What Was MJ's Peak?

july 8th 2009.... :D

Well you could say it is, nobody ever, ever, could make that kind of a historic comeback, it re cements Michaels name in history as the king and slaps the face of every bore who waffled he was a "former" anything, its not over til its over and I cant wait to hear or see something new from our guy :D
Their are many ways in which you can say when Michael was at his peak.

I'd say Michael's peak both commercially as far as albums and singles go was 1979-97. Michael peak with the generally public, meaning also how a none fans (not haters) also viewed was 1983-93. As a live performer I'd say Michael was at his peak from 1979-89, as I feel Michael eaither lost a lot of his energy in the 1990's as he did on the Dangerous Tour were he was actually ill on both 1992 and 1993 legs. Or that Michael complacent bored with touring as he appeared on the lip-synced History Tour.

In the USA Thriller era is obviouly Michael's peak, but he was still huge and bigger than any other artist in the USA in the Bad era, with his tour and 5 No.1 singles (compared to 2 No.1 off Thriller) off the Bad album which is still a record today. Around the rest of the world, Michael's peak is the Bad era due to the Bad tour. And in the UK Michael's peak was during the Bad Tour, with the record break 7 nights at Wembley Stadium that still stand, which Michael's amazing performances surpassed the hype. And Michael Bad album being the fasting selling album in the UK at the time, and Bad being the 2nd biggest selling album in the UK of all and, and still Michael's biggest selling album. But singles wise, Michael was at his peak during the History era with almost all if his singles being in the Top 5 (most reaching No.3), and 3 No.1 singles between 1995-97.

For some one who's popularity is supposed to have gone downhill since Thriller and then the false 1993 abuse allegations. Michael has continued to remain at a very high peak level, even though since the post the Bad, and Dangerous era's Michael's peak has dipped, but that is something that happens to all artists but Michael's still remained at a peak level only new teen idol artists will have for just a few years. Which shows how popular Michael Jackson has continued to remain.

Can Michael peak again, well no one expected Michael's O2 concerts to be as big an event as they are, even though us fans knew it would be huge but not on the same level as the Bad era. So I'd say Michael is on course to it a peak as big as the Bad era. And considering how big a historical event these concerts are, if Michael sings live and is filled with energy may even surpass his own peaks. I don't know what to expect from Michael in 2009, but I would never write Michael off or underestimate him as he has a nack to proving people wrong and surpassing expectations, which is why I find him a huge inspiration.
There is nobody else in business who has had the achievements Michael has had or the longevity.

To be truthful, it all depends on the area of " Achievements" that you are talking about?. When it comes to having the most Records at #1, Michael is not the record holder, Mirah Carey is. Thriller is the #1 selling album of all time, but there are some who disputes this because during Thriller's release, records were counted by what was shipped to record stores, not by how much was actually sold. With Sound Scan and some of the other tracking systems that are in place, you get a more accurate count because the counts are being taken as the barcodes on the album/cd are being scanned at the Registers at the point of sales. Michael is not the artist with the total most records sold.

And there are a few people who have just as much of a longevity in their music careers as Michael, you just don't follow their careers. There were many before him. And not everyone cares about Michael's music. So let's be realistic here.
Right. To be exact. It would have lasted between May 16th 1983 (Motown: 25 aired)- August 17th 1993 (the day the news broke of the allegations)
Pretty much :yes:

Reality is how you make it? No, reality is reality. I'm not a blind MJ fan that thinks of MJ as a king. There's obviously times in MJ's career where he has been on top more than others. Please don't tell me the Invincible era was on par with the Dangerous or even HIStory era. You need to stop disrespecting people's intelligence by trying to claim MJ and his career has always been on the same level and it never went up or down.
I agree with your post, although your phrasing could do with a little less firing :cheeky:
In all fairness, Michael is not the same superstar he was in between the Thriller and Dangerous era. I don't mean to say he's any less talented, but publicy his glory days belong to the past. For Michaels standards, the Invincible album was of a lesser quality then his other achievements, imo.
However, I do feel that a succelful This Is It-era could bring him back to a higher level.

