seeing them live, I can't even imagine what im gonna be like. But im thinking wearing eye make up isn't a good idea cos it will probably end up down my face! :lol:
I got chills just thinking about it... I'll be completely, absolutely overwhelmed with happiness.
Hmmmm, Well I have wondered this for a long time. Well I don't officially have any tickets yet, but when I do, it will be close enough to where I can see his sweat fall to the ground.

I have already seen MJ in concert (MSG 2001) but I wasn't that close. I seen Janet 4th row and I was freaking out by seeing her... BUT

If I were to see Michael as close as I did Janet ...

first when I get inside the areana, before the show starts I'll keep repeating to myself .. "I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening." Then when I get to my spot I'll probly be like.... "I can't believethis is happening, I can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this is happening."

And well .. Then I'll probably get tearied a bit.. then it might hit me that I'm seeing himi that close and then I might cry my eyes on my friend's shoulders...

When MJ comes out.. hmmmm Dunno if I'll faint.. probably not because I am use to seeing him, since I have seen him for other occasions but to see him that close to perform a song like lets say... "Man in the Mirror"? OMG.. I dunno I dunno what I'll do, probably cry.... through out the concert it will be in between crying with tears of joy and screaming my head off, and dancing..... and uh... about sitting at an MJ concert.... HELL NO! LOL

so yeah that's my feelings about it. At least how I think I'll react.
I have noo clue!!
I hope I won't faint! I'll get angry at myself if I faint!! I would miss the biggest experience in my life!

I think I'll cry like a baby. When Michael did the press conference I was crying when he walked on stage BUT I was not even at the O2 I was watching it on CNN! So imagine how I'll be like seing him in real life? Omg.
You never know, in my opinion, but I think I will be stunned, excited and even tears will come to my eyes. This was my exact reaction at the Dangerous Tour in Hamburg when I was 11. At the HIStory Tour I was too far back standing in the middle and I was to busy trying to see anything as to be able to think about anything else. lol.
I'll be thinking :


And then i'll be thinking: scr** all the haters who said he was over and done with!

After that i'll be::punk::clapping::wild::dancin:
i think i will stay calm...usually the emotion takes place inside me....i will keep repeating myself "omg it is Michael there..etc"...but i am not quite sure what to expect, because i never seen that close Michael to me sing and dance, on my previous concerts i was further in the seating tiers in big stadions. so now i am very much looking forward to this magical and new experience:):wild:
my first emotion would be: DAMN I LUV THIS MAN!!!:wub::wub::wub:
my first question to myself would be: WHY AREN'T WE MARRIED WITH PETS???:scratch: