What/Who etc is your favorite.........?


what is your favorite drink besides water
I don't have a favorite room

what is your favorite type of artwork
ice cream

what is your favorite tv show
I dont really have fave thing to wear :unsure: just as long as it's comfortable but I like to be casual so usually jeans and some top

whats you fave flower?
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened" or
"Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly"

I carry both of them in my wallet:)

what is your favorite travel destination (beach, countryside, big city)?
Having my children, and a few others :)

What is your fave type of hat?
I have a couple kangol golf style hats and sun visors but I don't wear them much

what is your favorite type of personality in a person?
An honest loyal trustworthy one :)

what is your fave sandwich filling?
either turkey or chicken, dijon mustard, no mayo:puke:, lettuce, red onion, avocado, and pickles sometimes

What is your favorite movie musical?
Slow dancing

what is your favorite horror movie
Nightmare on Elm Street...

Who is your favorite actress/actor?
cats because they're so unique one from another, they keep themselves clean and go to potty all by themselves

what is your favorite song from a Live musical theatre production?
I find all of nature and it's creations fascinating

what is your favorite sea creature?