What other artists think about Michael Jackson? Here`s a selection of interesting quotes

It's one thing to be inspired, to take something and create something new and unqiue from it, something distinct, and it's another thing entirely to rip off someones whole style, from their fashion, to their sound, to their dance and vocal style, and try to pass it off as your own. The problem with these acts today is, they can't be original or create something special or of high quality or something real and original, not because they've only got one source of inspiration, but simply because they don't have the talent. That's all. There's footage of everyone Michael was inspired by. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly were already 30 and 40 years prior to him coming along, they were well passed their primes by the time Michael hit the scene, but he still found in them something to learn from. I know today's acts, if they were actually artists, would be able to do the same. But they're not artists. They're just pop stars made fresh, every few years, on the assembly line of the music industry.
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It's one thing to be inspired, to take something and create something new and unqiue from it, something distinct, and it's another thing entirely to rip off someones whole style, from their fashion, to their sound, to their dance and vocal style, and try to pass it off as your own. The problem with these acts today is, they can't be original or create something special or of high quality or something real and original, not because they've only got one source of inspiration, but simply because they don't have the talent. That's all. There's footage of everyone Michael was inspired by. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly were already 30 and 40 years prior to him coming along, they were well passed their primes by the time Michael hit the scene, but he still found in them something to learn from. I know today's acts, if they were actually artists, would be able to do the same. But they're not artists. They're just pop stars made fresh, every few years, on the assembly line of the music industry.

Exactly....music today focuses to MUCH on the fashion and celebrity life. Who cares? I just want to hear good music. I just want to see real entertainers. The perception has changed so much on what people call music nowadays. Mainstream music is a mess today and its sad, very sad when I have to dig back in time and find music my parents listened to and even my grandparents JUST to find descent music/entertainers.

The media is also making the problem worse and not helping it. Saying... "So and so was influenced by Michael Jackson" or So and so sounds just like Jackson 5" Who cares if they sound like a Stevie Wonder or Marvin Gaye? Lets JUST hear what THEY sound like. Lets HEAR THEM. I mean , the pop stars now are just waterdown versions of the real thing. They are far from original and are constantly doing the same thing thats already been done. They focus more on popularity, money, hype etc rather than just sitting down and writing good music BUT once again, most of the underrated non commercial artists are the ones that are making the innovations and always trying to do new things in music.
Dallas Austin (songwriter/producer, worked on 'HIStory')
Working with Michael is a different type of work. You're pressured timewise, but not by creativity or money. So you're left with mad freedom. You'd think he'd be very controlling, but if he likes you enough to work with you, he wants your expertise, not just another Michael Jackson record. "Heal the World" and "Stranger in Moscow" from the HIStory record are, like, the makeup of Michael. I think he's taken on the responsibility to make changes in the world. He's the only real superhero. Think about it.
[source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

Jimmy Jam (producer/songwriter)
Michael's the most intense person I've worked with. For him, everything is about the music and how to make it better. He also makes work a lot of fun. He's a kid at heart-his office is not like a normal office. He has all the kids' toys. A lot of times we'd be in session, in the middle of playing a video game, and he'd be, like, "Well, we got to do this. But go ahead and finish your game, though-I don't want to mess your game up.
The thing about Michael is his talent. If you put Michael onstage without the explosions and the other dancers, he'll still command the stage.
There's a song called "Childhood" on the new album, and I think for the first time, Michael has put a lot of his feelings on record. That song, for right now, defineswhere he's at-the way he feels about himself and the way people feel about him.
[source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]
I just love Justin's quote:

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: "Just like Michael took inspiration from James [Brown], sure, Michael's inspired me immensely to do what I do."

Trying to justify his blatant COPYING of Michael by mentioning that Michael got inspiration from James Brown.

Michael actually evolved and created his own style. Justin is still ripping off the same old moves and hasn't evolved yet.

But yeah, if there were no James Brown, Michael wouldn't be who he is today. But at least he ventured off and came up with some original stuff.

OK my rant is over lol!!
Exactly what I'd wanted to say when I read his quote but I think I'd better off keep quiet cause I foresee someone on here will argue with the point.

simple equations here:
"Years ago Little Mike, and I remember, he did a lot of James Brown steps. And later on he got his own steps. And that's what its all about. God bless the child that's got his own. I love him."

"Michael, we all know you've gone on and done a lot of things yourself."

-- James Brown, following 2003 BET Awards. The 1st quote was to the interviewer, and the 2nd was to Michael himself.
“The only male singer who I’ve seen besides myself and who’s better than me - that is Michael Jackson.” - Frank Sinatra

“I didn’t want to leave this world without knowing who my descendant was. Thank you, Michael”- Fred Astaire


It doesn't get any better than that.
Wow. James Brown, Fred Astaire, and Frank Sinatra. It sure doesn't get any better than that.
I've just founded somethin' on my old polish forum.

