What Was MJ's Peak?

Ok, I think we are talking about different things. Yes what we decide determines our future, and people live different lives, die differently etc. I was reffering to what reality is, the physical Universe we live in, and the laws of nature governs how matter and energy interact, ergo how we live and die on this little ball of dust in the vast cosmos is governed by those laws. We all experience the same physical reality. We all experience gravity, time etc. What you are talking about is choice. And that is governed by something called cause and effect. Free will, if you will, lol. Like, if I went to bed early today, I could have more hours to spend posting with you fine people all day tomorrow, or if I stay up late, I will sleep late tomorrow. But this is for physics class.

Lets keep the subject on Michael;)

lol...the subject never left Michael, including what i said about 'for all time'. :). i was addressing your detour. lol, after i said the reality is MJ never had a musical valley, and we were told we need a reality check for saying that, and i simply said we can't be disrespected for our opinions(not by you)cus it's against the rules of the site. but yes..let's carry on about MJ
The Dangerous Era right before the allegations.

The Dangerous World Tour and Oprah Interview.
lol...the subject never left Michael, including what i said about 'for all time'. :). i was addressing your detour. lol, after i said the reality is MJ never had a musical valley, and we were told we need a reality check for saying that, and i simply said we can't be disrespected for our opinions(not by you)cus it's against the rules of the site. but yes..let's carry on about MJ

Ok, I must be getting tired. Didn`t catch that, sorry, lol.

Yeah, I agree MJ never had a valley or what you call it.

The media makes it look like that, but we hear over and over again how Michael never stops creating music.

Imagine having all songs MJ ever made. Then we could follow his path of creative development from early childhood to this date, much more detailed then what we have done so far.

But I guess this thread could be answered in many ways.

Like, what was MJ's peak as a dancer, songwriter, innovator, music video.....pardon short film creator, tours and so on and so on.

aaah this is to early to be discussing this:) We should wait until the tour kicks off and the new album comes. THEN I think we got something to compare. It has been so long since MJ did anything public. Also, MJ spends years creating before he releases anything. He has only released 9 solo albums since 1971. Times have changed so much. His work represent a huge chunk of music history.

To put it in a funny way, I think he NEVER lost his mojo.....om my god I can`t believe I said that!
I'd say he's had very much different peaks in different parts of the world...

And actually he has never fallen that much really. First it was the huge mania and then he actually just rised his popularity all through the years. I think he reached just so huge popularity in 80's and still 90's that it still keeps growing like "in secret". So the sales don't tell it all.

Even thou everyone who bought Thriller might not have bought every single album he released after that there are not really millions of MJ fans that have actually left him and started to hate him during all these years. It's different if you don't have patience to wait what's coming next and I think that's happened with him all through the years since Thriller (because of the gap between the releases), but it just leaves all the most dedicated fans to support him and they support him like many times more than those impatient fans.
And still it's always possible that those impatient fans "wake up" later when something extremely good is going on.

After the first mania he still reached top of the lists and I think he is still going to. How can anyone say he is "a fallen star" if he sells MILLION tickets in London, come on!? It might be different in United States (actually no one knows I think) but to me it's just all about promotion. If you look at how much he has promoted his stuff in United States compared to how much he COULD have, it says a lot...
Right. To be exact. It would have lasted between May 16th 1983 (Motown: 25 aired)- August 17th 1993 (the day the news broke of the allegations)

Jep then just 10 years later it happened again.
Off The Wall -> Thriller -> Dangerous -> Invincible

Bad was not as good as Thriller, and HIStory not as good as Dangerous. Each I listed were a peak at the time. The highest? Dangerous.

MJ does not peak, then never rise again. Bad may not have been as good as Thriller, but he came back and killed all 3 albums with Dangerous. Dangerous Tour sold less than Bad, but HIStory beat both.
Probably at the time of the BAD Tour. It all went downhill after that.
Probably at the time of the BAD Tour. It all went downhill after that.

Downhill? Dangerous album(30 million sold) History(20 million sold) Dangerous Tour and History Tour, his biggest tours, and all the records he broke with everything he released. Michael was most popular during the Dangerous Tour. He had more fans.

