What book are you reading?..

The Good Husband of Zebra Drive - No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - Alexander Mccall Smith

The Brooklyn Follies - Paul Auster

La Catedral del mar / The Cathedral of the Sea - Ildelfonso Falcones

I'm reading three books at the moment. Hopefully I will get them all done before Christmas. I have bought Stephen King's book "On Writing." I can't WAIT to start with that!!

I'm also looking forward to Carlos Ruiz Zafón's book, released this year. He's a spanish writer and the english version is coming out sometime in Mars I have heard. Can't wait. I loved his last book " The Shadow of the Wind". The best book I have read so far!!
Dreams from my father by Barack Obama

He's a really good writer, imo...
Still, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone... :D I haven't quite had time to read it lately... I'm also still reading Elvis Presley's biography.. I've been reading it for maybe 1½ year now :D
"Family Law" Fifth Edition by William P. Statsky

I think EVERYONE should read/learn more about the process of Family Law. It would cretainly eleviate many of the family problems that children have to deal with and assist our over burdeoned judicial system rectify many of the issues that they face on a day to day basis...

Knowledge Is Growth...:punk:
Dreams from my father by Barack Obama

He's a really good writer, imo...

Snap!! Im reading that too and Im finding it very interesting.
There is a paragraph in the book where a black man was describing how he felt after the first black mayor had been elected in Chicago. He told Barack Obama that he was so excited and that he couldn't sleep that night and when he got up, the next day was so beautiful. When I read that it gave me goosebumps....to think that when Obama wrote that he would have had no idea that he would have the exact same effect years later, not just in one city but across the whole of America. WOW.

I have also bought 'The audacity of hope' by Barack Obama.
I think he is a facinating man.
Snap!! Im reading that too and Im finding it very interesting.
There is a paragraph in the book where a black man was describing how he felt after the first black mayor had been elected in Chicago. He told Barack Obama that he was so excited and that he couldn't sleep that night and when he got up, the next day was so beautiful. When I read that it gave me goosebumps....to think that when Obama wrote that he would have had no idea that he would have the exact same effect years later, not just in one city but across the whole of America. WOW.

I have also bought 'The audacity of hope' by Barack Obama.
I think he is a facinating man.

Yeah, I bought it too. I'mma read that as soon as I finish dreams from my father.

I'm not American, but I think Barack Obama is fascinating, and he's surprisingly 'european' in alot of his thinking.
The Color Purple... for a second time.

Amazing book, Alice Walker is legendary imo ^_^

Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust

what's that like? I enjoy reading about that time in history, even through the terror and the despair there was always a pillar of strength and hope within these people.

I've just finished reading "the five people you meet in heaven" - Mitch Albom (author of Tuesday's with Morrie) I Find this book awesome! I read it in a couple of hours it's that small but it's message lasts a long time :)

I wanna read Dreams from my father as well :)
Yeah, I bought it too. I'mma read that as soon as I finish dreams from my father.

I'm not American, but I think Barack Obama is fascinating, and he's surprisingly 'european' in alot of his thinking.

mm just seen this book on Amazon and it sounds good, let me know what your final verdict is, I've applied to study American Studies at university next year and I've been fascinated by the american election this year so i thought this would be a good read.

I'm doing some english literature coursework comparing the central character's attitudes towards race in The Color Purple and The Bluest Eye. Now I'm reading Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks as part of background reading as I have an exam on war literature.