Uri Geller (illusionist)
This, I promise, is how you will react when you meet Michael Jackson: you'll stare, you'll start, you'll step up and you'll freeze. Everyone does the same thing - fans, celebrities, journalists, children, parents, shoppers, waitresses, prime ministers, prime ministers' bodyguards ... First you look. Michael has the most arresting appearance of any man I ever saw. It isn't only the face, and the clothes. It's the aura. But before you have taken that in, you'll start to move towards him. Instinctively. You take a step or two, and freeze. It's like being hit by a wave of awareness, first of all pushing you forwards and then stopping you cold in the backwash. "Oh my God it's Michael Jackson" and then "Oh! My God. It's Michael Jackson ..." [source: UriGeller.com]

Backstreet Boys
He is what every artist looks up to...to be... one time become the next King of Pop. [source: Pro7; World Music Awards 2000]

Anastacia (singer)
Actually, when Michael Jackson called, it was all leading up to the fact that when I did the show "The Cut", which was the star search kind of show, I was proposed to by a lot of record companies being interested in wanting me to sign with them. In the process of all those meetings and stuff, I was meeting with MJJ, so it was inevitable to meet the presidents of all of these labels because I was starting to get to that point. Michael Jackson was one of these people that I had to meet, as well as Tommy and Bob Jamieson and the presidents of all the great record companies, so it really was a professional situation. It wasn't like "I'm a really big fan and I want to have you autograph everything that I own", it was a phone call of admiration from a performer to a performer, as a president to an artist wanting to be signed, as an artist looking at what a label has to offer, it was that kind of conversation, but what a light conversation! He was laughing, I was laughing, we were having a great time. It was so wonderful to be able to speak to him. He's so inspiring and what a genius! Forever I'll remember that I got to speak with him on the phone. If I never get to meet him or even work with him in the future, it's the beauty of being able to be recognised by something like that. [source: Radio Undercover]

During an online chat Anastacia did at MSN she was asked which artist would be a dream come true for her to work with: "There's so many. I think any artist would be a dream, but it would fulfill a dream to be on the stage with Michael Jackson." [source: Anastacia]

MissyElliot (rapper)
I don't look at it as he is not the hottest thing any more - I look at what he's done as a groundbreaking artist who opened a lot of doors for black acts. Michael Jackson is still amazing to me. [source: Entertainment Weekly; November 1999]

Of every album I have listened to, the best of the year by far has been Invincible. Michael Jackson deserves a lot more credit than he is getting, one of the most influential performers of all time. [source: MTV, 2002]

Janet Jackson (singer, MJ's sister)
Some days ago he had someone send me an enormous basket, full of candles (he does it all the time) with, in the middle of it, two magnificient dogs. It was adorable! We have been brought up like that: We are trying to find our places but we adore each other. [source: press conference in Paris, France; August 25, 2000]

Janet Jackson spoke about Michael in two interviews that aired in spring of 2001: Prime Time Live, and MTV Icon. Janet speaks about her family, Michael as a father, and the life changing advice she received from brother Michael.

JC (singer, 'N Sync)
I would love to record something with Sting or Seal. We all dream of recording a song with Janet or Michael Jackson. [source: dpa; February 2000]

Rodney Jerkins (music producer)
I was a huge fan of Michael since I was a little kid, I followed his career...everything he's ever done........He is the best, there's no other artist at his level, and I worked with many, he is great to work with because he knows exactly what he wants. [source: April 1999]

Elton John (singer, songwriter)
He is a very smart cookie, Michael. He knows what he wants, he knows what he is doing. I have nothing but admiration. Also, he is a very kind person. [source: VH1's special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998]

Quincy Jones (music producer)
Introverted, shy and nonassertive. He wasn't at all sure he could make a name for himself on his own. Neither was I. [source: Life magazine September 1997 special issue - "Life Legends: the Century's Most Unforgettable Faces"]

R. Kelly (singer/songwriter/producer, worked on 'HIStory' and 'Invincible')
[...] I grew up with the music of Michael and I've been inspired a great deal by Michael. To actually have him call me up, call my management, saying he wants me to do a song for him was a great inspiration for me to go forward in my career. And up to the day I met him it was like a big countdown. I think it's normal when you grow up to the music of someone that has been there so long and is so large. To meet this person and knowing that this person depends on me. When an artist calls a producer he makes himself dependent on him to become # 1, to get something that comes out as a track. At this time, Michael Jackson depended on me to make something come true for him.
I remember a funny thing about him. I had ordered Chinese food and had put up all these Walt Disney cups all over the studio because I knew he was a big kid. I knew that. Everyone knew that. And I also got my little dog because I knew he loved animals. I couldn't afford giraffes, but I did have a dog. It broke ice and we talked. And I went to the bathroom and my manager came with me, and I remember that I fell to the floor because I just couldn't believe it. But I got back up and straightened myself out because I realized that I had to be professional. [...] It's always great to work with someone who is wonderful because they bring you forward. Michael was very humble. He also didn't wanna change anything. Some artists want to change songs so that they like them, but I don't go for that. I don't want to destroy the magic. I don't like messing with the magic and what you risk to reach something is what you need to keep it. Michael figured this also. [source: VIVA; October 1999]

I thought it was funny when I told Michael Jackson I didn't want to fly, and he was giving me reasons why I should. I kept looking him in the eye, and I kept saying "uh-huh, uh-huh" and "oh, I see," knowing all the time that I would not be getting on a plane. Working with Michael was definitely not just another day at the office. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

