What statement did sheryl crowl made?

It seems like Sheryl was just telling the truth. Just read a part from the Glenda conversations when Michael talks about his band and says how he cannot associate with them and doesn't feel comfortable with them.
Thanks. Sounds like this so-called 'bitch' was not only telling the truth when she said that she didn't have that much contact with him but on some occasions has actually tried to do him a favor by telling the press the opposite of the truth.....not bad for a 'bitch.'
I don't know if it's allowed here or not, delete it if not, but just the part about it:

Michael: The other day, after my video ["came on" or "I came home"].... I don't know what happened. They couldn't get me out of the trailer with my own band and stuff. And I'm on tour and stuff. Travelling with my (Inaudible), stuff like that. And... (inaudible) I don't associate with them. [It's at] rehearsal, or I have to be on stage. Or back in the hotel room. I don't associate, really, with those people.

Glenda: What, any of them?

Michael: No, I don't associate with them. I [stay off to] myself.

Glenda: Why? (Inaudible- might be something about "feeling accepted")?

Michael: I don't. I feel uncomfortable- I go, "Okay, this is my band, we got Michael here, we got so-and-so."

Glenda: (Started, interrupted by Michael)

Michael: We got Sheryll, we got, you know, Jennifer. And, I just don't associate with people.

Glenda: Do you, um? Okay. Is it hard for you to (sigh) to be (inaudible)?

Michael: I just-

Glenda: If I (inaudible) looking someone in face, or having someone look at you in the face 'cause you don't listen to-

Michael: You know what, I don't want them to get close, I don't want them to (inaudible- very low speaking). (Inaudible) [scared with the whole] anorexia thing. I feel bad...

Glenda: Don't, Michael. You look really good. (Silence) You look really good.

Michael: (After a silence- very low, strained) I don't look good. (Inaudible)

Glenda: (Inaudible)

Seems exactly what Sheryl said.
And in another interview on the Howard Stern show during a "Bash-Michael" phase after HIStory, Howard kept asking her questions to say something negative, like asking if he was weird, did he think he was better than everyone, did she hate doing the concerts because she wasn't into his type of music, etc. Sheryl wouldn't bite and said only positive things. She said the only thing that got tiring was playing the same songs -- which she added would be expected of any tour -- but that she was always grateful. She then finished the conversation by saying that the a week before she left for the tour, she had been waiting tables, so it was pretty amazing. Wow, what a monster!!!! . . . Some of you people look for any quote or reason to bash the hell out of someone, where it's like a witch-hunt.
when is this from? who is glenda? :/

Just Google "Michael Jackson phone conversations". Glenda was a friend of Michael who used to talk to Michael over the phone about a lot of things in the early 90s and those conversations got recorded (I think by Glenda's husband who thought Michael and she were having an affair, or something, but it wasn't true). The recordings then were presented to the court in Michael's 2005 trial to prove he is heterosexual and is interested in adult women (because there are a lot of parts when they are talking about his love interests).

here's an interview from Academy of Achievement website (summer 2006):

Q: Is it true that you crashed that audition for Michael Jackson?

Sheryl Crow: I did. Yeah.

Q: That made a big difference in your career?

Sheryl Crow: Made a huge difference. I didn't even own a passport. I had never been out of the country, and the next thing I know, a month later, we were playing for 70,000 people in Japan. So it was very life-changing.

Q: That was right around Michael Jackson's heyday. What was it like to work with him?

Sheryl Crow: Actually, it was probably a little bit after his heyday. It was the Bad tour. By this time, he had already done quite a lot of touring and he was very reclusive. I didn't really have a lot of interaction with him, but every single night, he was unbelievable. You really got a sense of somebody whose creativity is just not definable. He was going out every night and doing dance moves that we had never seen before. He really changed things and came up with very original ideas. I give him a lot of credit for that.

Q: How many of there were you in the back-up vocal group?

Sheryl Crow: Four, myself and three guys. It was fun. It was long. It was a 19-month tour. So for me, it was very much a crash course in the music business, but favorable. It was a great learning experience.


Speaking of this video: http://www.jetzi-mjvideo.com/mt/mt103.html, remember: we'are talking about a *promotional* featurette, not a "free" interview. In short, those videos are marketing tool that shows only the "happy side."

During the Bad Tour Ms. Crow was an "employer" with no power to say (at least publically or in front of the camera) what she really thought (i.e. don't bite the hand that feeds you, hehe)

In general, don't take too seriously those featurettes :)

Mark Sal
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It seems like Sheryl was just telling the truth. Just read a part from the Glenda conversations when Michael talks about his band and says how he cannot associate with them and doesn't feel comfortable with them.

well, Sheryl said with her mouth that Michael invited her to his hotel room during the Bad tour and they were watching cartoons together...she said this on Larry King the night that Michael died 25Jun....so there is alot to her relationship with him than she has let slip out in the past...

and she did call him weird in past inteviews...
Sheryl Crow Comments On Michael Jackson's Weirdness | popdirt.com

Feb 15, 2004 ... Blender magazine readers submitted questions to Sheryl Crow and one ... in his hotel room and sharing rides with him on attraction park. ...
popdirt.com/sheryl-crow-comments-on...jacksons.../25914/ - Cached - Similar -
Yep. :) I wonder if people will have as much fun eating Crow as they had bashing her.

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

I don't like bashing anyone sweet-heart...but when you say something positive and then turn around and make a negative comment when the person 'suddenly isn't popular to be associated with anymore'...that's called back-stabbing. So..:wink:
Wow, what a monster!!!! . . . Some of you people look for any quote or reason to bash the hell out of someone, where it's like a witch-hunt.

