What other artists think about Michael Jackson? Here`s a selection of interesting quotes

lol, please man. I said that it's cool that he apologized. It's still wrong what he did though. And man, your comment about women, you're gonna get flack for that, lol.

Oh, I know it bothers. That's mostly why I do it. I was saying out of experience, it's an annoying way to accept an apology (if you are accepting it): "yeah, it's cool you said that, but here's why what you did was wrong..." when the other person has already conceded to all of it, and said so themselves that it was ****ed up. From that point you either don't accept it, or you do accept it and stop bringing it up every time the person's name is mentioned. It's lame. Everyone knows it was wrong. Hell, I know it was wrong, and said so myself even as an Eminem fan (mostly because of the timing of the whole thing). But chicks don't move on. When you least expect it, you'll hear some grief about making a video parodying MJ, or about that time you called her mother a fat hooker. I don't get it.

It hangs over one's head forever. I bet if every MJ fangirl saw Eminem's apology, he would still generally be known as that guy who did Just Lose It to them, and be scorned forevermore for it. This is why it's great that Men (I capitalize it to put emphasis on our superiority) run the world. Too many emotions when it comes to estrogen. I know someone is going to come back and say "well look where that's gotten us!" as a retort, but really we should be looking at how much worse the alternative would be. Yekk. I wish there was a woman in the house right now because I need someone to make me a steak.
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does anyone has that interwiew with eminem on audio or some source, because I find it hard to believe it's a genuine interwiew - maybe it's false
does anyone has that interwiew with eminem on audio or some source, because I find it hard to believe it's a genuine interwiew - maybe it's false

I don't have a link, but I personally saw it on MTV, if that means anything. It was a half hour feature on him to promote the Encore album.
Oh, I know it bothers. That's mostly why I do it. I was saying out of experience, it's an annoying way to accept an apology (if you are accepting it): "yeah, it's cool you said that, but here's why what you did was wrong..." when the other person has already conceded to all of it, and said so themselves that it was ****ed up. From that point you either don't accept it, or you do accept it and stop bringing it up every time the person's name is mentioned. It's lame. Everyone knows it was wrong. Hell, I know it was wrong, and said so myself even as an Eminem fan (mostly because of the timing of the whole thing). But chicks don't move on. When you least expect it, you'll hear some grief about making a video parodying MJ, or about that time you called her mother a fat hooker. I don't get it.

It hangs over one's head forever. I bet if every MJ fangirl saw Eminem's apology, he would still generally be known as that guy who did Just Lose It to them, and be scorned forevermore for it. This is why it's great that Men (I capitalize it to put emphasis on our superiority) run the world. Too many emotions when it comes to estrogen. I know someone is going to come back and say "well look where that's gotten us!" as a retort, but really we should be looking at how much worse the alternative would be. Yekk. I wish there was a woman in the house right now because I need someone to make me a steak.

Jesus man, you're crazy, lol.

So what if we got to bring it up? I didn't like Eminem before he did what he did and I still don't. I can give him credit for apologizing for his apparent stupidity. But he's still stupid. I like Cher, even though she talked serious sh*t about Michael, and I was pissed at her for a while, but it's okay, she's still talented. And she's subsequently also praised Michael since her slip up there. Eminem to me isn't talented. So it doesn't help his case that I never gave a rats ass about his work before and then he goes and makes a video making fun of Michael when that was the last thing Michael needed. There was no point in it, especially considering Michael never said or did anything to him that was negative. I don't hate Eminem, and I think that was big of him to aplogize like he did. But it doesn't erase what he did either.
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Could just talk about how you don't like him as an artist overall, and make it (and I realize I'm tearing the fabric of people's worlds as I say this) not about MJ...

I would go on rant about if Eminem isn't talented to you then no rapper is, but that discussion is off topic. I will say that maybe you should distinguish having "no talent" and doing a kind of music you may not like. Saying he has no talent as a rapper is sort of silly. And musically elitist, though I think you know you're elitist. Not that it makes being an elitist less lame or anything, but at least there's a certain honesty there.

