What happen to hold my hand

I feel bad for making the song fail!

yeah...that's where i'm coming from...

i don't think the leak made a difference...i think it's just like it was without the internet..

either people have their finger on the pulse in decision making, or they don't.

record execs don't have their finger on the pulse..that's all..lol

we can never truly tell if a leak ruins a song.

i just think a lot of music sucks..and internet or no..it ain't sellin.

music that is fantastic sells..internet or not..leak or not...

otherwise..of course...we can't surely tell why a song sells or not...

to me, trying to explain why a song sells or not, is like trying to explain why MJ gets crowds in a frenzy when he goes outside, tho he hasn't released a new studio album in seven years...or..why he draws crowds despite the powerful media assault on him for the last fifteen years..or...why MJ causes crowd frenzy, when he goes outside, despite sony multiple rereleases of the same album..or....lol...see where i'm coming from?
yeah..i don't like comparisons..cus...then that'll give someone an excuse to call a song a flop, in unwarranted fashion. lol
maybe it will be on the second disc of the new album called Outakes ?
think about it..
if akon & michael make an music video to hold my hand.
MTV and so on, will play then, non' stop.

it would provide more sales, and ofcourse more illegal downloades.. s:
It could have been a great video and a huge succes!'

But when they choose not to release it, I believe they have had a pretty good reason not to.
So, actually Michael 'Shelved' it. It was Akon that leaked it to begin with, wasn't it?
So, actually Michael 'Shelved' it. It was Akon that leaked it to begin with, wasn't it?

No one really know i guess.

In the interview with Akon it sounded like he hadn't leaked it.
OK. Something tells me, that I don't believe Mr.Kon. Or 'A' kon as he is known

:lol: :lol: :lol:

He sure has said lots of stuff.
imo.... that was hardly a surprise... Michael sang just one verse and that was it.... Akon even said that the song was going to go on Michaels new album but was it even a Michael song? no ... he sang one verse.... it was a good song but naaaah.... surprise us with Michael singing one verse.... thats just strange

Yeah, it could be added as an extra track on a single!

Optimistic, but i don't think it will happen! :(

I like the song alot, listen to it all the time!
Maybe leaking a song that far in advance is like letting all the air out of a balloon!!

Dunno really.
I think the song will appear on the bonus tracks edition of 'Freedom'. Maybe Akon waits till MJ comes out with his cd. That is the most logical thing I can think of..

Normally a special edition of the original album releases at the end of the album promotion. So I think the pieces fit.. :D
I happy Hold My Hand never got released. Michael's vocals on it are amazing as usual, and it's really nice to hear him sing again. But I hate the song, and think it's very weak and tacky like all of Akon's songs. Also the innuendo in the media the song might have generated if it had been released wouldn't have been good.