What other artists think about Michael Jackson? Here`s a selection of interesting quotes


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Jul 25, 2011


What other artists think about Michael Jackson? Here`s a selection of interesting quotes:

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: "Just like Michael took inspiration from James [Brown], sure, Michael's inspired me immensely to do what I do. Anytime someone comes out and dances and does something with choreography, they say, 'Well, that's inspired by Michael.' So, thank you. That's a compliment."

"Everybody wants to be near Michael. Every celebrity wants to meet Michael. He's the King of Pop for a reason. He's a mystery."
- Justin Timberlake -

BEYONCE: "He taught us so much and it's such a blessing."

NE-YO: He called his song "Crazy," "Another one of my unofficial tributes to Michael Jackson."

CHRIS BROWN: "There isn’t an artist out now that hasn't been influenced or inspired by Michael Jackson. [He's] as close to perfection as an artist can be."

USHER: But when I heard ["I Want You Back"]I was inspired. I wanted to sing like Michael, to be like Mike."

Will.i.am: 'You always just dream of meeting him, let alone working with him. I wouldn't have believed it."

: "I'm upset at the way he's being treated in the media. I think they're really trying to slander his name, and I really think that's unfair for the way that he's contributed to the American culture since the day he was born. I think he deserves much more than that."

MISSY ELLIOTT: "He's my biggest influence..."

: "I always looked up to him--and my dad--since I was a little boy."

MACAULAY CULKIN: "We're close, he's a good friend of mine, we definitely have a connection that most people don't have..."

CHRIS TUCKER:"'Michael is a genius, a creative being in a whole other reality..."

NICOLE RICHIE: "He's a good person."

KENNY ROGERS: "He's a gifted dancer, singer, and performer. He's always had a wonderful spirit about him."

: "He has more talent than anybody in the world."

: ''I'm a fan. I support him a hundred zillion percent."

ELIZABETH TAYLOR: "We're very much alike."
I know Brice Willis and Demi Moore supported MJ during 94.
Quote from Will Smith about MJ

''Michael Jackson is really funny, and to be able to spend time with him and actually be around him, i can tell you that he's not what people think he is''
Everywhere you need change and there are few people who have to do it. Madonna and Michael Jackson are incredible. I did 30-40 tracks for Michael when he needed Indian ideas. Meanwhile, all these allegations (of child abuse) came. Look at Muhammad Ali before that. They put him in jail. And Mike Tyson. I know it's wrong if he did something wrong. That's a different thing. But, most of the time, things are created to bring them down. ~ Dr. L. Shankar

I didn't get paid -- most dates I didn't get paid. And I've never gotten money from most of those records. And I made those records: In the studio, they'd just give me a bunch of words, I'd make up a song! The rhythm and everything. "Good Golly, Miss Molly"! And I didn't get a dime for it. Michael Jackson owns the Specialty stuff now. He offered me a job with his publishing company once, for the rest of my life, as a writer. At the time, I didn't take it. I wish I had now. ~ Little Richard 2004

It's like the people who create something. Mozart is much more famous than Napoleon, for instance. Mozart is creating something that's lasting forever in music. Michael does not even belong. [on this planet] It's like God is channeling through him. Even if he sits here with us, and just sings like three notes, it's like, "Oh my God." It's beyond anything. I've worked with a hundred of the biggest artists in the world, from Madonna to Mariah Carey, and he is just beyond. He's at a whole other level, spiritually. He's got the God spot. Everyone has it, everyone has that God spot, but it's just the way he's in tune with it. He has it. It's right there, and when he starts to sing, God has just opened it up for him. That's why he's not comfortable around people and things, because he's just such a unique—he feels blessed just to be himself. "I can't believe I'm Michael Jackson." [Laughs.] That's what it is, really. He is one of the most unique people. I've spent a lot of time with him, so has Chris. Just sitting in the back of a car, and music playing, and then him, he moves like God is going through him. Not to knock Usher or anybody else, but you see when they're dancing, they're like, "One, two, three, four." He's just like, natural. He's amazing, he really is amazing. He's got a bad rap, but the truth is, he's a child. Michael Jackson never grew up, but that's what makes him so special. ~ Brett Ratner 2007

He's just a normal person. Nice. He's a very kind person, nice. Really shy. Just a lot of fun to be around, because he's just nice. ~ Chris Tucker 2007