For instance, I think Cher songs are stupid and best suited for scantily clad men to dance to on tabletops in neon lights, but I wouldn't say she's not good at what she does.
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Well that wouldn't work since he was brought up in the context of dissing Michael.

And yeah, actually, you're right, I don't think rappers are talented.

And yeah, you're also right, I'm an elitist.

And yeah, you're right, it's lame, just like your superiority complex.
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Lol, lucky I caught it in time.

Anyway, so I'm not completely derailing this thread:

Michael Jackson creates the sort of music that makes you laugh, cry, move your body, jam, and other various things that no other performer embodies quite so powerfully.
- Me, while drawing a picture of Batman (that makes me an artist).
Yeah, well, then I'm an artist too because I was thinking "Michael is the greatest artist that ever breathed" while I was drawing this picture of him.


So, like, I'm an artist too, and so is anyone who draws, even if it's total trash, because art is totally subjective, blahdy blah, and everything I say has, automatically, more validity.
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I really don't believe in Eminem's "admiration" for MJ and in his apologies...come on...what else could've said in an interview.

I was very pissed when I saw this video on you tube in which he imitates MJ in a hotel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=284dJNJABsI&feature=related.

That was so pathetic of him. He couldn't find another way to attract attention...Poor fool! Come on, get a life of your own and stop messing with others! In my opinion, he is just a retarded, wannabe artist and I am very glad we haven't heard anything of him lately...:) Fools like him will always come and go without leaving any traces.
what else could've said in an interview.

Could've said the same he said to everyone else. IE "I don't care what you think/**** off/screw you/I'll say whatever I want/blah blah blah."

I was very pissed

I bet you literally were, which is of the funny.

He couldn't find another way to attract attention...

Wasn't this during one of the times where he was the biggest act in the country?

Come on, get a life

Yes, I'm sure he has no life lol. Get better insults. It's always the same no matter who it is, how rich/famous/occupied they are/were. "Get a life." Does that even mean anything anymore, or just some random thing people say to people they don't like? Fairly certain this is just Eminem being an immature douche. In fairness, if MJ didn't want people making fun of the dangling incident, he shouldn't have done it. That's one of the things that WAS a mistake on his part (it wasn't the career defining phenomenon that the media tried to make it sound like, though).

he is just a retarded

Five bucks if you spot the irony in that statement.

I am very glad we haven't heard anything of him lately...

As opposed to MJ in what way, exactly? Both haven't released music in years, both have been living their lives relatively show business free, both are expected to release a new album in the near future...

Fools like him will always come and go without leaving any traces.

Lol, I'm sure. Despite being in all likelihood the most recognizable and famous rapper in the world.

Now that we've gotten the baby-esque hissy fit out of the way, back to the real matter at hand: that clip greatly upsets you, and probably a lot of other folks.


^^ wow.. huge eminem fan here! lol
Wasn't this during one of the times where he was the biggest act in the country?
he wanted to attract WORLD's attention.
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I don't even listen to Eminem as much as I used to when I was younger. The lamosity of over-protective fans is legitimately my gripe in this instance. I argued about Conan O' Brien with somebody too for more or less the same reason.

he wanted to attract WORLD's attention.

And yet, I didn't really hear much about this incident at all. It wasn't exactly a publicity powerhouse, although I understand that to some, anything that pokes fun of MJ is earth shattering. Chances are, he was just goofing around for his fans.

Though I know I'm now setting myself up for some variation of this response:

"But at the expense of another human being/big meanie/roar!"
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Well I don't know what you expect. It was really rotton at the time he did it and it's hard to let that go, especially when it's over someone you care about, and especially when that person you care about was fighting for their life at the time. Eminem's timing was just horrible and it basically showed a total lack of self-awareness on his part.
what some eminem's fan think of the video?
Maybe they appreciate insipid and asinine joke.
Well I don't know what you expect.

