What Was MJ's Peak?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What was MJ's true peak of fame, popularity, and commercial success?

I've seen many different perspectives.

Some have said it was during Thriller and everything else was his downfall. Thriller was probably his peak pf popularity in America.

Some say it was during Bad, and others say it was during Dangerous.

In my opinion his peak lasted 10 years and was between (1983-1993).

What do you think? What was MJ's peak?
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Well the BAD and Dangerous era was much bigger than the Thriller era in Europe, I mean MJ was literally on the front of newspapers most days. I remember when he did the In The Clost video and one of the tabloids dedicated the whole front page to MJ's new hairstyle lol.
I'd say 1983 - 1993. About 10 years :yes:. Which is a much longer peak than most artists can say!
I say his career has always been on a peak, it has never went down.
That man is amazing and will never go downhill.:)
There surely have been moments durring his career where he has been less so, although Michael has constantly been on peak.
Excluding the whole Invincible era because that was a commerial failer and theres denying that, although I'm not for one minute trying to say that Invincible the album itself was failer because if you actually listen to some songs on the album they are very underrated!
But lets not make it another Invincible disscussion
Well, I guess I was thinking from the view of the public eye. After '93, with the allegations and all, the public's view on hm definitely changed. Not the fans, but the public.
hm, i'd have to say def thriller-dangerous. well, those were the years where there were more fans than haters :lol: but i think the Bad era was his true peak because of the success with the bad tour. and after all, the album is the 2nd best selling album of all time after thriller :)
Well, I guess I was thinking from the view of the public eye. After '93, with the allegations and all, the public's view on hm definitely changed. Not the fans, but the public.

Right. To be exact. It would have lasted between May 16th 1983 (Motown: 25 aired)- August 17th 1993 (the day the news broke of the allegations)
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i think you have to redefine that.
MJ has.

he has a lifelong peak. on one has ever had that kind of success.
I say his career has always been on a peak, it has never went down.
That man is amazing and will never go downhill.:)

Definitely, he's never been a let down. His music is always to the best of his ability and it has always sold millions.
the Thriller era was his peak in the US but he reached the highest peak worldwide during the Dangerous era, right before the allegations
Success wise, he's always been on a lifelong peak, without a doubt.
But publicly, it was 1983 - 1993 (even earlier than 83, actually) especially where he had what I call a "high time" - Popular, much loved, could really do no wrong in the public eye...
There surely have been moments durring his career where he has been less so, although Michael has constantly been on peak.
Excluding the whole Invincible era because that was a commerial failer and theres denying that, although I'm not for one minute trying to say that Invincible the album itself was failer because if you actually listen to some songs on the album they are very underrated!
But lets not make it another Invincible disscussion
you make an interesting point with your last sentence. i see more Invincible discussions than discussions of any other album on this forum. and the last forum i was on, too.

plus there is a vid recapping MJ's visit to virgin records and an interview with Carson Daly. Invincible was no. 1 around the world in 2001. not really a commercial failure, eh? lol

and as far as the public vs. fan popularity goes during the era of allegations...it still stands, that i dare anyone to come up with a video where MJ went outside and was not mobbed during any time in his life, in america or anywhere else.

media hate does not denote MJ unpopularity. it just denotes media hate. :)

and even if the media did succeed in turning the world against MJ(they failed to do that), it shouldn't count, because his unpopularity should be based on the merits of his music or lack thereof, if there are any.. not on some mass conglomerate's conspiratorial attempt to sabotage and destroy his career and him.
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Michael has got the longest and most successful career ever!

Most of the media claim his peak was the BAD tour, but the Dangerous era was IMO his professional peak.
Anyway the HIStory tour was his largest!

Only Michael Jackson as the artist has the longest and most succesful career lasting over 28 years!!!!