Michael is the kind of guy who has rhythm; he has rock'n'roll in his soul, whether he really plays it or not. ~ Phil Lesh

We never performed together. That's when we first met. [Canadian Nation Exhibition] But, The Jacksons and The Osmonds never performed together. The only time Michael and I were together in public was on the American Music Awards. Dick Clark called us both and we presented an award together on the very first American Music Awards. CNE is where The Jacksons came to watch our show and meet us. ~ Donny Osmond 2005
Donny on Joseph: Interviewer: You recounted a story for this book "Who's Your Fave Rave", on the history of 16 Magazine about Michael Jackson inviting you over to his house in Encino. You said "Whenever I'd go over to Michael's house, Joe (Michael's father) gave me the coldest shoulder anyone could ever have." Why do you think that was?
Donny: I don't know. That's Joe. You gotta know Joe to appreciate it. I remember mentioning that to a few people in interviews. I thought Oh, maybe I better not say this. But you know, he is what he is. And he's a very cold person. I don't like to speak poorly or down about people, but he's an interesting man. 2005
oooh thanks everyone for posting these quotes! there are a few I haven't heard before!
I love those quotes from both Brett Ratner and Chris Tucker too. And the quote from Liza says so much too, since she herself is so talented and considering who her mother was.
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He is a very smart cookie, Michael. He knows what he wants, he knows what
he is doing. I have nothing but admiration. Also, he is a very kind person.
Elton John

Of Michael's life,
"You dance till your side hurts and you take oxygen
Then you hide -- that's not happiness."
Jermaine Jackson (Michaels brother)

My feelings about Michael Jackson are simple: I think that he's a
human being like everyone else and I'm a huge fan of HIM.
LL Cool J

Michael is the wisest and at the same time most naive person I know.
Quincy Jones

I'd be proud to have that kid (Michael) as my son any day.
Bruce Swedien

Michael is a generous, honest, and sensitive human being, filled with
amazing insight and the capacity for love. If this is weird, I want to
go live on another planet.
Karen Faye

Everyone's thinking they're the new W. Axl Rose, just running their mouths
and living in this world where nothing is real. Like, it's really easy to write
a couple of songs, but that doesn't mean you get to run your mouth. The only
guy who can do that is Michael Jackson. He wrote Thriller, so he can say
whatever the f*ck he wants.
Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy)

Working with Michael Jackson was probably the best recording experience of
my life. He was totally cool, absolutely professional and a beautiful, beautiful
guy. And let’s not forget, he's a musical genius.
Lenny Kravitz
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Its nice to hear what kind things other celebrities have to say about Michael :)
nicoleIS an artist...she had a few songs leak out from her album and put it on hold once she found out she was preg w/ harlow....

and missy's said hella stuff a bout mj! Lol like after his arrest she was on stage for an award or somethin (after the show) and said she didnt' want people to make fun of him or else she'd be arrested for beatin they ass or soemthing like that
nice quotes....

did'nt quite get Jermaine's quote though....
That's a quote from Jermaine from the early 80s, about 84. He was talking about what Michael's life is like, meaning he performs, sings and dances until he's in pain and then afterwards, he has to hide and can't go out, because he would be mobbed. He was commenting on how that isn't happiness.
nicoleIS an artist...she had a few songs leak out from her album and put it on hold once she found out she was preg w/ harlow....

and missy's said hella stuff a bout mj! Lol like after his arrest she was on stage for an award or somethin (after the show) and said she didnt' want people to make fun of him or else she'd be arrested for beatin they ass or soemthing like that


Yeah Missy loves her some Michael! She's even referenced him in her songs before, she is a huge fan of his (and Janet's as well).

Anyway, thx to the OP for posting these quotes. Some of these I haven't read before, good stuff.
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Well, I would really like for one of yall to post the transcript of the interview that Billie Graham had on LKL where Larry asked him about Michael. He said some really interesting stuff. Here is a guy who is respected as one of the greatest evangelist in America and he is sitting there saying positive things about Michal.

Please, someone post it cause I can't find it.
Well, I would really like for one of yall to post the transcript of the interview that Billie Graham had on LKL where Larry asked him about Michael. He said some really interesting stuff. Here is a guy who is respected as one of the greatest evangelist in America and he is sitting there saying positive things about Michal.

Please, someone post it cause I can't find it.