I don't actually expect anything. At this point, I'm familiar enough with the various mentalities of the diverse MJ fans to know how it's probably going to be for some of 'em. Doesn't stop me from picking on it every time someone gets too undyingly sensitive for my taste, though. It's a pass-time. If I had something better to do for these past however many hours, or if I could sleep, I'd be doing it ;).
I bet you literally were, which is of the funny.

What I meant to say was "I was pissed off"...sorry if English is not my native language...Anyway, thank you for the comments...you are very "nice".
So true. Michael doesn`t really belong on this planet

So MJ is not a human being? MJ is from outer space? LOL. I love Brett's comment about MJ (well some of it), but at times, that comment sounds very weird and distrubing. MJ is of this planet and is a human being. Mike's talent is out of this world, no doubt, but saying he is not part of this planet is inaccurate and silly. Brett seen the "real side" of Michael and I have no idea why he said that about Michael. He is still star struck when he was/is around Michael. When I first read what he said, I totally disagree with a lot of what he said. He was comparing Michael to God and saying that he is not of this planet. That is something that a fan who idol worships Michael would say. I find it funny that a fan would not see an issue with what Brett said about MJ but have an issue with what Jermaine said about his brother.

BTW, I cannot understand why fans would post that denial of a quote that Eminem said about Michael. He was not sorry about what he did to Michael. If he was sorry, he should have never done the music video. I read his "apology" and I was totally not buying it. This guy knew what he was doing and he got the attention that he wanted. It is really sad that some fans totally do not see this. MJ has never trashed anyone in his life and he went through a very difficult time and that clown comes there and trashes him. He does an interview with Sway and tries to make "amends" with what he did and said about MJ. Whatever. It is total garbage.
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So, like, I'm an artist too, and so is anyone who draws, even if it's total trash, because art is totally subjective, blahdy blah, and everything I say has, automatically, more validity.

LOL! So, Nicole, you drew that picture of Michael? Just asking.

People, let's get back to the topic at hand. Posts some more quotes.
I like how Sway kept trying repeatedly to make him say something negative. Even going as far as to look for negative connotations in compliments. "Was?" Stfu. A lot these interviewers sound like they don't know what to do anymore when their guest refuses to diss Michael Jackson.

I know right? its very unprofessional and immature. I don't know where these folks find the people to give these celebrities interviews. They do such a wack job. I remember when it aired on MTV.
So MJ is not a human being? MJ is from outer space? LOL. .

I mean, his unique talent and charismatic personality are really out of this world. I know Michael is a human beeing;-) :yes:

Everyone's thinking they're the new W. Axl Rose, just running their mouths
and living in this world where nothing is real. Like, it's really easy to write
a couple of songs, but that doesn't mean you get to run your mouth. The only
guy who can do that is Michael Jackson. He wrote Thriller, so he can say
whatever the f*ck he wants.
Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy)

the best quote i have ever heard
Well he meant he created the album, or it's his album, no matter who they try to give the credit to, it's Michael's album.

GMS, what can I say? People are going to get defensive over things they care about. Or if they feel strongly about something, they're going to make a staunch defense for or against it. It's easy to call someone oversensitive, but I'm sure there have been instances in your life in which someone would lable you the exact same over something they felt wasn't worth getting worked up about, but which you felt very much was worth it. I don't like it when people make "fun" of other people on a personal level, their life style, or make fun of aspects of their personality and who they are. Or when it's over something that person had or has no control over or if it's a situation which is life threatening. Michael was upset over it, and he never speaks out when someone clowns on him. But he did that time. He obviously was upset. So his fans are too. It's hard to let go of anything that happened to Michael during that period, surely you can understand why.
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awwwww man! no more quotes?
oh! i wanna go find some
*runs off to find quotes*