Question: So it was cool working with Michael?
R. Kelly: I was so nervous, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to finish the project. When he first got to the studio, something weird came over me. Michael was another level, and it was a hell of a level to go to. But passion took over, and it put a shield around me and allowed me to be just a normal guy who felt like he worked with Michael all the time.
Question: Was he really receptive, or was he, like, "No, muhfucka, I've been doing this for 30 years."
R. Kelly: He was never that. That's why he's been here for 30 years. He was more humble than me-got up under my wing. He wanted to know what it was I wanted from him. And if he could give it to me. Question: How did that feel?
R. Kelly: Everything Mrs. McLin told me was true: I was born for this. I was ready. I didn't know that until I met Michael. My teacher told me when I was 15 that one day I would work with Michael Jackson, that one day I'd produce him, and that Quincy Jones would come to me for songs, and Stevie Wonder. I haven't worked with Stevie yet, but she told me these things would happen, and to see them come to pass is amazing. [source: VIBE magazine; March 1996]

Ricky Martin (singer)
I need to thank my teachers. I need to thank the legends of pop. I need to thank Elvis, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna. Thank you so much for being leaders and teaching me the beauty of pop. [source: Reuters; while accepting an award for his hit "Livin' La Vida Loca" at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards]

Whoa, talking about Mr. Jackson, all my respects. He definitely has a lot to do with my career. He's the legend; El Maestro, you know? From him, we learn a lot, and definitely he will always be a part of my life. [source: MTV USA; November 1999]

All that I know comes from Michael Jackson. [tv interview on channel RTL9; Dec. 2000]

Nelly (singer)
I realize that black people still love and support Michael Jackson, no matter what he looks like.

Prince (singer, songwriter)
Asked by a reporter if he could take Michael Jackson in a fistfight Prince laughed and quipped "Michael's not a fighter, he's a lover." (which refers to a verse from the Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney hit duet 'The Girl Is Mine' from 'Thriller'.) [source: Rolling Stone; press conference in New York on May 17, 2000]

Carlos Santana (guitarist)
Speaking to VH1, Carlos spoke of his idea to have both Mr.Jackson and Prince perform together on a new song. Mr.Jackson and Carlos Santana recently collaborated on the song "Whatever Happens" which is rumored to feature on the next Greatest Hits package by Mr. Jackson. [source: VH1, November 2002]

Jessica Simpson (singer)
Question: Who would you most want to do a duet with?
Jessica Simpson: Some of my favorites...I was thinking about this the other day. Michael Jackson would be the ultimate. I wouldn't mind Celine Dion or Shania Twain, either! [source: Zoog Disney; June 26, 2000]
some of the hottest undergournd hip-hop acts right now, Platinum Pied Pipers
talking to the BBC just a year ago regarding what Mike's status/relevence is among the current crowd:

"He's an icon, a Pop icon. He's Loved throughout the world. He's definitely going to have some supporters."

"He's totally incredible. His history in what he's done totally speaks for itself, it doesn't have anything to do with his personal life."

I've just founded somethin' on my old polish forum.

Uri Geller (illusionist)
This, I promise, is how you will react when you meet Michael Jackson: you'll stare, you'll start, you'll step up and you'll freeze. Everyone does the same thing - fans, celebrities, journalists, children, parents, shoppers, waitresses, prime ministers, prime ministers' bodyguards ... First you look. Michael has the most arresting appearance of any man I ever saw. It isn't only the face, and the clothes. It's the aura. But before you have taken that in, you'll start to move towards him. Instinctively. You take a step or two, and freeze. It's like being hit by a wave of awareness, first of all pushing you forwards and then stopping you cold in the backwash. "Oh my God it's Michael Jackson" and then "Oh! My God. It's Michael Jackson ..." [source: UriGeller.com]

Backstreet Boys
He is what every artist looks up to...to be... one time become the next King of Pop. [source: Pro7; World Music Awards 2000]

Anastacia (singer)
Actually, when Michael Jackson called, it was all leading up to the fact that when I did the show "The Cut", which was the star search kind of show, I was proposed to by a lot of record companies being interested in wanting me to sign with them. In the process of all those meetings and stuff, I was meeting with MJJ, so it was inevitable to meet the presidents of all of these labels because I was starting to get to that point. Michael Jackson was one of these people that I had to meet, as well as Tommy and Bob Jamieson and the presidents of all the great record companies, so it really was a professional situation. It wasn't like "I'm a really big fan and I want to have you autograph everything that I own", it was a phone call of admiration from a performer to a performer, as a president to an artist wanting to be signed, as an artist looking at what a label has to offer, it was that kind of conversation, but what a light conversation! He was laughing, I was laughing, we were having a great time. It was so wonderful to be able to speak to him. He's so inspiring and what a genius! Forever I'll remember that I got to speak with him on the phone. If I never get to meet him or even work with him in the future, it's the beauty of being able to be recognised by something like that. [source: Radio Undercover]

During an online chat Anastacia did at MSN she was asked which artist would be a dream come true for her to work with: "There's so many. I think any artist would be a dream, but it would fulfill a dream to be on the stage with Michael Jackson." [source: Anastacia]