Yes if you wanna focus on the allegations, then it could look like you have a point. But other then that I think you are forgetting that MJ was one of the biggest selling artists of the entire 90`s.
Michael didn't have a peak because he is always at the top with or without an album. He is not a "has been" and never will be!
I say his career has always been on a peak, it has never went down.
That man is amazing and will never go downhill.:)

well honestly, as much as we deny it, Invincible was a low point of his career. success wise, compared to previous attempts.

and now of course someone will say Invincible is a good album,had no promotion,internet era, blah blah which I am not denying,just saying that it was not as successful as his previous albums when it comes to hits, videos etc.
Off The Wall -> Thriller -> Dangerous -> Invincible

Bad was not as good as Thrillerquote]

But thats just a matter of tastes, Bad is better than Thriller to me, and Dangerous is better than Bad, The innovation on HIStory pretty much beats anybody, of all the remix albums released BOTD sold the most, ever, I think Michael remains the most famous person in the world, different trends and access to music means that sales will never be the same again, as the second "allegation/bullsh!t" started Michael was selling 500k a week in Britain. So peaks are different to everyone you ask, im just so happy and proud that Michael, again, has shown that you cant keep a good man down with This Is It :clapping:
you need to stay away from disrespecting fans.

you have an opinion..we have ours..and frankly, he never had a musical valley. and that's a precedent.

reality is how you make it. you don't need to blanket others with how you think about things.
Reality is how you make it? No, reality is reality. I'm not a blind MJ fan that thinks of MJ as a king. There's obviously times in MJ's career where he has been on top more than others. Please don't tell me the Invincible era was on par with the Dangerous or even HIStory era. You need to stop disrespecting people's intelligence by trying to claim MJ and his career has always been on the same level and it never went up or down.
Reality is how you make it? No, reality is reality. I'm not a blind MJ fan that thinks of MJ as a king. There's obviously times in MJ's career where he has been on top more than others. Please don't tell me the Invincible era was on par with the Dangerous or even HIStory era. You need to stop disrespecting people's intelligence by trying to claim MJ and his career has always been on the same level and it never went up or down.

i completely agree with you and for the love of God when will the fans who don't like each and every song and thing about Michael stop being called disrespectful??? it's rather that disrespectful fans are those who don't accept other fans not liking everything about MJ... just saying :(
There is nobody else in business who has had the achievements Michael has had or the longevity.
Reality is how you make it? No, reality is reality. I'm not a blind MJ fan that thinks of MJ as a king. There's obviously times in MJ's career where he has been on top more than others. Please don't tell me the Invincible era was on par with the Dangerous or even HIStory era. You need to stop disrespecting people's intelligence by trying to claim MJ and his career has always been on the same level and it never went up or down.

the difference between me and you, is i'm telling it how it is. he didn't have a valley. i don't aim at fans when i say that. i only had my mind on Michael. on the other hand, after i made my post, you did the fan attack. you aimed at fan posts on here, instead of just giving your view of Michael. you aim at fans, telling them to get a reality check. i'm not disrespecting, you are, because you are aiming at fans in particular. for instance, i didn't call anyone blind. you did. that's the difference. for you, reality is reality. for others reality is what they make it. again, you don't have enough respect that people see things differently there, as well. the only people being attacked here, are the ones who do like every MJ song. they're being called everything from 'fanboy', to 'blind' and 'blind worshippers.' the difference between me and you is that i made a post, and that's it. i didn't go looking at other fans' posts, decide which ones i didn't like, and then personally attack those fans. you did. then you go and put a spin on my post and call it 'attacking someone else's intelligence' to rationalize. so you are saying that me giving total props to MJ for what he has clearly accomplished, is the same as attacking a fan's intelligence. not only is that a grand reach, but a totally lame attempt at rationalization, to make yourself feel better at mine and others' expense, and failingly put me in the same ballpark with what you are doing. it was my so called 'fanboy' post, and anyone who agrees with me, that was attacked. that is where the disrespect is.

and did it ever occur to you, that maybe for those who don't like a certain song of MJ's there's another who does like that song, and that makes up the difference? MJ said he writes for different people in different walks of life. that's what makes for across the globe fandom. and the bigness of this world, and the vastness of his repertoire makes for the lack of valleys in his career.

"i completely agree with you and for the love of God when will the fans who don't like each and every song and thing about Michael stop being called disrespectful??? it's rather that disrespectful fans are those who don't accept other fans not liking everything about MJ... just saying :sad:"

see what i wrote above, dangerous 88.
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Thriller to Dangerous is what makes MJ The King of Pop and the most talented entertainer to ever grace a stage. The albums and performances from that time are just pure brilliance and I'm 100% sure we'll never experience anything that special again.
It depends:

In the U.S. his peak was probably from Thriller to 93'. I feel like he was probably treated like a god around the time of WRTW and leading into BAD. Dangerous was hyped up huge and would have been much more successful if it wasn't for 93'. After those two shaky years he didn't really fall from grace as much as he just had baggage, and as the years went on....the baggage increased.

