What has happened?


Proud Member
Jan 25, 2007
What’s going on on this board? It’s so chaotic and extremely disrespectful. A lot of these new members and “fans”…like I can’t even. The amount of disrespect I see on here towards Michael is baffling. Where are the mods? Back in the day none of this would be happening. MJJC has never been one to silence opinions or shy away from criticism but lines have been crossed and no one is saying anything.

The number of random threads? Every single thought or idea or silly question you have doesn’t need to be a thread. This forum has been around for decades. Use the search function. Or the function that allows you to browse our old threads. Literally the information is at your fingertips. We don’t need a thread for everything.

This board is full of trolls and these new age fans running a muck and it has gotten out of hand. Where is Gaz, Soso, Mama Shannon? Somebody!? (Miss y’all)

I come and lurk and try not to post or engage because I know it’s not the same since Michael has left and I know a lot of us have moved on because things just arent the same. But sheesh this just can’t be the new normal. Something has got to give.

i truly miss our community. MJJC, MJNO, MJFC,MJNI, and all the other forums and fan communities back in the day it felt like…home. Now… idk what this has become.
I posted this in another thread when someone else asked a similar question.

The biggest reason why many people left this forum, was the huge division between the after death fans and the OG fans.
The cracks started on June 26 2009 and just got wider.
The OG fans were an established fan community experiencing a deep level of grief.
The after death fans were experiencing a different type of grief.
Neither could understand each other
The OG fans felt swamped and pushed aside by newcomers invading their personal space.
The after death fans dealing with their individual grief and suddenly raising there was a whole community their knew nothing about and had missed out on so much.
Then the TII film was released, which caused a deeper split
Then the trial and conviction, and all that came out about those last months.
Then the disaster album release.
Add into the mix the hoax death craziness
The OG fans were either banned or left by choice , too broken by grief to continue in a place which had changed so much in such a short amount of time. People went to social media, to places they could connect with others who shared their thoughts and views, where they speak freely.
The OG fan community are all still connected, all the fan friend groups, names and faces who before June 2009 were posting here on a daily basis. They are just not posting on THIS forum. If you know where to look and what user names to look for, so many are still online.
Many still go to Forest Lawn on June 25, but the crowds of after death fans dont know them. The OG fans are the least conspicuous, blending into the background.
Over time, this forum has became a shell of what it once was.
Simply Michael was the glue that held this community together and without him, the broken pieces are shattered beyond repair.
I posted this in another thread when someone else asked a similar question.

The biggest reason why many people left this forum, was the huge division between the after death fans and the OG fans.
The cracks started on June 26 2009 and just got wider.
The OG fans were an established fan community experiencing a deep level of grief.
The after death fans were experiencing a different type of grief.
Neither could understand each other
The OG fans felt swamped and pushed aside by newcomers invading their personal space.
The after death fans dealing with their individual grief and suddenly raising there was a whole community their knew nothing about and had missed out on so much.
Then the TII film was released, which caused a deeper split
Then the trial and conviction, and all that came out about those last months.
Then the disaster album release.
Add into the mix the hoax death craziness
The OG fans were either banned or left by choice , too broken by grief to continue in a place which had changed so much in such a short amount of time. People went to social media, to places they could connect with others who shared their thoughts and views, where they speak freely.
The OG fan community are all still connected, all the fan friend groups, names and faces who before June 2009 were posting here on a daily basis. They are just not posting on THIS forum. If you know where to look and what user names to look for, so many are still online.
Many still go to Forest Lawn on June 25, but the crowds of after death fans dont know them. The OG fans are the least conspicuous, blending into the background.
Over time, this forum has became a shell of what it once was.
Simply Michael was the glue that held this community together and without him, the broken pieces are shattered beyond repair.
You hit the Nail on the head. I miss you guys and the way things were. I still speak to a handful of us but so many have gone. and I agree. The og fans kinda just sit back now and all these new ones are…and you can always tell lol.
I said that already on some threads. But it seems that noone cares.
This stupid threads for just a single word is a mess.
I am using RSS for many years now. So i easily see new threads. I can say that i rarely visit this new threads then, cause they are so stupid unnessesary. I am rarely in the general forum, cause of this kind of threads.
The number of random threads? Every single thought or idea or silly question you have doesn’t need to be a thread. This forum has been around for decades. Use the search function. Or the function that allows you to browse our old threads. Literally the information is at your fingertips. We don’t need a thread for everything.
It seems that is because they want quick answers to their random questions/thoughts/ideas (using the search function takes them longer time).