MissyElliot (rapper)
I don't look at it as he is not the hottest thing any more - I look at what he's done as a groundbreaking artist who opened a lot of doors for black acts. Michael Jackson is still amazing to me. [source: Entertainment Weekly; November 1999]

Of every album I have listened to, the best of the year by far has been Invincible. Michael Jackson deserves a lot more credit than he is getting, one of the most influential performers of all time. [source: MTV, 2002]

Janet Jackson (singer, MJ's sister)
Some days ago he had someone send me an enormous basket, full of candles (he does it all the time) with, in the middle of it, two magnificient dogs. It was adorable! We have been brought up like that: We are trying to find our places but we adore each other. [source: press conference in Paris, France; August 25, 2000]

Janet Jackson spoke about Michael in two interviews that aired in spring of 2001: Prime Time Live, and MTV Icon. Janet speaks about her family, Michael as a father, and the life changing advice she received from brother Michael.

JC (singer, 'N Sync)
I would love to record something with Sting or Seal. We all dream of recording a song with Janet or Michael Jackson. [source: dpa; February 2000]

Rodney Jerkins (music producer)
I was a huge fan of Michael since I was a little kid, I followed his career...everything he's ever done........He is the best, there's no other artist at his level, and I worked with many, he is great to work with because he knows exactly what he wants. [source: April 1999]

Elton John (singer, songwriter)
He is a very smart cookie, Michael. He knows what he wants, he knows what he is doing. I have nothing but admiration. Also, he is a very kind person. [source: VH1's special "100 Greatest Artists of Rock & Roll"; May 1, 1998]

Quincy Jones (music producer)
Introverted, shy and nonassertive. He wasn't at all sure he could make a name for himself on his own. Neither was I. [source: Life magazine September 1997 special issue - "Life Legends: the Century's Most Unforgettable Faces"]

R. Kelly (singer/songwriter/producer, worked on 'HIStory' and 'Invincible')
[...] I grew up with the music of Michael and I've been inspired a great deal by Michael. To actually have him call me up, call my management, saying he wants me to do a song for him was a great inspiration for me to go forward in my career. And up to the day I met him it was like a big countdown. I think it's normal when you grow up to the music of someone that has been there so long and is so large. To meet this person and knowing that this person depends on me. When an artist calls a producer he makes himself dependent on him to become # 1, to get something that comes out as a track. At this time, Michael Jackson depended on me to make something come true for him.
I remember a funny thing about him. I had ordered Chinese food and had put up all these Walt Disney cups all over the studio because I knew he was a big kid. I knew that. Everyone knew that. And I also got my little dog because I knew he loved animals. I couldn't afford giraffes, but I did have a dog. It broke ice and we talked. And I went to the bathroom and my manager came with me, and I remember that I fell to the floor because I just couldn't believe it. But I got back up and straightened myself out because I realized that I had to be professional. [...] It's always great to work with someone who is wonderful because they bring you forward. Michael was very humble. He also didn't wanna change anything. Some artists want to change songs so that they like them, but I don't go for that. I don't want to destroy the magic. I don't like messing with the magic and what you risk to reach something is what you need to keep it. Michael figured this also. [source: VIVA; October 1999]

I thought it was funny when I told Michael Jackson I didn't want to fly, and he was giving me reasons why I should. I kept looking him in the eye, and I kept saying "uh-huh, uh-huh" and "oh, I see," knowing all the time that I would not be getting on a plane. Working with Michael was definitely not just another day at the office. [source: VIBE magazine; June/July 1995]

Question: So it was cool working with Michael?
R. Kelly: I was so nervous, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to finish the project. When he first got to the studio, something weird came over me. Michael was another level, and it was a hell of a level to go to. But passion took over, and it put a shield around me and allowed me to be just a normal guy who felt like he worked with Michael all the time.
Question: Was he really receptive, or was he, like, "No, muhfucka, I've been doing this for 30 years."
R. Kelly: He was never that. That's why he's been here for 30 years. He was more humble than me-got up under my wing. He wanted to know what it was I wanted from him. And if he could give it to me. Question: How did that feel?
R. Kelly: Everything Mrs. McLin told me was true: I was born for this. I was ready. I didn't know that until I met Michael. My teacher told me when I was 15 that one day I would work with Michael Jackson, that one day I'd produce him, and that Quincy Jones would come to me for songs, and Stevie Wonder. I haven't worked with Stevie yet, but she told me these things would happen, and to see them come to pass is amazing. [source: VIBE magazine; March 1996]

Ricky Martin (singer)
I need to thank my teachers. I need to thank the legends of pop. I need to thank Elvis, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Madonna. Thank you so much for being leaders and teaching me the beauty of pop. [source: Reuters; while accepting an award for his hit "Livin' La Vida Loca" at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards]

Whoa, talking about Mr. Jackson, all my respects. He definitely has a lot to do with my career. He's the legend; El Maestro, you know? From him, we learn a lot, and definitely he will always be a part of my life. [source: MTV USA; November 1999]

All that I know comes from Michael Jackson. [tv interview on channel RTL9; Dec. 2000]

Nelly (singer)
I realize that black people still love and support Michael Jackson, no matter what he looks like.