In Europe and the UK I feel like he maybe peaked around Dangerous to BOTDF. The HIStory tour catapulted him into the forefront of the music industry overseas. He was on also countless award shows in the mid 90's in Europe.
I say his career has always been on a peak, it has never went down.
That man is amazing and will never go downhill.:)

As much as a big fan of Michael Jackson i am.

i have to admit his peak has been and gone.

he cant recapture what he once was to the world.

of corse i believe he didnt do anything wrong but most people think he has.

and his peak has been and gone.
but like with all famous people they have their peak and then they dont anymore.
Reality is how you make it? No, reality is reality. I'm not a blind MJ fan that thinks of MJ as a king. There's obviously times in MJ's career where he has been on top more than others. Please don't tell me the Invincible era was on par with the Dangerous or even HIStory era. You need to stop disrespecting people's intelligence by trying to claim MJ and his career has always been on the same level and it never went up or down.

OMG! totally agree with you.

i have to admit alot of MJ fans (No offence, i love you guys) see him as a king, oh hes never done anything wrong.

and he isnt the man that every one in the world once adored.

when your at the TOP. theres only one place to go and thats DOWN.

i no because were are fans we ADORE him. but i dont stick up for him on everything.
he has made some mistakes in his life.

and his peak has been and gone. it has to be i think off the wall to dangerous.
and invincible was not as good as dangerous.

the man will never be adored the way he used to be.

but he will always be an amazing singer, dancer, performer and overall an amazing entertainer.
OMG! totally agree with you.

i have to admit alot of MJ fans (No offence, i love you guys) see him as a king, oh hes never done anything wrong.

and he isnt the man that every one in the world once adored.

when your at the TOP. theres only one place to go and thats DOWN.

i no because were are fans we ADORE him. but i dont stick up for him on everything.
he has made some mistakes in his life.

and his peak has been and gone. it has to be i think off the wall to dangerous.
and invincible was not as good as dangerous.

the man will never be adored the way he used to be.

but he will always be an amazing singer, dancer, performer and overall an amazing entertainer.

so you totally agree with that poster. does that mean you think it's ok to personally attack fans for what they post? call them 'blind' and such?(which, by the way, is against the rules of this site).

cus that's what angers people. that would anger anyone.

and by the way, I don't know of any other artist who has fans who speak of that artist the way I speak of Michael, who get looked upon with negative slanted 'thinking- of- that- artist- as- a- king- or queen and- can- do- no- wrong,- and- whose- every- song,- they love' type statements, as a matter of fact. Those fans never get attacked, personally, for that. Therefore it's not seen whether or not those fans are sensitive. I've seen examples of that right here on this site, in the music makes the world go round section.
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I think during the BAD Tour MJ was at his ultimate Peak, he was doing things that people had never experienced before.
guys i know that everybody have his opinion and want to make it the right one but please remember to always respect each other even if he's not with same opinion then you

Reality is how you make it? No, reality is reality. I'm not a blind MJ fan that thinks of MJ as a king. There's obviously times in MJ's career where he has been on top more than others. Please don't tell me the Invincible era was on par with the Dangerous or even HIStory era. You need to stop disrespecting people's intelligence by trying to claim MJ and his career has always been on the same level and it never went up or down.

I agree with you Eric... The reality is that Michael is nowhere near as popular as he was in 1993 The Dangerous Era...... 1993, his popularity was starting to decline to begin with and the allegations made his career take a nose dive mega-big time. That is real. I think some fans can't accept that, and they choose to ignore the many aspects of his decline.

Michael will always have a core base of fans, but the mainstream fan base that allowed him to cross over is no more. Michael has to get them back and the only way for him to do that is to remind the people of why and how they came to know of him through his music. NOT BY THE SCANDLES.

The reality is that, not only is Michael Jackson famous for his music, he is INFAMOUS for the scandles whether it's true or not. If you have paparazzis chasing him when he is out in public, it has more to do with the controversies that has followed him since 1993 more so then it has to do with his music. (THAT'S WHY I DON'T LIKE THE MASK WHEN HE WEARS IT)...

But anyways, there are a lot of people who love his music and his performances but they don't like the controversey that surrounds him. That is Reality...
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You guys need to be realistic. Everyone has a peak. You guys saying he is on a lifetime peak need a reality check. I would say his peak was during the Dangerous era.

and im gonna give u a reality check. it aint over till its over,there4 no1 knows what his peak will be until he decides 2sit down sumwhere. of course there were donwfalls as every1 faces them,but no1 has topped him, so until then 1958-present