What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

I don't know because I don't watch the Oscars. Only because all of my favorite Hollywood stars are all dead now. Well all except for 3 which is Jane Seymour, Elizabeth Taylor, and Jim Carrey. And the only way I will watch the Oscars if I see my favorite stars there. Which that will never happen.

Favorite MJ song at the moment?
Can't seem to stop listening to GITM demo.

What's your favorite Christmas carol?
Silent Night...or Felice Na Mi Da.... ( however u spell it :p )

What's you're favourite chocolate bar brand?
teehee. I LOVE nestle tooo . *higghhhfive* lolzz

Uh... let's see.... well I love Heath Ledger and Will Smith. And for actress it's gotta be Audrey Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor

Who's your most favourite person on the planet?
*High fives* :wild:

Michael is my favorite person, just because I look up to him and respect him so very much.

What's your favorite season and why?

hey, michael's my favourite person as well :p lmao..talk bout coincidence

hmmm... oh boy, my favourite season? wow.... uh.... i love autumn cuz of the serene and silent beauty of it.... but i also love spring because everything is just starting to be born again then. It's rejuvinating and fresh. Like each drop of rain is falling so the storms of the winter can be washed away. So definately spring :)

Who's your favourite superhero ? teehee
I love Batman and Spiderman! Though I tend to always like the villains more. =P

What's your favorite comedy film?
I love the villains more too :p

like JOKER... OMGGGGGG teeehee

comedy film..hmmm.... therez lotsss.....

ace ventura:pet detective
men in black
white chicks
blues brothers
Liar Liar
Bruce Almight

mostly Jim Carrey onez :D

What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
I love The Joker too! :wild:

"Lets not uh, blow... this outta proportion..." :wild:!

I love Mint Chocolate Chip. Now I'm really wanting some that I've mentioned it. =P

What's your favorite warm drink?

I love when he says, "I just want my phonecall..."
oh the face teehee

Warm drink...hmmm...hot chocolate with whipped cream :p

Who's your favourite animated character?
Mmmm hot chocolate with whipped cream.... *drools all over the keyboard*

Favorite animated character? Hm... I love Timon from the Lion King. =P Love his sense of humor LOL, never gets old.

What's your favorite song to listen to when you're happy?
teehee :p

um.... when im happy.... hmm... lol either "I Was Made For Loving You Baby' by KISS
or "Don't Panic' by Coldplay :D

from Michael, "Can You Feel It"

What's your favourite colour on Michael?
Uh, anything looks good on that man? But I really love it when he wears red. =P

What's your favorite MJ song that's sung live?
I really can't describe how he does it. In Smooth Criminal when he comes down off the stage and swings his arms back and forth? *Racks brain* If I could find a GIF of it I would show you. I hope you know what I mean though?

What's your favorite non MJ song of all time?
omg yes i've seen it. at first i got scared i'm like WTF happened to his arm?
and then i realized who i was watching and went, "Oh right...i forgot...this is the guy with the most talent in the world." :p

fav non MJ song would be...hmm....either "I was made for loving you" by KISS
or "Fix You" by Coldplay :D

what's your accessory, like hats...watches...scarfs...etc.
Fix You by Coldplay is amazing. That song always makes me cry.

My favorite accessory... uh, beanie hats that I like wearing. =P

What's your favorite MJ song ever?
i know, fix you is SO good . i luv the line, "...when you're too in love to let it go"

a beanie hat lmao :p

hmmm...that's seriously hard. but i love childhood and earth song ;)
but of course...ultamately it's THRILLLLERRR!!!


would u rather have a tabloid burning or be the most famous person in the world?

LOL! Have a tabloid burning and go all crazy, record it and send it to Michael so he can see how mental we all are?

What's your favorite book?
lol yup i'd do the same.... and then he can see how mental we are AND how much we love him... that we went to freaking jail and burned the world up for HIM and only HIM

lmao :p

hey maybe he'll bail us out of jail for that haha

favourite book...zomg...so hard!
buh like.... i'd pick "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli.

what's your favourite weather condition? *shrugs*
I like it when the sky is clear and it's not TOO hot... just nice and bright. I find my mood is much happier. I also like listening to the rain when I'm in bed at night. Helps me sleep.

What's your favorite romantic movie?