We're not saying the woman is a monster....we're just stating how she went back on her good word. If you've worked with someone and have had a postive experience, you uphold that vibe EVEN when other people are talking sh*t about you....you don't side in with them just to be accepted.

Besides Joey....did you hear the comments she made about Mike when she came to my city to perform a concert? :no:
Sorry, but reporting those kind of experiences is not "back-stabbing". Further, she just answered questions as they came up. Basically, Ms. Crow always said the same things about MJ: great artist, charismatic, creative, but reclusive, cold and distant towards her (away from the camera). She don't have any reason to lie about it. Additionally, when a person died, people tend to remember just the good things, so I can't understand all this fuss, also because we weren't there. Remember: we don't have the full picture.

Were they friends? Apparently not. Between MJ and SC there was a professional relationship... ended *twenty* years ago. Watching movies and going to the theme park don't mean nothing.

Was MJ "weird"? I don't know, I didn't know him and I don't particularly care about his private life (i'm a fan of his music). Anyway, I think it's a matter of perceptions, conditioned (at least in part) by personal and cultural background. For a former elementary school teacher, born and raised in a little working class town, and suddenly catapulted to the showbiz arena, MJ was probably a "weird" guy. For me, vegans and metalheads are kinda "weird" :))

As you can see, it's not just black and white.

Mark Sal
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Sorry, but reporting those kind of experiences is not "back-stabbing". Further, she just answered questions as they came up. Basically, Ms. Crow always said the same things about MJ: great artist, charismatic, creative, but reclusive, cold and distant towards her (away from the camera). She don't have any reason to lie about it. Additionally, when a person died, people tend to remember just the good things, so I can't understand all this fuss, also because we weren't there. Remember: we don't have the full picture.
Some people are for whatever reason so eager to paint a negative picture of her that they desperately go look to see if they can't find a word here or there that they can blow up beyond all proportions while they at the same time conveniently choose to ignore the many positive things she said about him. And like I said, some people thrive on negativity and consider it to be more fun to call someone a bitch than to admit that she is really an ok person.
I wonder what relationship she thought she would have with Michael when touring?

It is a bit like any of us hanging out and being friends with the Managing Director or Chairman of the company we work for. He might know who you are, talk to you etc but as for being more than that, it is rare at the fame level Michael is at. Did she think that they would all be staying in the same hotels on the same floor, hanging out together a lot etc.
I wonder what relationship she thought she would have with Michael when touring?

It is a bit like any of us hanging out and being friends with the Managing Director or Chairman of the company we work for. He might know who you are, talk to you etc but as for being more than that, it is rare at the fame level Michael is at. Did she think that they would all be staying in the same hotels on the same floor, hanging out together a lot etc.
Yes, but I don't think she was complaining. She was just asked a question and she answered it. I honestly don't see why people make such a big deal out of it.
Just Google "Michael Jackson phone conversations". Glenda was a friend of Michael who used to talk to Michael over the phone about a lot of things in the early 90s and those conversations got recorded (I think by Glenda's husband who thought Michael and she were having an affair, or something, but it wasn't true). The recordings then were presented to the court in Michael's 2005 trial to prove he is heterosexual and is interested in adult women (because there are a lot of parts when they are talking about his love interests).

This conversation between Michael and Glenda was very interesting.....(to say the least).

Does anyone know who Melinda (or Melissa) is.......that Michael is talking about in the conversation? Seems like he was really in love with this girl......

But, regarding Sheryl Crow....I didn't know that she had anything bad to say about MJ.
wow, the things you learn.
This conversation between Michael and Glenda was very interesting.....(to say the least).

Does anyone know who Melinda (or Melissa) is.......that Michael is talking about in the conversation? Seems like he was really in love with this girl......

Interesting, I thought he sounded like she was being a pest to him.
Interesting, I thought he sounded like she was being a pest to him.

Then why does he say he had his nose wide open for her? (An African-American slang for being madly in love.)
Had no idea what that slang meant, so that does change things.

Yeah, that's why Michael added "it's a black thang" (meaning it's a black slang), because Glenda didn't understand it either.
shes full of shit. she praised him during the tour in interviews. then her ass gets famous and starts selling millions of albums and her song changes. she said in soem interview,it was very difficult on her and the band becuz he didnt interact with any of them and he was very distant. she was extrmely rude about it 2
Had no idea what that slang meant, so that does change things.

I think so...
and also, Michael says (several times).....that he can really trust this girl.

But anyway who knows? other than glenda :)
I think so...
and also, Michael says (several times).....that he can really trust this girl.

But anyway who knows? other than glenda :)

I wonder why that relationship never went anywhere. She seemed really keen on him (who wouldn’t be :wub:)
Well we don't know if it did or not... just cause it was never reported on doesn't mean it didn't happen... but I have the feeling since he was about to go on tour (or had just started the tour) he wasn't able to cultivate a relationship with her even though it might have been something they both wanted. Just pure speculation tho..
I wish I knew who it was too.. I'm so curious!

I'm soooo curious also. :)

I wonder if this girl was upset to know (or if she ever knew) that MJ discussed their personal relationship to this...Glenda.

on the other hand. I guess it's kind of flattering. My goodness...
She is soooo unbelievably lucky to have been discussed at all !!!!
Well we don't know if it did or not... just cause it was never reported on doesn't mean it didn't happen... but I have the feeling since he was about to go on tour (or had just started the tour) he wasn't able to cultivate a relationship with her even though it might have been something they both wanted. Just pure speculation tho..

Yeah, and after that there came Lisa.