Since 1969 (the first amer. number one) throughout the 70s, of course the 80s up to 1993 Michaels career had been increasing (you can imagine a bar graph with increasing success and popularity) - and that lasted 23 years all over the world, then it had reduced but increased with HIStory album and tour... in Europe and Asia, and after tour and the movie Ghosts unfortunately his career and his professional attitude towards music and him as the artist was gone!

Comparing to other artists (Madonna, U2, Rolling Stones, Prince, Elton John...), Michael as the artist has lost over a decade, one generation of people does not know him other then a weird creature, also that means lost at least 2 albums, at least 2 tours... and so on, but the decade has been fulfilled of scandals and a gradual decline!

Now he has a chance, I would say the last chance, although I am not sure if Michael does want the same thing as his fans do! the comeback!
Regarding sales and popularity, Bad and Dangerous era was MJ's biggest time.

Artistically, I would say Dangerous era through History era.

But the best is yet to come, right? Let's hope so :)
You guys need to be realistic. Everyone has a peak. You guys saying he is on a lifetime peak need a reality check. I would say his peak was during the Dangerous era.
You guys need to be realistic. Everyone has a peak. You guys saying he is on a lifetime peak need a reality check. I would say his peak was during the Dangerous era.

you need to stay away from disrespecting fans.

you have an opinion..we have ours..and frankly, he never had a musical valley. and that's a precedent.

reality is how you make it. you don't need to blanket others with how you think about things.
Maybe you should have said What has his peak been thus far?
that's what i was fittin' to say...man ain't over and it ain't over till it's over.

how rad would it be to have the rise of mj again? like on a massive scale? omg i dream of it and alas, the fairweathers will be there but we would know and relish in the fact we were there thru good and bad
The Bad era - 1988, The Bad Tour. Most definitely - on a global scale. IMO...
Thriller obviously sales wise, Bad for live performances, Dangerous for the videos, History for innovation and Invincible for the voice :)
you need to stay away from disrespecting fans.

you have an opinion..we have ours..and frankly, he never had a musical valley. and that's a precedent.

reality is how you make it. you don't need to blanket others with how you think about things.

Reality is what reality is, regardless of how you make it. Still, I would agree that as a dancer, MJ has probably passed his prime. But as a singer and a songwriter there is no end zone. He has probably never lost his creativity. But this thread is about what has been, not what will come. Because that we do not know yet.

But I just wanted to comment on that reality thing, because I honestly hope you don`t think that reality is based on opinions. That is like saying MJ is young, when the fact is that he is not young. Or that Thriller was released in 1991, when it was released in 1982:)
Reality is what reality is, regardless of how you make it. Still, I would agree that as a dancer, MJ has probably passed his prime. But as a singer and a songwriter there is no end zone. He has probably never lost his creativity. But this thread is about what has been, not what will come. Because that we do not know yet.

But I just wanted to comment on that reality thing, because I honestly hope you don`t think that reality is based on opinions. That is like saying MJ is young, when the fact is that he is not young. Or that Thriller was released in 1991, when it was released in 1982:)

well..i do believe reality is what you make it, or all people would age the same way. that debate could go on forever. some people survive things that others don't survive. and many peoples' consequences are based on decisions they make. there are people who don't think MJ will do this or that, yet he defies them. so yes..reality is what you make it. and just to tweak you on a discussion that could go on forever, but i care not to go on about it... not all of thriller was released in 82. for all time was just released last year.:)
Ok, I think we are talking about different things. Yes what we decide determines our future, and people live different lives, die differently etc. I was reffering to what reality is, the physical Universe we live in, and the laws of nature governs how matter and energy interact, ergo how we live and die on this little ball of dust in the vast cosmos is governed by those laws. We all experience the same physical reality. We all experience gravity, time etc. What you are talking about is choice. And that is governed by something called cause and effect. Free will, if you will, lol. Like, if I went to bed early today, I could have more hours to spend posting with you fine people all day tomorrow, or if I stay up late, I will sleep late tomorrow. But this is for physics class.

Lets keep the subject on Michael;)