Prince (singer, songwriter)
Asked by a reporter if he could take Michael Jackson in a fistfight Prince laughed and quipped "Michael's not a fighter, he's a lover." (which refers to a verse from the Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney hit duet 'The Girl Is Mine' from 'Thriller'.) [source: Rolling Stone; press conference in New York on May 17, 2000]

Carlos Santana (guitarist)
Speaking to VH1, Carlos spoke of his idea to have both Mr.Jackson and Prince perform together on a new song. Mr.Jackson and Carlos Santana recently collaborated on the song "Whatever Happens" which is rumored to feature on the next Greatest Hits package by Mr. Jackson. [source: VH1, November 2002]

Jessica Simpson (singer)
Question: Who would you most want to do a duet with?
Jessica Simpson: Some of my favorites...I was thinking about this the other day. Michael Jackson would be the ultimate. I wouldn't mind Celine Dion or Shania Twain, either! [source: Zoog Disney; June 26, 2000]

Thanks Maro... for the interesting quotes. :clapping: Deep down every artist knows that he's a great musical entertainer who has non stop talent. :yes:
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ALICIA KEYS: "I'm upset at the way he's being treated in the media. I think they're really trying to slander his name, and I really think that's unfair for the way that he's contributed to the American culture since the day he was born. I think he deserves much more than that."

I remember when I watched AH during the raid and she said this quote. Alicia is awesome and when she said this, I was so happy because she told the truth. The quotes are great. I am loving the quotes from Pete Wentz, Usher, Chris Brown, Chris Tucker, Brett Ratner, LL Cool J, Will Smith, etc. Just awesome. These famous people know wassup, you know what I mean.

Jermaine said that quote in Life magazine from 1984. I have that issue and I looked at it this weekend. I took that quote as a brother who was jealous of MJ at that time. Things have changed. Hey, he is his brother and he can practically say what he wants to say. He knows him.

Thanks for the quotes, Justice and the rest of you guys.
Michael's the most intense person I've worked with. For him, everything is about the music and how to make it better. He also makes work a lot of fun. He's a kid at heart-his office is not like a normal office. He has all the kids' toys. A lot of times we'd be in session, in the middle of playing a video game, and he'd be, like, "Well, we got to do this. But go ahead and finish your game, though-I don't want to mess your game up.

Considerate and awesome. :)

These are some great quotes.

Ok, I have this great book on Michael and it had these great quotes. They were very interesting and I like to post them on here. The book is called "Michael Jackson King of Pop" and it came out in 1992.

Why he wrote "Word to the Badd" -

"I tried to call him and tell him how I was feeling but I couldn't get through to him. So, I wrote the song and I wrote it from my heart. It's a message from an older brother to a younger brother, an attempt to bring him back to the family and an attempt to heal our relationship. People might say I'm jealous but I love the fact that he's as big as he is. The song is about having him come back to reality because he's not in touch with reality at all. I can say that because I'm his brother." - Jermaine "when he was jealous" Jackson.

On this person opinion on Dangerous:

"I played on Dangerous and I know everyone talks about how long it took to make, but I think that speaks for itself. It's a very strong album and I think the fans agree, just look at the charts. With Dangerous Michael just wanted to better himself again. He's never prepared to rest his laurels. It's that Jackson thing. It's all about getting better.

The person says about MJ in the studio:

"Michael's very easy going in the studio. Obviously he's the boss but it's not as if he walks around with a tag on his head saying 'I'm in charge'. We also have a very structured way of doing things. We start by recording the drum part, then we'll go to a string part, then we'll record the bass and the main guitars and then Mickey goes in to record the vocals. It's like making a big sandwich. You start with the bread and you make sure all the necessary ingredients are mixed appropriately."

The person talks about MJ the person:

"There are many different sides to him just as there are many different sides to all of us. He's just another guy trying to express himself and fit in the world. He can be very nice, there are obviously things that make him angry but he's basically a good man with a good soul. The other thing about Michael is that he's a very strong person. For all the junk that he's been through, for all of the hype, he's been strong enough to survive without the aid of a drink and drugs. Most people can't do that and that's the thing I admire him most for. He's been through a lot of bad times but he's never taken drugs. As for his eccentricities, I'm not defending them or criticising them, but there are a lot of people who do far whackier things than Mickey will ever dream about." - That person was musician Greg Phillinganes who worked on most of Mike's cds, went on tour with him from the Triumph Tour to the History Tour and is a very talened musician.

"He's a lot different in person to how he is on stage. Sometimes he's just a complete clown. He has food fights. He loves joking around and just having a laugh. He loves his family When Janet Jackson or his cousins come to see him he's just relaxed, family loving guy, but when it comes to business, that disappears and it's 100 percent concentration." - A quote from an unnamed musician talking about MJ's different sides.
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And i have just founded this interview with Eminem:

"i never meant to intentionally diss or bash anybody"
"it was just pure jokes"

"but you clearly made michael jackson upset"

"and i apologize for that"
"he's.......(sway cut's him off)
(sway look's shocked to hear eminem say sry)

"but i think what the people wanna know is why are you apologizing"
"when you have had beef's in the past with ja rule and benzino
and made diss tracks about them"
"where is your diss track about mj"

