What happen to hold my hand

Akon & Michael missed out on this. Its a great song. I think Michael's comeback single should have an artist featuring on it. Akon is the perfect artist. Michael needs someone like that. Michael should have an artist like Will.I.Am, Akon or Kanye West on his comeback song. Thriller 25 worked well with them.
imo.... that was hardly a surprise... Michael sang just one verse and that was it.... Akon even said that the song was going to go on Michaels new album but was it even a Michael song? no ... he sang one verse.... it was a good song but naaaah.... surprise us with Michael singing one verse.... thats just strange

Michael sang through out most of the song.
I think the excuse of the leak isn't the real reason. I think it was testing the water in regard to how well Michael would be recieved. Which by 15 million downloads, is absolutely amazing. So I think Mike got what he wanted from the song.
I still want this in CD quality though... So I can blast the speakers in my car:p
imo the reason given for shelving the song is untrue.
If they had released this song after the huge leak, they would have made a lot of sales. There's nothing like a leak to promote a song.
Yes, there would have been a lot of illegal downloads - but so what? That is a given these days. You can't get around that. Every song a major artist releases gets major illegal downloads.
HMH is by far the best Akon song ever, but there are a couple of reasons why I'm glad this song was never released:
- Akon has always come across as a bit of a show-off and a bit arrogant (to me).
- Akon has been name-dropping like CRAZY this last year. Promising all sorts of stuff that didn't happen.
- Akon is a terrible song writer. HMH is his best song IMO but it is extremely simple and monotonous. Without Michaels Vocals it'd be totally unremarkable.

I hope that with the shelving of HMH, this terrible idea of MJ working with Akon will be shelved too. I mean, ok, Will.I.Am I can live with. Kanye West, ok - a song or two.
But Akon? That's like Picasso making a painting, taking directions from Joe the plumber or whatever that guy's name was.

Ever since leaving Quincy I have the feeling Michael wanted to get with the hip producers. Quincy may or may not have been hip, but that guy was all about quality without compromise.
With Teddy Riley on Dangerous Mike made a good decision. Teddy was at the top of the game then, but not big enough to be a virtual household name. He wasn't as big as Will.I.Am or Akon are now or as Rodney Jerkins was when Vince was released.

Seeing as Michael usually takes a few years to make an album, maybe it's not such a good idea to make albums with people who at that moment are at their peak. Because by the time the album comes out, their style would have come and gone. Back in 90/91 it was different with Teddy. We didn't have the internet and producers weren't nearly as prolific as they are these days (with a couple of exceptions maybe).

So yeah, to wrap it up: I hope Michael won't make the same mistake with his next album that he did with Invincible. And shelving HMH was definitely a step in the right direction. And my feeling tells me that that was 100% Michael's decision - not Akon's. ;)
imo the reason given for shelving the song is untrue.
If they had released this song after the huge leak, they would have made a lot of sales. There's nothing like a leak to promote a song.
Yes, there would have been a lot of illegal downloads - but so what? That is a given these days. You can't get around that. Every song a major artist releases gets major illegal downloads.
HMH is by far the best Akon song ever, but there are a couple of reasons why I'm glad this song was never released:
- Akon has always come across as a bit of a show-off and a bit arrogant (to me).
- Akon has been name-dropping like CRAZY this last year. Promising all sorts of stuff that didn't happen.
- Akon is a terrible song writer. HMH is his best song IMO but it is extremely simple and monotonous. Without Michaels Vocals it'd be totally unremarkable.

I hope that with the shelving of HMH, this terrible idea of MJ working with Akon will be shelved too. I mean, ok, Will.I.Am I can live with. Kanye West, ok - a song or two.
But Akon? That's like Picasso making a painting, taking directions from Joe the plumber or whatever that guy's name was.

Ever since leaving Quincy I have the feeling Michael wanted to get with the hip producers. Quincy may or may not have been hip, but that guy was all about quality without compromise.
With Teddy Riley on Dangerous Mike made a good decision. Teddy was at the top of the game then, but not big enough to be a virtual household name. He wasn't as big as Will.I.Am or Akon are now or as Rodney Jerkins was when Vince was released.

Seeing as Michael usually takes a few years to make an album, maybe it's not such a good idea to make albums with people who at that moment are at their peak. Because by the time the album comes out, their style would have come and gone. Back in 90/91 it was different with Teddy. We didn't have the internet and producers weren't nearly as prolific as they are these days (with a couple of exceptions maybe).

So yeah, to wrap it up: I hope Michael won't make the same mistake with his next album that he did with Invincible. And shelving HMH was definitely a step in the right direction. And my feeling tells me that that was 100% Michael's decision - not Akon's. ;)

i totally agree with everything u said
illegal downloads are massive
everybody does it
that was a factor
akon is aggroant
u wraped things up pretty nice thanks
I heard the song writer leaked it (fucker) it WAS supose to be a suprise, : P not any more
the song was generic and no buzz.wasn't enough out there because if the Name Michael Jackson can't sell a song then I don't know what else can. Akon is a flash in the pan.
Akon may release it as a b side on a single. you never know, although the song might be too much of a big deal to be featured as a b side.