In any case, moderators can merge the threads that are thematically similar to pre-existing ones.
It seems to me that many of the people here now are Michael Jackson only fans and have no interest in anything else. That wasn't the case before Mike passed. There were people who would talk about other music artists, current music, movies, TV, books, regular news, or other topics. There were separate sections for some of them like "music", not just an "Anything Goes" section for everything. That happened when the site started to lose popularity and most people left. Even with Mike, there was separate parts for current MJ news and another for random Mike topics. Mike is deceased, there is no "news" for him now. Not much to discuss about him, and since people don't wanna talk about other things, this site is very slow, so is Prince.org. With an oldies act like The Beatles, 2 of the are still alive and still performing & releasing albums, so people on their forums still have things to talk about. Also I don't think fansites in general are that popular anymore, they're probably like Myspace (which still exists) now. People post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, etc. Many celebrities (or their staff) also post on social media sites, so fans are responding directly to them.
What’s going on on this board? It’s so chaotic and extremely disrespectful. A lot of these new members and “fans”…like I can’t even. The amount of disrespect I see on here towards Michael is baffling.
Obviously those people are not "fans". Fans, whether old or new, don't disrespect Michael, they love him. What we are dealing with here are haters in disguise.
This has nothing to do with Michael so it undoubtedly will be moved and or erased. But I don't disagree with the sentiments. Lot of blatant rule breaking going on lately with the opinions.
It seems that is because they want quick answers to their random questions/thoughts/ideas (using the search function takes them longer time).

In any case, moderators can merge the threads that are thematically similar to pre-existing ones.
You replying to this thread is honestly just this

THANK YOU. I've reported so many posts screaming to moderators on this site.

I've been here since before the trial verdict and to see the downright disrespect towards MJ now is sickening.

Throwing words at him you'd find in most British tabloid articles about him. The absolute f'n garbage we have to read now is sickening.

You get the "oh but I'm not going to like everything he ever did" bullshit but there's a line that is crossed here so many times.

We had one moron say all of MJs short films were stupid, another moron slate HIStory because MJ stood tall in the face of adversity or something, and this happens in every thread. Apparently we should understand the thought that This is It showed how he was a total weirdo. It's pathetic!

We have more than enough negativity and garbage thrown towards MJ externally - this place should be safe from that.

Again, I'm not saying we should all praise every step the man ever made, but some of the comments on here are nothing but hatred.
@dam2040, if you dislike certain members, just put them on your ignore list (it is not that difficult).

Also, calling other members morons just because you disagree with them is an immature behaviour on your part.

Not to mention that derogatory name-calling (such as, calling other members morons) is also against MJJCommunity's posting rules.
It seems to me that many of the people here now are Michael Jackson only fans and have no interest in anything else. That wasn't the case before Mike passed. There were people who would talk about other music artists, current music, movies, TV, books, regular news, or other topics. There were separate sections for some of them like "music", not just an "Anything Goes" section for everything. That happened when the site started to lose popularity and most people left. Even with Mike, there was separate parts for current MJ news and another for random Mike topics. Mike is deceased, there is no "news" for him now. Not much to discuss about him, and since people don't wanna talk about other things, this site is very slow, so is Prince.org. With an oldies act like The Beatles, 2 of the are still alive and still performing & releasing albums, so people on their forums still have things to talk about. Also I don't think fansites in general are that popular anymore, they're probably like Myspace (which still exists) now. People post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, TikTok, Youtube, etc. Many celebrities (or their staff) also post on social media sites, so fans are responding directly to them.
It seems that there is a resurgence of traffic and discussions in MJJCommunity each time there is a new, official Michael Jackson release (anniversary album, concert video release, and so on).
MJJC once was the main hub and place of the fan community. It was where we all came to before social media. A huge amount of active posters knew each other in real life, from fan events and travelling to see Michael. When there was a Michael trip, fans who were there were texting real time updates to fans who were not there and these real time text updates were then posted in real time here on MJJC.

It was a community, people who knew each other both in real life and online, and shared a common interest.

Now its a place everyone laughs at. The archives are ghosts of happier times, and a huge wealth of knowledge and information. But like many archives, people dont go there and take the time to research first hand accounts and experiences. Now the most recent posts are full of in accurate information and peoples wild theories and wrong assumptions.
@dam2040, if you dislike certain members, just put them on your ignore list (it is not that difficult).

Also, calling other members morons just because you disagree with them is an immature behaviour on your part.

Not to mention that derogatory name-calling (such as, calling other members morons) is also against MJJCommunity's posting rules.