"i can't diss someone i grew up listening to"
"i have to much respect for him"
"i mean i joke with talking about his nose"
"but when it comes to talent-wise there's too much respect that
i have for him"
"i talk all the time in my songs about being chased by the
papparazzi and people making fun of me cuz they don't
understand who i really am"
"and if there's anybody who has had it worse than me it's
michael jackson"
"so that's one of the main reason's i didn't come back with a
diss song against michael jackson"
"i mean i mention the neverland ranch a few times on encore
but i don't take it too far"
"plus, he's the biggest star in the planet"
"he's more famous than the president"
"you think of michael jackson first, before you think of the
"that's how famous he is"
"and plus he has like (a-cajelion) fans around the world"

"now let me ask u.......(em cuts sway off)

"through all the sh*t that he's been through"
"that's a true artist"
*and those are true fans*

"but, did you ever like michael jackson"

"michael jackson was one of my idols"


"well, he still is"
"i mean, i like his music"
"i like his dancing"
"but my i love his attitude"
"he doesn't give a damn what people think about him"
"i respect and admire any person who has that kinda attitude"
"unfortionitly i don't have that attitude, so the minute someone
criticizes me or says something negative about me i take my
anger out on them, that's just the way i am"

"so your a fan of michael jackson"


"i can't picture you listening to michael jackson i
n your room going (hee-hee)
(sway starts immetading michael)
(eminem starts laughing)

"na, seriously when thriller came out"
"i was the first one on my block who coped the album"

"but don't you think the guy is a little bizzare"

"not really"
"you have to understand it from another artist's postion
we are always constantly trying to stay in the spotlight it's
called publicity"
"i mean the plastic surgury mask that he wears, the kids wearing the mask so
u can't see there face for protection"
"and i adolize the way he acts, and performs"
"and that's that"
I didn't know Eminem said all that. Now I don't feel so mad at him. What he did was totally bogus, and it was the timing of the thing that really made it horrible, but at least he apologized and praised Michael afterwards. You have to give him credit for that.
The thing about Eminem is that he makes fun of everyone and everything. He evan makes fun of himself. That was a nice interview with Eminem by the way, i really liked how that interviwerer was trying to get Eminem to diss MJ by saying things like ''Don't you think he's bizzare'' but Eminem kept coming to MJ's defence.
It's like the people who create something. Mozart is much more famous than Napoleon, for instance. Mozart is creating something that's lasting forever in music. Michael does not even belong. [on this planet] It's like God is channeling through him. Even if he sits here with us, and just sings like three notes, it's like, "Oh my God." It's beyond anything. I've worked with a hundred of the biggest artists in the world, from Madonna to Mariah Carey, and he is just beyond. He's at a whole other level, spiritually. He's got the God spot. Everyone has it, everyone has that God spot, but it's just the way he's in tune with it. He has it. It's right there, and when he starts to sing, God has just opened it up for him. That's why he's not comfortable around people and things, because he's just such a unique—he feels blessed just to be himself. "I can't believe I'm Michael Jackson." [Laughs.] That's what it is, really. He is one of the most unique people. I've spent a lot of time with him, so has Chris. Just sitting in the back of a car, and music playing, and then him, he moves like God is going through him. Not to knock Usher or anybody else, but you see when they're dancing, they're like, "One, two, three, four." He's just like, natural. He's amazing, he really is amazing. He's got a bad rap, but the truth is, he's a child. Michael Jackson never grew up, but that's what makes him so special. ~ Brett Ratner 2007

Great quote.
He said everything i think Michael is :wub:
And i have just founded this interview with Eminem:

"i never meant to intentionally diss or bash anybody"
"it was just pure jokes"

"but you clearly made michael jackson upset"

"and i apologize for that"
"he's.......(sway cut's him off)
(sway look's shocked to hear eminem say sry)

"but i think what the people wanna know is why are you apologizing"
"when you have had beef's in the past with ja rule and benzino
and made diss tracks about them"
"where is your diss track about mj"

"i can't diss someone i grew up listening to"
"i have to much respect for him"
"i mean i joke with talking about his nose"
"but when it comes to talent-wise there's too much respect that
i have for him"
"i talk all the time in my songs about being chased by the
papparazzi and people making fun of me cuz they don't
understand who i really am"
"and if there's anybody who has had it worse than me it's
michael jackson"
"so that's one of the main reason's i didn't come back with a
diss song against michael jackson"
"i mean i mention the neverland ranch a few times on encore
but i don't take it too far"
"plus, he's the biggest star in the planet"
"he's more famous than the president"
"you think of michael jackson first, before you think of the
"that's how famous he is"
"and plus he has like (a-cajelion) fans around the world"

"now let me ask u.......(em cuts sway off)

"through all the sh*t that he's been through"
"that's a true artist"
*and those are true fans*

"but, did you ever like michael jackson"

"michael jackson was one of my idols"


"well, he still is"
"i mean, i like his music"
"i like his dancing"
"but my i love his attitude"
"he doesn't give a damn what people think about him"
"i respect and admire any person who has that kinda attitude"
"unfortionitly i don't have that attitude, so the minute someone
criticizes me or says something negative about me i take my
anger out on them, that's just the way i am"

"so your a fan of michael jackson"


