What? Chairs?

For me it's perfectly alright with seats. However, though there are seats anybody can stand up if they want, that's fine!

Yes, the security will be very tight and if anybody will mess around he will be out I am pretty sure.

So people who tent to misbehave should think twice if they wanna take the risk to miss the show.

Yeah they are really strict. If you piss them off I don't doubt at all that they would chuck you out!
Well, I will bring my high heels for sure!! When you are as tall (tall? not at all!) as I am; you allways get the problem with tall ppl standing right in front of you! :doh:

IRLIN! this is the first time ive seen you on MJJC, WELCOME! :D love to see you here, hope you are well!

Tank you! :D
Well, I will bring my high heels for sure!! When you are as tall (tall? not at all!) as I am; you allways get the problem with tall ppl standing right in front of you! :doh:

Hehe thats my other problem I am so short :(
I hope the stands have a downward slope to such a degree that when you stand up the person in front of you is always a bit below you like a cinema!

I am going to the O2 tonight for a Simply Red concert, sitting in block 407, which is nowhere near block 101 where I will be for MJ but it will be a good indication of what the seating is like!
Hehe thats my other problem I am so short :(
I hope the stands have a downward slope to such a degree that when you stand up the person in front of you is always a bit below you like a cinema!

I am going to the O2 tonight for a Simply Red concert, sitting in block 407, which is nowhere near block 101 where I will be for MJ but it will be a good indication of what the seating is like!

Don't forget to take some photos for us! :p

EDIT: just saw you have said you would in the other thread... Thank you! :)
Hehe thats my other problem I am so short :(
I hope the stands have a downward slope to such a degree that when you stand up the person in front of you is always a bit below you like a cinema!

I am going to the O2 tonight for a Simply Red concert, sitting in block 407, which is nowhere near block 101 where I will be for MJ but it will be a good indication of what the seating is like!

Aww have a fantastic time at Simply Red tonight! :) They're fantastic! My mum saw them last year and said it was a brilliant show, except that Mick sang 'Little Englander' - we don't like that song ;)
i wanna sit down if my legs get tired, plus i plan on gettin bladdered before it so i might have to sit down :)
So can we just stand on the chair?or i have to bring my high heels too...just like Irlin? lol
i'm asian so yeah..i will be a lot shorter than you all...hahaha
Hang on...why would you want to get really drunk before an MJ concert if you're an MJ fan...won't you then not remember it?

not REALLY drunk, have a few drinks so I'm merry not so much that i vomit and pass out :)
So can we just stand on the chair?or i have to bring my high heels too...just like Irlin? lol
i'm asian so yeah..i will be a lot shorter than you all...hahaha
If you stand on your chair, I think it wouldn't be very nice to those who are sitting behind you! They wouldn't be able to see anything and have to stand on the chair too... I think It will be enough just stand up and dance :D Of course, if your seat is not the last row of upper tier :)
yea everyone will stand but they'll have to stand in front of their seat, any who tries 2 push into closer rows to get closer will probably be dealt with by security.
You guys know that "seats" don't mean you actually have to stay seated, right? I mean, I have been to many concerts and I was never sitting, even if I had seats. I had seats only because I wasn't able to get standing tickets. Usually, GA is the only way to go in a real concert.
So can we just stand on the chair?or i have to bring my high heels too...just like Irlin? lol
i'm asian so yeah..i will be a lot shorter than you all...hahaha

haha I guess there will be alot of short girls with high heels...

"Hey pretty baby with the high heels on... *singing*"

just because you have seats does not mean your sitting on them.

its just an easier way of selling tickets.

i have been to loads of concerts at the O2.
and you wont be sitting.
I can't understand why so many people are angry about sitting, it's stupid! With some of the attitudes here you would swear there are no bigger problems!

They are hardly going to rip thousands of seats out of the arena just because MJ fans want to stand up. Everyone has been assigned a seat, you either use it, or stand up in front of the seat - it will take you all of 1 second to stand up or sit down! I know I'll be standing for all songs, but I also know I am going to sit on the seat between songs, and before the concert starts! I have Cystic Fibrosis and it causes major stamina problems for me, I won't be able to stand for 2-3 hours without a break, I don't know what I would do without a seat!