It seems that there is a resurgence of traffic and discussions in MJJCommunity each time there is a new, official Michael Jackson release (anniversary album, concert video release, and so on).
I shouldn't have to ignore half the site because they are insulting MJ on his own fan forum.
MJJC once was the main hub and place of the fan community. It was where we all came to before social media. A huge amount of active posters knew each other in real life, from fan events and travelling to see Michael. When there was a Michael trip, fans who were there were texting real time updates to fans who were not there and these real time text updates were then posted in real time here on MJJC.

It was a community, people who knew each other both in real life and online, and shared a common interest.

Now its a place everyone laughs at. The archives are ghosts of happier times, and a huge wealth of knowledge and information. But like many archives, people dont go there and take the time to research first hand accounts and experiences. Now the most recent posts are full of in accurate information and peoples wild theories and wrong assumptions.
It's either a thinly veiled jab at MJ or something easily debunked/ stated as fact because of a useless source.

Such a shame.
I see the biggest problem as there is no active moderators that make sure people are held responsible when stepping out of line. This means you can be as snide, toxic and insulting as you want. That leads to other people responding in a similar manner and things heading into a downward spiral.

I am more saddened that there is so much bickering among MJ fans on this board than anything else. This board should not be a place to carry personal grudges and rowing like its on twitter between haters and fans. You would like there to be some kind of connection between members so that we will try to support each other and not put people down!

I´ve been on since 2003, but I do not agree that its a big issue that people are creating new threads. Sometimes I see topic being discussed and are intrigued and then I see that 99% of the thread posts is from 10 years ago with most members posting not on the forum anymore. I think its more important to have activity than to control exactly what people are doing.

This is my 21th year on the forum but I dont see myself as any better than someone that in their first year, everyone should be able to get along and no one should be considered more important or better than anyone else.

If there are any forum leaders left active, I would encourage them to look out for members that are active, sensible and would fit the role of being a moderator, thats at least a start. I dont want strict moderation, but it always helps when members of any community knows that not anything goes!
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I see the biggest problem as there is no active moderators that make sure people are held responsible when stepping out of line.
No one wants it, thats always been a problem here, there was always a high turnover of mods but at least back then, there were people who were interested in doing it. Now no one wants anything to do with here for many reasons.
another moron slate HIStory because MJ stood tall in the face of adversity or something, and this happens in every thread. Apparently we should understand the thought that This is It showed how he was a total weirdo. It's pathetic!
You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here!

You are allowed to say my name, I can take it 😝
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i'm saying this since years... and even mods tell me "no these topics are worth new threads"..
There is no problem imo

Newcomers are welcome to discuss stuff oldies discussed a 1000 times before. Old threads , new threads who cares? The forum is active which in itself is half a miracle.
You wouldn’t see an issue considering…
It seems that there is a resurgence of traffic and discussions in MJJCommunity each time there is a new, official Michael Jackson release (anniversary album, concert video release, and so on).
A new version of the Thriller album or something? That isn't news. The general public doesn't care about anniversary albums. New release albums by current artists don't sell much in physical product, other than maybe Taylor Swift, Adele, & Bruno Mars. So a reissue of some old album is going to have a harder time to sell. People stream today, that's how Drake has over 300 hits on the Hot 100. Most people didn't buy Drake's CDs. Some songs became hits because they went viral on TikTok, including an old song from the 1970s by Fleetwood Mac.

It's not like Mike recorded a lot of unreleased material that's in a vault like Stevie Wonder or Prince. It's been rumored that Stevie has in his will that his unreleased music is to be destroyed after his death. The majority of Mike's albums (with the brothers) came out before Thriller, which is what most people here now either don't know about or have little interest in. Jermaine has released more solo albums than Mike and that's including the 2 that came out after his passing & also Farewell My Summer Love & E.T. Storybook. Basically people here just talk about 6 albums, and Off The Wall probably the least. Maybe because that came out during the time he was still a member of The Jacksons and is sort of the same kind of sound. Other popular acts have more than 6 albums.
No one wants it, thats always been a problem here, there was always a high turnover of mods but at least back then, there were people who were interested in doing it. Now no one wants anything to do with here for many reasons.
I asked to be a mod, I was told there was no need for anyone in the role. After that, 2 new mods were appointed, at random almost. Kind of, odd to say the least.
THANK YOU. I've reported so many posts screaming to moderators on this site.

I've been here since before the trial verdict and to see the downright disrespect towards MJ now is sickening.

Throwing words at him you'd find in most British tabloid articles about him. The absolute f'n garbage we have to read now is sickening.