"i can't picture you listening to michael jackson i
n your room going (hee-hee)
(sway starts immetading michael)
(eminem starts laughing)

"na, seriously when thriller came out"
"i was the first one on my block who coped the album"

"but don't you think the guy is a little bizzare"

"not really"
"you have to understand it from another artist's postion
we are always constantly trying to stay in the spotlight it's
called publicity"
"i mean the plastic surgury mask that he wears, the kids wearing the mask so
u can't see there face for protection"
"and i adolize the way he acts, and performs"
"and that's that"

Oh thank you so much_ Ive been looking for this
Ive been trying to tell fans that for yrs when they
start to dis him too hard ..He really respects and is
a fan of MJ and also MJ stated he would love to work
with EMINEM he thinks he is a GREAT lyricist ... I think
it was awesoem how he apologised and Stood up for MJ
and would not let this interviewer influence him to do
any different .. he could relate to MJ ...
Last edited:
Great quote.
He said everything i think Michael is :wub:
Here's the rest of it, or at least the parts pertaining to Mike (August 7, 2007):
AV Club: So Chris, speaking of black music, you're probably the only man in the world who's appeared in videos for both Michael Jackson and Tupac. Can you kind of compare and contrast the two?

Chris Tucker: I almost died over in Tupac's video. I was in the back of a Jeep, and I was being young, and crazy, and we was in a desert going over these sand dunes. Michael Clarke Duncan, from Green Mile, grabbed me, because I didn't know we was going over sand dunes. I'm in the video like, "Yaaaah!" It was a helicopter shot. It was like, what do you call it? The Warrior?

Brett Ratner: Road Warrior.

CT: Yeah, Road Warrior. So I'm playing this crazy guy, and if he didn't grab my back, I would have fell over the thing. That's what I remember about the Tupac video. And I met a fine girl on the video set. With Michael Jackson, it was just working with the legend and working with someone that I admired. That was incredible. A lot of my career, I judge it off Michael, because Michael didn't go out, he didn't do an album every year. He did an album every five years, and he'll come out and make a big thing. He never really overexposed himself. I think I learned a lot watching him, and not overexposing myself in a lot of ways.

AVC: Was that the beginning of your friendship with him, working on that video?

CT: We knew of each other. Of course I knew Michael Jackson. If you watch all my movies, there's something to do with Michael in them, for some reason. I guess because I grew up with him. And Scarface, I grew up watching Scarface all the time. That started around Rush Hour 2, yeah, that's when I met him. I was in New York, and I called and said, "I want to meet Michael. Is Michael around?" Couldn't get in touch with him. Flew all the way in a private plane back to L.A., and as soon as I landed and I checked my messages, Michael's people called and said, "Chris, Michael want to meet with you in the morning." I went up to the cockpit, I told the pilots to fly me back to New York, because I'm going to meet with Michael Jackson tomorrow at the Four Seasons Hotel. They said, "What? We've got to call the office, we can't just do this shit." They called the office, and they said, "Alright. Another $50,000." Flew me back to New York, landed, met with Michael that morning, then flew back to L.A. that night. I didn't even leave the plane. We were just taxiing on the runway, checking my messages. That's the first time I ever met Michael. I was on a private plane, in L.A., flew back. That's when I met him. I never told you that. I got crazy, like I spent a lot of money.

AVC: What was kind of your impression of Michael Jackson?

CT: He's just a normal person. Nice. He's a very kind person, nice. Really shy. Just a lot of fun to be around, because he's just nice.

AVC: Do you think he's misunderstood?

CT: Yeah, he's misunderstood, because he's had a different life. He's accomplished so much in his life, and he's so talented. He's just a genius.

BR: He doesn't really belong on this planet. He's the most important figure in the history of music. He'll be remembered far longer than George Bush will. 200 years from now, people will be talking about Michael Jackson, and no one's going to mention George Bush.

AVC: I remember growing up, he was the most famous person in the world.

BR: It's not even that. It's like the people who create something. Mozart is much more famous than Napoleon, for instance. Mozart is creating something that's lasting forever in music. Michael does not even belong. It's like God is channeling through him. Even if he sits here with us, and just sings like three notes, it's like, "Oh my God." It's beyond anything. I've worked with a hundred of the biggest artists in the world, from Madonna to Mariah Carey, and he is just beyond. He's at a whole other level, spiritually. He's got the God spot. Everyone has it, everyone has that God spot, but it's just the way he's in tune with it. He has it. It's right there, and when he starts to sing, God has just opened it up for him. That's why he's not comfortable around people and things, because he's just such a unique—he feels blessed just to be himself. "I can't believe I'm Michael Jackson." [Laughs.] That's what it is, really. He is one of the most unique people. I've spent a lot of time with him, so has Chris. Just sitting in the back of a car, and music playing, and then him, he moves like God is going through him. Not to knock Usher or anybody else, but you see when they're dancing, they're like, "One, two, three, four." He's just like, natural. He's amazing, he really is amazing. He's got a bad rap, but the truth is, he's a child. Michael Jackson never grew up, but that's what makes him so special.

CT: That's what he says about Brett. "I like Brett, because he's just a kid. He never lost that essence."