So look, just stand up or sit down its your choice - you have been given a seat it's up to you to use it or not use it! Lets not waste the bandwidth on the mjjc servers or the database space for the forum with people complaining they have been given a seat with their ticket they do not even have to use!

One last thing; if the O2 staff feel they have to give everyone a seat just so we don't get too near Michael, then that's not really their fault is it? We are the ones who give ourselves the mad reputation based on the extreme behaviour some fans exhibit. Some people just can't keep their distance or well define boundaries. There is a line between what is reasonable conduct at a concert and what is not - if some fans choose to overlook it then they have nobody to blame but themselves. Come on, give MJ his space! He deserves our respect after all the great music and the many hours of pleasure we have all had listening to it!

So come on let's not have any more "It sucks I have a seat - I want to stand". Just stand up! Don't use the seat! Think of those who will use the seat as well!
they wouldnt be "ripping the seats out" for us, loadsa of shows at the o2 have the floor as a standing area
if it was standing, they would have said so on the tickets, they cant just sell tickets then make people stand, what if they cant?

if the option was there maybe, but its highly unlikely, the standing area is in front of your seat and if any bitch tries to steal my spot, they are so dead! lol
I just hope there isn't going to be giant banner waving in front of me all night. :bugeyed:doh::doh:......... :lol:
In the Brunei Concerts people were sitting, though small children ran around etc. I guess there it's more polite to sit down and it might be like that here in This Is It.
If you stand on your chair, I think it wouldn't be very nice to those who are sitting behind you! They wouldn't be able to see anything and have to stand on the chair too... I think It will be enough just stand up and dance :D Of course, if your seat is not the last row of upper tier :)

and maybe everybody will just stand on their seat? ahahaha...so suddenly everybody got higher

haha I guess there will be alot of short girls with high heels...

"Hey pretty baby with the high heels on... *singing*"

lol...and after that our leg will be in pain....hahaha
This is why we are voting no banners and hearts to hold up instead :)

Oh! I must check out that thread now. Some threads I haven't read yet because I was depressed about not having a ticket. But now that I'm getting one I can face it all again. :lol: Thanks. x
I'm so glad there are seats, that way I don't have to que up for 3 days before the concert to ensure I get a good view. I can just stand where my seat is without being squashed by everyone.
I hope everyone stays by their seat because I am only small - i'm on a child really lol I don't wanna get squished. and if anyone stands in my way i will jump on their back lol!

(i won't really - dont want to get kicked out lol!)
In the Brunei Concerts people were sitting, though small children ran around etc. I guess there it's more polite to sit down and it might be like that here in This Is It.

People won't just stay seated for the whole concert - this is Michael Jackson for God's sake!!

I went to see McFly (british pop-rock boy band) on Saturday night and that was in a theatre and everyone in the Stalls got out their seats and ran to the stage.

However, this show is in an arena and I'm sure there will be more security for these shows than any other due to the notorious image us MJ fans have. If anyone moves from their seat or even into the aisles to dance security will just take them straight back to where they came from. If they're seen to do it a second time, they'll be chucked out.

This is what happens at concerts in Glasgow's SECC if they are all seated and I'm sure The O2 will be even stricter.
i will sit waiting for him... not for very long though! plus if the support act isn't to good!! :D
the first few rows will prob end up against the pit barrier saw this happen even at a janet show.glad i aint working the show its gonna be a nightmare for security lol.
the first few rows will prob end up against the pit barrier saw this happen even at a janet show.glad i aint working the show its gonna be a nightmare for security lol.

how many people will have to be dragged out like the other MJ concerts!?!? lol :D
cant see to many. most of that comes from queing for 12 hrs and not not drinking/eating.
the first few rows will prob end up against the pit barrier saw this happen even at a janet show.glad i aint working the show its gonna be a nightmare for security lol.

LOL, that'll be me then. I wonder who'll be the "lucky" ones who get pounced on when he throws his fedora :rofl: