What if?

we'd be cool :shades:

what if you looked like this :sparkle:? :lol:
I'd amputate 2 of them off :)
What if Janet Jackson asked you to collaborate with her on a song?
there would have to be a lot of fresh water then :D

what if you had humphs like camels?
I would be bored as hell.

What if you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do?
Talk to everyone I want to, tell the ones I love that I love them then say goodbye.
What if everything in life is just an hallucination?
Then it's certainly been affective!

What if everyone else was a robot and you're the only human being that ever existed?
Then I rule the world :D
What if you were as good a singer and dancer as Michael? :eek:
I wouldn't know what I'm missing!

What if you could get three wishes granted?
I'd do all those things I want to but can't afford :D

what if you had a test? :girl_tantrum:
I'd have to have a sex change in order for that to happen :lmao:
What if you became attracted to the next person of the opposite gender that you saw?
:bugeyed :scratch: Not sure!

What if you woke up to discover you were in a different country?
I'd make them wish theyd never taken me

What would you do if someone dared you to hold your breath for 90s seconds?
I'd suffocate because I can't breath propoerly through my nose :(
What if you broke your leg at home on your own and you couldn't reach a telephone because it would hurt your leg so much to get to one?
I'd wait for someone to get home (or :shout:)

What if you could only see in black and white?
I'd be color blind :lol:

what if you were color blind? :D
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I'd be posting in another one :D

What if today was Monday? :scare: