What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

"Como Agua Para Chocolate" ("Like Water For Chocolate") and "Indochine" are a couple that I like :)

What is your favorite flavor bagel?
Cheese bagles! *Droooooooolllll*

What's your favorite kind of chocolate?
Dark and white

What is your favorite tropical island?
Hawaii since it is full of volcanoes. And I have such a love for volcanoes. And if I ever got a chance to go to Hawaii the first thing I want to do is get a real up close look at Mt. Kilauea erupting. Well get as close to it as I am allowed to.

What is favorite kind of ice cream?
^^ I hope you get a chance to go to Hawaii. It's one of the most beautiful places :)

Haagen Dazs Coffee and I really like Ben & Jerrys Half Baked & Karamel Sutra :p

What is your favorite period movie?
That is my fave album so it's very hard to choose :eek: can I have a couple? :unsure: lol

Keep the faith
Will you be there
In the closet
Who is it
Give into me

Oops got carried away :lol:

Edit: and from Invincible it's Whatever happens

What is your fave music video?
A couple :lol: that album is just unbelievably amazing! :wild: underrated, I think.

Oh gosh, I'm not sure about which music video - again, too many!

If I HAD to choose............ Smooth Criminal :D and Ghosts... and Black or White :unsure:... yeah, I can't choose just one :lol:

edit: LOL sometimes I forget to ask a question after I answered one :lol:

What is your favourite Elton John song?
I don't have just one

What is your favorite Prayer?
Edit: oops...maybe, Michael :unsure:

^ I love that song by Roberta Flack :wub:

Diet coke I'm drinking one now :D

Who is your favorite film director?
Silent Night :wub:

What is your favorite thing to put on your Christmas tree?
Mrs. Fields cookies, white chocolate macademia nut or milk chocolate chip :)

What is your favorite movie of all time?