KING: What did you make of the whole Michael Jackson thing?

GRAHAM: Well, I was interested, of course. I don't know all the facts and everything, but I appreciated what the jury did because if the jury had been -- found guilty, it would have caused troubles all over the world, because the jury was largely a white jury. And I was pleased at that. And then last night your interview with Jermaine was tremendous. It really opened up some things for me. I learned some things.

I have heard that he was a very gentle person and a god-fearing man in some ways, and I had never thought of that about Michael Jackson. And I heard that two or three times during this whole period of time.
:)I found these:

"Michael’s magic. And all magic people are somehow eccentric. Michael is one of the most lovable, kind and natural persons I’ve ever loved. I took him deepley to my heart. I would do everything for him and he would do everything for me."
Elizabeth Taylor

"He’s sort of a fawn in a burning forest. It’s a nice place where Michael comes from. I wish we could all spend some time in his world."
Steven Spielberg

"The Michael Jackson I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for 13 years is without affectation, and is not an illusion. It must be hard for Michael to know how much the world wants to know him, to be like him, to consume him. He’s wisely created his own world in which to preserve the most honest parts of his identity. Those are the parts we love the most. Michael has a heightened senitivity for the crying needs of this world. Through his ‘Heal the World’-Foundation, he wants to preserve this planet’s most precious resources — children, and the environment. He feels much of the same responsibility a parent feels — his children are all of our children."
Steven Spielberg

"Michael’s a natural. He’s a vers hard worker and a super performer. But most of all he’s a real human being."
Stevie Wonder

"I care for Michael but I don’t worry about him. I think sometimes that he’s got angels on his shoulders to protect him.
He spends a lot of time — too much — by himself. I try to get him out. I rented a boat and took my children and Michael on a cruise and he loved it. He has so many people around him but he’s still afraid, especially to be alone at night. I don’t know why but he’s always been very cut off and distanced. When you get to be a star from age six and never knew any normal teenage life, when you were just used to the limousines and the tour buses, I guess it is understandable."
Diana Ross

"Michael has always been isolated. I’d go to his house and there always 30 girls outside all the time. They even got in the house. One day there was one lying out by the pool, nobody knew who she was. I think she was the inspiration for ‘Billie Jean’. Michael just said, 'It’s been like that all my life.'"
Quincy Jones​
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I wish I could meet Michael Jackson someday. I know I'm very talented musically and I would like to see also what would happen if me and Michael put our talents together. But I'm reasonal, so I know it's more probable I won't ever meet him. And I wouldn't like to meet him in a situation he doesn't know who I am but in a situation where I can tell about myself and ask about him. Like doing an interview.
OMG, Qbee, thank you so much. I have been looking all over for that Billie Graham/LKL transcript.

I was just amazed at how well Billie Graham spoke of MJ. It seems to me that he recognizes how much people love Michael.

Did you know that Billie went to minister to Marilyn Monroe once and she told him that she did not need his Jesus. Two days later, she was found dead.
OMG, Qbee, thank you so much. I have been looking all over for that Billie Graham/LKL transcript.

I was just amazed at how well Billie Graham spoke of MJ. It seems to me that he recognizes how much people love Michael.

Did you know that Billie went to minister to Marilyn Monroe once and she told him that she did not need his Jesus. Two days later, she was found dead.[/quote

You just reminded me of my mother here. She told me that she told my cousin that god spared the plain from crashing in mid-air, when it caught fire, because he was on it. :angel:
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soulstress Angie Stone on BET in 2004:

Whats Bigger than Michael Jackson?
I am telling you all now we need to stand by this brotha and support him in what hes going through right now, he deserves it.
I just love Justin's quote:

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: "Just like Michael took inspiration from James [Brown], sure, Michael's inspired me immensely to do what I do."

Trying to justify his blatant COPYING of Michael by mentioning that Michael got inspiration from James Brown.

Michael actually evolved and created his own style. Justin is still ripping off the same old moves and hasn't evolved yet.

But yeah, if there were no James Brown, Michael wouldn't be who he is today. But at least he ventured off and came up with some original stuff.

OK my rant is over lol!!
well here's theproblem....mj had fred astaire, jackie wilson, james brown, and gene kelly to delve from ....all these kids got is mj himself....mike took the styles of all those men and made it one, if all u got is mj to be inspired from....how can u make it original? lol