You get the "oh but I'm not going to like everything he ever did" bullshit but there's a line that is crossed here so many times.

We had one moron say all of MJs short films were stupid, another moron slate HIStory because MJ stood tall in the face of adversity or something, and this happens in every thread. Apparently we should understand the thought that This is It showed how he was a total weirdo. It's pathetic!

We have more than enough negativity and garbage thrown towards MJ externally - this place should be safe from that.

Again, I'm not saying we should all praise every step the man ever made, but some of the comments on here are nothing but hatred.

Ah, so that's the other "lack of respect"...

So, as much as the lack of respect towards Michael Jackson is unacceptable and I am the first to say it, we also have the right to not like an album or a song. This is not disrespectful.

The difference ? Small example:

Lack of respect for Michael Jackson:

- Michael does sh*t.
- Michael's songs are sh*t !
- Michael is ugly, stupid, pathetic and rotten ! (sorry Mike-sensei, it's for the exemple)
- Michael is a moldy p*do who stinks his feet
- Michael sings like a little girl of 2 yo

Respectful notice:

- Michael sings out of tune on this song. He could have applied himself more.
- I don't like her dancing style.
- For me, Michael had no taste in clothes.
- Michael has aged badly I think. He's not ugly, but he looks tired in 1998.
- Michael doesn't play very well in The Wiz.

The difference ? Saying amen to everything Michael does versus gently and kindly qualifying certain points that we appreciate less, whether about him or his career.

On the other hand, people have the right to give their opinion. A moron confuses respect with negative personal opinion. You can give your opinion with respect. The line is crossed from the moment one insults Michael, spits on his work or on his person without reason and with malice (haters = morons). People who don't like Invincible, History, Bad, Off The Wall, Dangerous or Thriller have every right to not like it while not disrespecting Michael.

Ps: If you refer to me in your message because I criticized History, I don't see how I insulted or blasphemed Michael. I have the right to criticize this album, to stupidly not like it just out of complacency.

Ps 2: It's all well and good to talk about respect when you yourself call people "moron". Sweep outside your door before sweeping other people's houses. THANKS.

Sorry for being so bitter, but I can't stand it when people compare certain fans to haters, themselves. The haters really hurt Michael not the fans who criticize. It's like those who spend their time insulting Greg Gorman or Karen Faye. Insult Reed, Robson, Chandler (the father), Sneddon, Sia, Safechuck instead.
Ah, so that's the other "lack of respect"...

So, as much as the lack of respect towards Michael Jackson is unacceptable and I am the first to say it, we also have the right to not like an album or a song. This is not disrespectful.

The difference ? Small example:

Lack of respect for Michael Jackson:

- Michael does sh*t.
- Michael's songs are sh*t !
- Michael is ugly, stupid, pathetic and rotten ! (sorry Mike-sensei, it's for the exemple)
- Michael is a moldy p*do who stinks his feet
- Michael sings like a little girl of 2 yo

Respectful notice:

- Michael sings out of tune on this song. He could have applied himself more.
- I don't like her dancing style.
- For me, Michael had no taste in clothes.
- Michael has aged badly I think. He's not ugly, but he looks tired in 1998.
- Michael doesn't play very well in The Wiz.

The difference ? Saying amen to everything Michael does versus gently and kindly qualifying certain points that we appreciate less, whether about him or his career.

On the other hand, people have the right to give their opinion. A moron confuses respect with negative personal opinion. You can give your opinion with respect. The line is crossed from the moment one insults Michael, spits on his work or on his person without reason and with malice (haters = morons). People who don't like Invincible, History, Bad, Off The Wall, Dangerous or Thriller have every right to not like it while not disrespecting Michael.

Ps: If you refer to me in your message because I criticized History, I don't see how I insulted or blasphemed Michael. I have the right to criticize this album, to stupidly not like it just out of complacency.

Ps 2: It's all well and good to talk about respect when you yourself call people "moron". Sweep outside your door before sweeping other people's houses. THANKS.

Sorry for being so bitter, but I can't stand it when people compare certain fans to haters, themselves. The haters really hurt Michael not the fans who criticize. It's like those who spend their time insulting Greg Gorman or Karen Faye. Insult Reed, Robson, Chandler (the father), Sneddon, Sia, Safechuck instead.
I’ve got no idea who you are.

But coming to an MJ forum and calling MJ really weird is where I have a problem. And yes that makes you a moron.

We are saying the same thing. The problem comes from the blatant disrespect and personal attacks towards MJ. There’s a way to convey a dislike for MJs work without it being a personal attack.