What statement did sheryl crowl made?

Well we don't know if it did or not... just cause it was never reported on doesn't mean it didn't happen... but I have the feeling since he was about to go on tour (or had just started the tour) he wasn't able to cultivate a relationship with her even though it might have been something they both wanted. Just pure speculation tho..

Good point we don't know what (if anything) happened after the phone conversations.
As I said, MJ must have felt upset over other remark than just 'he didn't associate with them'. And I found out the answer now, what she said was mean and dirty. She said she and the band would make bets in every concerts during the Bad tour to see if MJ would get an erection when performing IJCSLY with her and it turned out he often had. And, she would throw herself at guys who's of use to her career including MJ and dump them later. She is no decent woman.

mods, pls delete this post if it's not appropriate for discussion here.
As I said, MJ must have felt upset over other remark than just 'he didn't associate with them'. And I found out the answer now, what she said was mean and dirty. She said she and the band would make bets in every concerts during the Bad tour to see if MJ would get an erection when performing IJCSLY with her and it turned out he often had. And, she would throw herself at guys who's of use to her career including MJ and dump them later. She is no decent woman.

mods, pls delete this post if it's not appropriate for discussion here.

I read about those comments somewhere too. She sure wanted to flatter herself (totally don't believe her BS). I also remember reading her talking about Michael being weird.
I remember when "All I Wanna Do" came out, she had a Rolling Stone front cover. In it, she talked about Michael and said something along the lines of 'Michael never hung out with us... he didn't even know my name.' WHICH every fan will know is complete BS as he ALWAYS introduced her at the end of the shows as 'Sheryl Crowe'!

Well, that would do it. Would make anybody do a WTF... Just another person
ttaking an UNNECESSARY dig at him.

My poor sweet Michael. I sure wish I had been there to give him a big hug! Sigh.
Then why does he say he had his nose wide open for her? (An African-American slang for being madly in love.)

ummm.. I think that you may be getting confused with the time of that glenda phone call thing. That is from 92-93ish time. Way after the bad tour. I highly doubt Michael was talking about Sheryl in that phone call anyways lol.

I have heard of something else that she said about Mike but I'm not going to repeat it. I don't think that it's appropriate. :/
Well, that would do it. Would make anybody do a WTF... Just another person
ttaking an UNNECESSARY dig at him.

My poor sweet Michael. I sure wish I had been there to give him a big hug! Sigh.

Maybe she thought when she got the job on the tour that she could befreind him and he might help her in the industry with her career.
I searched for those phone transcripts with Glenda and couldn't find them.
Is Sheryl Crow a bad person? I don't think so, but just like everyone else in the show business, u gotta do what u gotta do to catapult your career (with the exception of a few of course like MJ, Stevie Wonder, etc.) Not saying that, that's a good thing to do but it's a dog eat dog world. It's a backstabbing world and how many times do we see it on the news? Celebs suing each other, managers suing celebrities, agents vs managers, it's like a normal thing to do for them. We see and hear it all the time. They take each and every opportunity to be in the spotlight and it doesn't matter if what they say or do hurts someone. I do despise it though specially when it happens to someone who's humble and kind like Michael. This thread reminds me of Cher. One time she had nothing but praises for Michael, then next thing you know after the whole Blanket thing, she just tore him to pieces then when he passed away, all praises again. My opinion, Sheryl the celebrity, her opinion of MJ differ as the circumstances change. Sheryl the person, not sure of what she really thought of MJ when she's not in the spotlight. I just wish that the people who are praising him now supported him the most during the hardest times in his life.
Is Sheryl Crow a bad person? I don't think so, but just like everyone else in the show business, u gotta do what u gotta do to catapult your career (with the exception of a few of course like MJ, Stevie Wonder, etc.) Not saying that, that's a good thing to do but it's a dog eat dog world. It's a backstabbing world and how many times do we see it on the news? Celebs suing each other, managers suing celebrities, agents vs managers, it's like a normal thing to do for them. We see and hear it all the time. They take each and every opportunity to be in the spotlight and it doesn't matter if what they say or do hurts someone. I do despise it though specially when it happens to someone who's humble and kind like Michael. This thread reminds me of Cher. One time she had nothing but praises for Michael, then next thing you know after the whole Blanket thing, she just tore him to pieces then when he passed away, all praises again. My opinion, Sheryl the celebrity, her opinion of MJ differ as the circumstances change. Sheryl the person, not sure of what she really thought of MJ when she's not in the spotlight. I just wish that the people who are praising him now supported him the most during the hardest times in his life.

She made a big mistake saying that about it. Even if she really felt that personally, publically she should have kept quiet as it makes her look like a prize cow.
She made a big mistake saying that about it. Even if she really felt that personally, publically she should have kept quiet as it makes her look like a prize cow.

That's the showbusiness industry for ya! That is why I don't even get shocked anymore when people in the business keep changing their opinions. Sure, it makes me furious, but I guess the word loyalty is usually not in their vocab. Anything for the $$ and spotlight.
As I said, MJ must have felt upset over other remark than just 'he didn't associate with them'. And I found out the answer now, what she said was mean and dirty. She said she and the band would make bets in every concerts during the Bad tour to see if MJ would get an erection when performing IJCSLY with her and it turned out he often had. And, she would throw herself at guys who's of use to her career including MJ and dump them later. She is no decent woman.

mods, pls delete this post if it's not appropriate for discussion here.

I haven't heard about these bets before and it's really upsetting that she felt it was appropriate to share this info. that's not nice :(

ps: sorry for double posting.
There was an interview she did while touring with him. and it was all Positive, how Michael was conciderate and loved to play around with all of them and stuff.


Than after some years, she was interviewed again and she wasnt touring with him then, and she said that he bearly talked to them, or even had contact with them except when they were rehearsing.


Now, thats a 360 degree turn around dont yall think? I feel like since they were "bashing"(for a loss of a better word) Michael at that time, she wanted to add some thing to it too.

Unfortunately many people have said nice things about him then switch their stories up making him look like the bad guy
That's the showbusiness industry for ya! That is why I don't even get shocked anymore when people in the business keep changing their opinions. Sure, it makes me furious, but I guess the word loyalty is usually not in their vocab. Anything for the $$ and spotlight.

I worked in the music business for a while so know the cultute but she must have known that bad mouthing Michael was not a good move. I mean would you hire her knowing she might backstab you, I wouldn't.
I worked in the music business for a while so know the cultute but she must have known that bad mouthing Michael was not a good move. I mean would you hire her knowing she might backstab you, I wouldn't.

I'm sure she did know that, but like what you said you have worked in the music business so you know how they operate. The showbusiness industry just doesn't surprise me anymore when celebs or people in the business switch their opinions. I don't justify any of these people who speak ill of Michael, I get mad just like everybody else, but then again, what else can we expect from most of these people? I stopped hoping that they would stand up for Michael loooong ago.
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