BR: Mike has the mind of a kid, and when you have the mind of a kid, you're smarter than an adult. You see through all the BS. Kids, you know how they are? They just say the truth.

AVC: There's a sort of purity to it.

BR: Purity to it. He's a pure person. There's no malicious intent in him at all. He's a kid. That's the true essence of a kid. There's nobody more kid-like than Michael Jackson. People may say, "Oh, he needs to grow up, he's a 40-something-year-old man," but the truth is, that's what makes him special. He sees the world in a different way. He can read the mind of an adult better than an adult can read his mind. That's what makes him so special.

CT: And he understands that, because that's what he told me about Brett. [Laughs.]

BR: "Brett's an asshole." "No, Brett's great!" That's what we all have in common. See, that's the thing. Michael loves movies. He loves entertainment. He loves music. We spent all our time with him watching movies. Listening to music. Dancing. Singing. Having fun. Every time Chris would leave the house, we'd be in Miami, and he'd go with Michael Jackson. "Where'd you go?" "Oh, we just went to Barry Gibb's house and we were just singing Bee Gees songs."

CT: Him and Barry Gibb were singing with each other. It was crazy.

BR: [Imitates Barry Gibb.]

CT: Michael singing, [Michael Jackson voice] "How deep is your love, is your love."
Brett Ratner: "He doesn't really belong on this planet. He's the most important figure in the history of music. He'll be remembered far longer than George Bush will. 200 years from now, people will be talking about Michael Jackson, and no one's going to mention George Bush. "

So true. Michael doesn`t really belong on this planet.:yes:
That interview with Brett and Chris had some of the best, more accurate and honest talk from people who actually know Michael that I've ever seen. Great, great interview.
And i have just founded this interview with Eminem:

"i never meant to intentionally diss or bash anybody"
"it was just pure jokes"

"but you clearly made michael jackson upset"

"and i apologize for that"
"he's.......(sway cut's him off)
(sway look's shocked to hear eminem say sry)

"but i think what the people wanna know is why are you apologizing"
"when you have had beef's in the past with ja rule and benzino
and made diss tracks about them"
"where is your diss track about mj"

"i can't diss someone i grew up listening to"
"i have to much respect for him"
"i mean i joke with talking about his nose"
"but when it comes to talent-wise there's too much respect that
i have for him"
"i talk all the time in my songs about being chased by the
papparazzi and people making fun of me cuz they don't
understand who i really am"
"and if there's anybody who has had it worse than me it's
michael jackson"
"so that's one of the main reason's i didn't come back with a
diss song against michael jackson"
"i mean i mention the neverland ranch a few times on encore
but i don't take it too far"
"plus, he's the biggest star in the planet"
"he's more famous than the president"
"you think of michael jackson first, before you think of the
"that's how famous he is"
"and plus he has like (a-cajelion) fans around the world"

"now let me ask u.......(em cuts sway off)

"through all the sh*t that he's been through"
"that's a true artist"
*and those are true fans*

"but, did you ever like michael jackson"

"michael jackson was one of my idols"


"well, he still is"
"i mean, i like his music"
"i like his dancing"
"but my i love his attitude"
"he doesn't give a damn what people think about him"
"i respect and admire any person who has that kinda attitude"
"unfortionitly i don't have that attitude, so the minute someone
criticizes me or says something negative about me i take my
anger out on them, that's just the way i am"

"so your a fan of michael jackson"


"i can't picture you listening to michael jackson i
n your room going (hee-hee)
(sway starts immetading michael)
(eminem starts laughing)

"na, seriously when thriller came out"
"i was the first one on my block who coped the album"

"but don't you think the guy is a little bizzare"

"not really"
"you have to understand it from another artist's postion
we are always constantly trying to stay in the spotlight it's
called publicity"
"i mean the plastic surgury mask that he wears, the kids wearing the mask so
u can't see there face for protection"
"and i adolize the way he acts, and performs"
"and that's that"

I like how Sway kept trying repeatedly to make him say something negative. Even going as far as to look for negative connotations in compliments. "Was?" Stfu. A lot these interviewers sound like they don't know what to do anymore when their guest refuses to diss Michael Jackson.
Thanks for that Eminem interview. I didin't know he said that. I always thought he's a talented guy but after I saw the Just Loose It video, I've lost my respect for him. It made me sick.
Some say it's no big deal cause he does that to everyone, but I don't think it's right.
A person doesn't do that. And to know he's trashed every artist out there..it doesn't make me feel any better, really. Imo it's just not acceptable.
I remember Michael saying that he's been in show buisness for more than 40 years and never in his life he attacked a fellow artist.

Anyway it's good to know he apologized.
What Eminem did was wrong. What made it worse was his timing. He released it during a point in which Michael was literally fighting for his life, and the content of the video had the potential to sway or influence potential jurors. It was f-ed up what Eminem did, and just plain mean. But at least he apologized.
Once again the awe inspiring inability to let things go shines wondrously in these parts. I'm going to assume it's because the majority of the forum are women. A species that does things like bringing up everything wrong with your life when you're having an argument about what TV show to watch.
lol, please man. I said that it's cool that he apologized. It's still wrong what he did though. And man, your comment about women, you're gonna get flack for that, lol.