What if?

:thinking: I'd still eatchu :D

what if I ate you? :lmao:
I'd fly and do the business on people's heads :lol:
What if you were related to Michael?
I am :angel:

what if you were told to kill someone for $1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000? :D
I'd try to get benefit from it! :D

What if you had to go running everywhere?
I'd be very fast :D

what if every muscle in your body was hurting?
I'd lie down and not get up for ages :p
What if you woke up one day and everything in your room was stolen?
we'd all fry :bugeyed

what if you found a magic broom?
I'd go anywhere in the world lol!

What if you could fly to any planet of your choice?
I'd fly to Mars! *home, phone* :lmao:

What if you could be invisible for a day?
I'd wonder what is wrong LOL

What if You would telepathically appear wherever you want?
^I'd eatchu :D

cool :wild: I'd be unstoppable :D

what if I ate you? :lmao:
Then I would be in your stomach :p
What if it turns out we know each other in real life?
I'd SCREAM! lol. No, I'd be quite surprised.

What if the earth started rotating in the opposite direction?
^ I like what you did there :D
Then I guess science would be proved wrong :shifty:
What if there is more life in the galaxy than just on earth?
Ah, thanks! :D

It would be kinda sad that we never knew our neighbors.

What if Lewis Carrol wrote Alice in Wonderland due to firsthand experience, but nobody...knew...?
Then we'd be in the same situation, wouldn't we :D Although there would be a magical doorknob and cheshire cat somewhere :shifty:
What if Michael had lived to perform the This Is It concerts?
I'd rather not answer that question :no:

what if you were blind?
I would have a guide dog :)
What if you were blind, deaf and couldn't speak?
um...I don't know :p

what if you had bones in your stomach?
Then whoever punches me there will be hurt :D
What if you never had to go to the toilet?
sweet...less wasted time :lol:

what if u met me? :shifty:
Then I'm sure we would talk a bit about Michael :)
What if you met Santa Claus? :p
I'd say hi :D

what if your dad was Santa Claus? :D