What statement did sheryl crowl made?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael told me(Bill Botrell) he was hurt by some statements Sheryl made to the press about her touring with him. I just let the two worlds stay apart.
He didn't go into detail.
Any long time fan has any idea what she said at the time?
what statements did she make that hurt MJ?
He didn't go into detail.
Any long time fan has any idea what she said at the time?
what statements did she make that hurt MJ?

Wasn't it something along the lines that she found MJ distant and he never mixed with the band and he was never with them apart from the concerts and rehearsals?
I remember seeing an interview with her on (I think) MTV where she said that Michael had almost no personal contact with any of the other musicians, singers and dancers. She said that she doubts if even by the end of the tour he knew that her name was Sheryl. But she also said that he was a friendly guy who treated everyone with respect.

Most of her negative comments about her experience on the Bad tour have been about MJ's manager Frank DiLeo who she says always tried to talk her into going to bed with him. He threatened to fire her if she didn't and he promised to make her a star if she would give in. She even wrote a song about the experience for her debut album.


Asked whether despite everything the Bad tour was a worthwhile experience for her she said, yes, because every concert had it's magical moments and Michael would always do something that made you think, "how did he do that?"
^^oh thank you. But I don't think MJ was hurt by that. I think she must have said something else!
*Btw, her song is X__@

Wasn't it something along the lines that she found MJ distant and he never mixed with the band and he was never with them apart from the concerts and rehearsals?
Any other things she said apart from that? Cause I don't find what she said particularly upsetting. Maybe she has said something else?
damn sheryl, he was just out doing press things, enjoying some of the very little free time he gets, what an asshole not hanging out with you guys more huh?

Guess she doesnt understand the pressures of being the person leading the tour to each city. Michael had other duties in the city beyond rehearsing, she is lucky her ass got to see him there. sighs!
damn sheryl, he was just out doing press things, enjoying some of the very little free time he gets, what an asshole not hanging out with you guys more huh?

Guess she doesnt understand the pressures of being the person leading the tour to each city. Michael had other duties in the city beyond rehearsing, she is lucky her ass got to see him there. sighs!
I don't see anything wrong with Sheryl's comments whatsoever. She was asked how it was to tour with MJ and she basically said that she didn't see that much of him. She gave an honest answer - nothing more, nothing less.
...I think it's crap that he didnt know their names... he always publicly thanked them all at the end of the show... I respected that. Even if he just learned their name for that night, he still said it when, to be honest, if I was in the audience I wouldnt notice if he did or not.

Also, he's their employer, not their best buddy. He was proffessional and polite it seems. What more can you ask?
Interesting. Now I remember--in one of the backstage concert videos--she talked about sharing an adjoining hotel room with him and goofing off and having fun with him, throwing grapes at each other.

I gotta find that vid. It's in my personal collection somewhere.
Fans tend to be ultra-sensitive when it comes to other people's comments about MJ. Considering all the nonsense that has been said about him over the years that's easy to understand, but I don't think we have to look at every word that every person has ever said about him with a magnifying glass to see if we can't find something that could give us reason to bash them. Sheryl Crow is not a bad person and MJ fans have no reason to have any negative feelings about her.
I dont think what she said was necessary, Michael launched a career for her, it wouldnt hurt to be more positive as she was in previous interviews while working with Michael, seems a bit two faced to me, but thats just my opinion. Im not attacking her, just what I perceive the situation to be.

At the time she was becoming a solo star, it was a time not cool to be associated with Michael Jackson and she is one of the people I got the feeling turned her back on him when she saw the green coming in.
I dont think what she said was necessary.
A case of much ado about nothing in my modest opinion. She also could have said, "no comment" of course, but if she had done that the media probably would have thought, "boy, there must have been some really bizarre stuff going on if she doesn't even want to talk about it." Again - I think that people are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill here, but no problem - I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree about this. ;)
A case of much ado about nothing in my modest opinion. She also could have said, "no comment" of course, but if she had done that the media probably would have thought, "boy, there must have been some really bizarre stuff going on if she doesn't even want to talk about it." Again - I think that people are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill here, but no problem - I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree about this. ;)

I can respect that ;)
There was an interview she did while touring with him. and it was all Positive, how Michael was conciderate and loved to play around with all of them and stuff.


Than after some years, she was interviewed again and she wasnt touring with him then, and she said that he bearly talked to them, or even had contact with them except when they were rehearsing.


Now, thats a 360 degree turn around dont yall think? I feel like since they were "bashing"(for a loss of a better word) Michael at that time, she wanted to add some thing to it too.
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There was an interview she did while touring with him. and it was all Positive, how Michael was conciderate and loved to play around with all of them and stuff.


Than after some years, she was interviewed again and she wasnt touring with him then, and she said that he bearly talked to them, or even had contact with them except when they were rehearsing.


Now, thats a 360 degree turn around dont yall think? I feel like since they were "bashing"(for a loss of a better word) Michael at that time, she wanted to add some thing to it too.

Wow, talk about being two-faced... :huh:

I'm glad at least Siedah remained by his side.

He didn't go into detail.
Any long time fan has any idea what she said at the time?
what statements did she make that hurt MJ?

I remember when "All I Wanna Do" came out, she had a Rolling Stone front cover. In it, she talked about Michael and said something along the lines of 'Michael never hung out with us... he didn't even know my name.' WHICH every fan will know is complete BS as he ALWAYS introduced her at the end of the shows as 'Sheryl Crowe'! TO say something that stupid, and something that was so easily provable... poor show, man, poor show.
Thats not all she said. During the trial when it was the "in thing" to bash Mj, I saw an interview with her where she said he didn't know her name, he was odd. It wasn't a pleasant interview. She basically said it was a bad experience n she hated it.
Thats not all she said. During the trial when it was the "in thing" to bash Mj, I saw an interview with her where she said he didn't know her name, he was odd. It wasn't a pleasant interview. She basically said it was a bad experience n she hated it.

she clearly forgot where she came from and who gave her a shot when noone else would. He gave her that big break to be among the best musicians at that time, on the biggest tour.

Total ingrate.
Wow, I didn't know she was so two-faced.

She was interviewed on MTV when he died and she had nothing but kind things to say about him. She said she was always amazed at things he did and wondered how he did them. She also said he took her to Neverland and they rode one of the rides. She talked about how he loved practical jokes and he wouldn't let off this ride. She said they were on the ride until she felt ill and he couldn't stop laughing. She didn't say it in a negative way.

I'm disappointed to know that's she keeps changing her story.
she said some really nice thinga about him after june 25th. she released a statement on her webpage/blog whatever it was. shes obviously very fickle as she changed her tune as often as the wind. after the 25th she said how funny mj was when they had to do a quick change of customes on the bad tour. she and mj had a changing tent next to each other and she said u would get grapes etc coming flying over the top of your head as you tried to quickly change and u would hear him gigling in his tent
I remember seeing an interview with her on (I think) MTV where she said that Michael had almost no personal contact with any of the other musicians, singers and dancers. She said that she doubts if even by the end of the tour he knew that her name was Sheryl. But she also said that he was a friendly guy who treated everyone with respect.

Most of her negative comments about her experience on the Bad tour have been about MJ's manager Frank DiLeo who she says always tried to talk her into going to bed with him. He threatened to fire her if she didn't and he promised to make her a star if she would give in. She even wrote a song about the experience for her debut album.


Asked whether despite everything the Bad tour was a worthwhile experience for her she said, yes, because every concert had it's magical moments and Michael would always do something that made you think, "how did he do that?"

well, her tune changed since Michael's death becuz Larry King had her on and also Liza and Cher...

and Cheryl Crow (like Brook Shields) revealed she was closer to Michael during that Bad tour than some think...

he mentioned that he invited her back to his hotel one night... she rushed thru the details.. but I was thinking to myself............you witch.. while he was alive and you talked about him.......you always presented it as if he was some weirdo..............

so I can see why Michael might be hurt about what she said in the past...
becuz I got the feeling he was very sweet to her...
I think it's deeper than her being two faced or frickle. Sheryl is just one of the many celebs who turned their backs on Michael because they were TOLD to do so. They did not and could not be associated with him in any way. I mean why else would she change her tune; and change it so drastically?!? Crazy!!!! It's quite obvious to me that there was a bigger plan within the industry to discredit and destroy Michael.
Yeah, before his death, straight when the case was going on she mentioned that she learned a lot of valuable things from him....like not to make the same mistakes he did. *pff* Nice friend. Don't worry babe, you won't make any mistakes...hell, you can't even touch the talent he had to start with.
Wow, I didn't know she was so two-faced.

She was interviewed on MTV when he died and she had nothing but kind things to say about him. She said she was always amazed at things he did and wondered how he did them. She also said he took her to Neverland and they rode one of the rides. She talked about how he loved practical jokes and he wouldn't let off this ride. She said they were on the ride until she felt ill and he couldn't stop laughing. She didn't say it in a negative way.

I'm disappointed to know that's she keeps changing her story.

Well just like you i didnt know she was 2 faced. I've been a fan of Sheryl since she came out and i never heard about these stories, but i always got the feeling that she didnt wanna to be associated with Michael when her career was taking off with Tuesday night music club.
After Mike's death i've seen many interviews with her talking very nice and kind about Michael, saying how sad she was about his loss and that she was shocked..
I still got the feeling that she never liked Michael's child side by some reason, or she founded odd..:S
well, her tune changed since Michael's death becuz Larry King had her on and also Liza and Cher...

and Cheryl Crow (like Brook Shields) revealed she was closer to Michael during that Bad tour than some think...

he mentioned that he invited her back to his hotel one night... she rushed thru the details.. but I was thinking to myself............you witch.. while he was alive and you talked about him.......you always presented it as if he was some weirdo..............

so I can see why Michael might be hurt about what she said in the past...
becuz I got the feeling he was very sweet to her...
I don't think she ever called him a weirdo, but no matter how inconsistent Sheryl may have been in her comments about Michael, I think there's far more reason to be upset with another singer you mention in this post. No point in me saying what she said because chances are that my post will be deleted or the thread will be closed. Most of you probably know who I'm talking about and what she said anyway.
Sheryl Crow is a biatch. There was a thread about her before, and I wrote this. Check the link!

After the Bad tour, the real breakthrough for Sheryl Crow was her first big album Tuesday Night Music Club. That was produced by Bill Bottrell. He's the man responsible also for co-writing Black or White, Dangerous and Give In To Me before that. So there's another Michael connection.

And also in another way. Because after working together again on three tracks for Sheryl Crow, she bad-mouthed him too.

A very interesting article on Sheryl Crow and how she uses people and dumps them when they served their purpose: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...15/PK43609.DTL
Sheryl Crow is a biatch. There was a thread about her before, and I wrote this. Check the link!
There are nagative stories about virtually any rock or pop star you care to mention, but as a fan of Michael I'm sure you are aware of that. That doesn't necessarily mean that all of them are true or that there isn't another side to the story. But if it makes people happy to call her a you know what, so be it. :)
It seems like Sheryl was just telling the truth. Just read a part from the Glenda conversations when Michael talks about his band and says how he cannot associate with them and doesn't feel comfortable with them.
I don't know why people like to bring up ancient stuff like this & "Word 2 The Badd". Just because someone says something one day doesn't mean they feel like thas every day of their lives. Carol Burnett is right when she said "Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own".