And considering how big a historical event these concerts are, if Michael sings live and is filled with energy may even surpass his own peaks. I don't know what to expect from Michael in 2009, but I would never write Michael off or underestimate him as he has a nack to proving people wrong and surpassing expectations, which is why I find him a huge inspiration.
Cheers to that :yes:
and im gonna give u a reality check. it aint over till its over,there4 no1 knows what his peak will be until he decides 2sit down sumwhere. of course there were donwfalls as every1 faces them,but no1 has topped him, so until then 1958-present
So you're telling me the last 7 years of MJ's life have been on the same level as when he released Dangerous? LOL
There is nobody else in business who has had the achievements Michael has had or the longevity.
You should be more specific. In the record business, yes MJ has a lot of achievements. But there are others that have achieved things MJ has not. In business in general, there are PLENTY of people who have achieved things that MJ hasn't. MJ doesn't compare to Bill Gates when it comes to business.
Hey, peeps, Michael is moving forward! Let's keep pace with the man, don't be left tooo far behind...;)

The BEST is yet to come!:yes:
As a live performer I'd say Michael was at his peak from 1979-89, as I feel Michael eaither lost a lot of his energy in the 1990's as he did on the Dangerous Tour

I dont agree with that, I thought the Dangerous tour was electric
What was MJ's true peak of fame, popularity, and commercial success?

In my opinion his peak lasted 10 years and was between (1983-1993).
I agree with this.

But The History tour in Europe was huge in 1997!!!
I think Mike has had many peaks and there'll probably will be one or two more late peaks.
Their are many ways in which you can say when Michael was at his peak.

I'd say Michael's peak both commercially as far as albums and singles go was 1979-97. Michael peak with the generally public, meaning also how a none fans (not haters) also viewed was 1983-93. As a live performer I'd say Michael was at his peak from 1979-89, as I feel Michael eaither lost a lot of his energy in the 1990's as he did on the Dangerous Tour were he was actually ill on both 1992 and 1993 legs. Or that Michael complacent bored with touring as he appeared on the lip-synced History Tour.

In the USA Thriller era is obviouly Michael's peak, but he was still huge and bigger than any other artist in the USA in the Bad era, with his tour and 5 No.1 singles (compared to 2 No.1 off Thriller) off the Bad album which is still a record today. Around the rest of the world, Michael's peak is the Bad era due to the Bad tour. And in the UK Michael's peak was during the Bad Tour, with the record break 7 nights at Wembley Stadium that still stand, which Michael's amazing performances surpassed the hype. And Michael Bad album being the fasting selling album in the UK at the time, and Bad being the 2nd biggest selling album in the UK of all and, and still Michael's biggest selling album. But singles wise, Michael was at his peak during the History era with almost all if his singles being in the Top 5 (most reaching No.3), and 3 No.1 singles between 1995-97.

For some one who's popularity is supposed to have gone downhill since Thriller and then the false 1993 abuse allegations. Michael has continued to remain at a very high peak level, even though since the post the Bad, and Dangerous era's Michael's peak has dipped, but that is something that happens to all artists but Michael's still remained at a peak level only new teen idol artists will have for just a few years. Which shows how popular Michael Jackson has continued to remain.

Can Michael peak again, well no one expected Michael's O2 concerts to be as big an event as they are, even though us fans knew it would be huge but not on the same level as the Bad era. So I'd say Michael is on course to it a peak as big as the Bad era. And considering how big a historical event these concerts are, if Michael sings live and is filled with energy may even surpass his own peaks. I don't know what to expect from Michael in 2009, but I would never write Michael off or underestimate him as he has a nack to proving people wrong and surpassing expectations, which is why I find him a huge inspiration.

Mate I could read your eloquent and descriptive posts all day on your thoughts! Kudos.
I dont agree with that, I thought the Dangerous tour was electric

The Dangerous Tour was electric when Michael wasn't ill, and much better and very different to the crappy Live in Bucharest DVD were Michael is ill. I attended the Bad and Dangerous Tours, and on the Bad Tour Michael was far more physically imposing and spontanous. I rate the Dangerous Tour very highly, but the Bad Tour is in my opinion the greatest tour of all time by any artist or band.

Mate I could read your eloquent and descriptive posts all day on your thoughts! Kudos.

Cool, thanks simonalvelos:)
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I personally enjoy watching performances most from the HIStory tour b/c they seem the most technically sound. Performances such as TWYMMF, Billie Jean or Beat It are far superior from the HIStory tour, the only only edge the BAD performances had were they were sung live. There's far more dancing and complex dances from MJ in the HIStory tour compared to the repeated dance steps used in the Bad tour.

His popularity was ten fold higher during the BAD era, but as soon as MJ launched the HIStory tour in Europe in the mid 90's i'm guessing the majority of people probably favored him overseas as compared to in the U.S. I'm still glad MJ's going to be performing, but it only makes sense to release an album now or somekind of new material. Or we supposed to believe after all that speculation from those other artists that MJ doesn't have enough material for a new album??? But either way his popularity would spike again all around the world if he was smart enough to release an album in conjunction of this new tour.
I personally enjoy watching performances most from the HIStory tour b/c they seem the most technically sound. Performances such as TWYMMF, Billie Jean or Beat It are far superior from the HIStory tour, the only only edge the BAD performances had were they were sung live. There's far more dancing and complex dances from MJ in the HIStory tour compared to the repeated dance steps used in the Bad tour.

His popularity was ten fold higher during the BAD era, but as soon as MJ launched the HIStory tour in Europe in the mid 90's i'm guessing the majority of people probably favored him overseas as compared to in the U.S. I'm still glad MJ's going to be performing, but it only makes sense to release an album now or somekind of new material. Or we supposed to believe after all that speculation from those other artists that MJ doesn't have enough material for a new album??? But either way his popularity would spike again all around the world if he was smart enough to release an album in conjunction of this new tour.

Good post, but I strongly disagree with you that Michael repeated dance steps on the Bad Tour, and that the his dances moves were far more complex on the History Tour, because they weren't. If anything Michael repeated dance steps on the History Tour, because Michael did a variation of the Moonwalk in almost every song, and on the Bad Tour Michael only Moonwalked in Billie Jean and Bad !

Michael also tended to stick to chreographed dance rountines, which ment there was less spontantous and solo dancing from Michael as he and had dancers on stage with him on far more songs than on the Bad Tour. I attended the History Tour at Wembley Stadium, and it was awesome, except for the lip-syncing and too many choreographed dance routines with dancers. Billie Jean and Beat It in the History Tour was amazing, just as good as on the Bad Tour but my favorite History Tour performances were Scream and They Don't Care About Us.
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i love this thead very much and his peak is from 1958 until they put him into the grave michael has never lost his touch........
1972 number one hits after number 1hits.......
people going crazy faniting
1979 omg. off the wall
thriller yall know the deal!!!!!!!!!!
bad era the tour
the videos!!!!!!
the innovator dancing moves bigger tour than the previous tour

ok mj peak never wen downhill at all
but when i seen mj dangerous tour!!!!!!!!
i was appalled and shock!!!!!!
that was something i will never forget watching as a 4 year old child!!!!!!!!! finna watch it now
These peeps who say Michael's whole life has been a peak crack me up. Like when the fam barely had enough to eat and were being abused by Joe that was a real peak. Mike being so stressed out that he had tofight a problem with prescription drugs,that really was a peak. Oh,and the biggest peak of all,was being held in a feces covered jailcell while being harassed by the jail officials.

Listen,a mountain range has a peak. A real star,like our sun has a peak. Some of you remind me of the peeps who ask Mike if he actually uses the bathroom.
Now I would agree that dif facets of his life have dif peaks. To Mike a personal peak may be the birth of his children.

I think his peak as a dancer, physically, was the end of the Black or White vid. He was so explosive and cat quick.

But everybody has ups and downs.
These peeps who say Michael's whole life has been a peak crack me up. Like when the fam barely had enough to eat and were being abused by Joe that was a real peak. Mike being so stressed out that he had tofight a problem with prescription drugs,that really was a peak. Oh,and the biggest peak of all,was being held in a feces covered jailcell while being harassed by the jail officials.

Listen,a mountain range has a peak. A real star,like our sun has a peak. Some of you remind me of the peeps who ask Mike if he actually uses the bathroom.

we are clearly talking about in terms of success his private life is an entirely different matter ----------->
peak means highest point guys not how long he was or is great. hell came out of katherine great and still is but his highest point was thiller. over 60 to 106 million sold(based on different claims) 8 grammys and 7 top 10 hits and the most played video ever. you can't beat that so don't try.
i dont know why pple think that since thriller was the biggest selling album ever it was his peak. hes don greater things than that
peak means highest point guys not how long he was or is great. hell came out of katherine great and still is but his highest point was thiller. over 60 to 106 million sold(based on different claims) 8 grammys and 7 top 10 hits and the most played video ever. you can't beat that so don't try.

no. a peak is when you are mobbed everytime you go outside. you know why? becuase if he wasn't mobbed everytime he went outside, then the media would say, he's not mobbed when he goes outside anymore. so, he's through.

so they tend to spin things any which way to diminish MJ's unprecedented high status, because it is unprecedented high status.

because no matter what the formula...the greetings MJ gets when he goes outside, are what every celebrity and aspiring celebrity lives and dies for. it doesn't matter what they say. the pussycat dolls say it best in a song they put out that was a recent hit.

and if they're mobbing him, that means they're buying the stuff he's known for. his music. and they have and ceaselessly mob him in every era. and it can't be said that they're just buying music from one particular era, since so many fans have said they favor so many different eras. different eras for different fans. and there are more than a few of those fans who love all the eras.

and each fan cannot be considered less significant than the other fan, no matter which era they like. so that's what makes him so significant and peaking in all eras.

should we decide that all those fans that unprecedentedly and quickly sold out o2, for what is now considered a present and future era, are solely in love with just the Thriller era? or just the Dangerous era?

if you can find another celebrity, in this musical field, that gets this treatment everytime they go outside, throughout their entire professional life, i'll be glad to say that their entire professional life is at a constant peak, too.

because all those other celebrities really did have a peak, then fell off, because they either disappeared, or they simply don't get that treatment when they go outside anymore.

because if we were all to wake up for the first time, and celebritydom was just beginning, the media would say that no matter what they say, a celebrity is at a peak when the fans are feverish around that celebrity. now that that is the case with MJ, at least, some of the media tends to deny it.

didn't the media deny that he had fans, until he started coming outside again, and videos of his outings and internet evidence proved that, indeed, he does have fans?

didn't the media deny that he had fans in the usa, until his beverly hills outings proved otherwise? now tmz had to admit, he has fans in the usa.
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no. a peak is when you are mobbed everytime you go outside. you know why? becuase if he wasn't mobbed everytime he went outside, then the media would say, he's not mobbed when he goes outside anymore. so, he's through.

so they tend to spin things any which way to diminish MJ's unprecedented high status, because it is unprecedented high status.

because no matter what the formula...the greetings MJ gets when he goes outside, are what every celebrity and aspiring celebrity lives and dies for. it doesn't matter what they say. the pussycat dolls say it best in a song they put out that was a recent hit.

and if they're mobbing him, that means they're buying the stuff he's known for. his music. and they have and ceaselessly mob him in every era. and it can't be said that they're just buying music from one particular era, since so many fans have said they favor so many different eras. different eras for different fans. and there are more than a few of those fans who love all the eras.

and each fan cannot be considered less significant than the other fan, no matter which era they like. so that's what makes him so significant and peaking in all eras.

should we decide that all those fans that unprecedentedly and quickly sold out o2, for what is now considered a present and future era, are solely in love with just the Thriller era? or just the Dangerous era?

if you can find another celebrity, in this musical field, that gets this treatment everytime they go outside, throughout their entire professional life, i'll be glad to say that their entire professional life is at a constant peak, too.

because all those other celebrities really did have a peak, then fell off, because they either disappeared, or they simply don't get that treatment when they go outside anymore.

because if we were all to wake up for the first time, and celebritydom was just beginning, the media would say that no matter what they say, a celebrity is at a peak when the fans are feverish around that celebrity. now that that is the case with MJ, at least, some of the media tends to deny it.

didn't the media deny that he had fans, until he started coming outside again, and videos of his outings and internet evidence proved that, indeed, he does have fans?

didn't the media deny that he had fans in the usa, until his beverly hills outings proved otherwise? now tmz had to admit, he has fans in the usa.

-slaps hi 5-
i dont know why pple think that since thriller was the biggest selling album ever it was his peak. hes don greater things than that
I don't know if I would call Thriller MJ's peak, but there is no doubt in my mind that selling 100 million or however many copies of that album is MJ's single greatest accomplishment. It kind of gets looked over because it happened so early in his career, but it's such an amazing number and something no one will ever top.