What book are you reading?..

a biography about Hitler....I'm majoring in Holocaust Studies so it's good to read it....I'm not a neo-nazi though, don't get it twisted:no:
"How Full Is Your Bucket" - Positive Strategies for Work and Life

By Tom Rath & Donald O. Clifton, Ph. D
Reading a history book about the New world and the colonies formed.. LOL its not my choice, its for a class lol!
a biography about Hitler....I'm majoring in Holocaust Studies so it's good to read it....I'm not a neo-nazi though, don't get it twisted:no:

Hitler and his reich was VERY EVIL, SICK, and DISGUSTING individual (s)..!
I just bought "The Keepsake" by Tess Gerritsen and I'll be reading that soon
I'm reading The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama. It's really good. He explains what it is like to be a senator, gives a lot background info. (political history from the 1930s-2000s) & shares thoughts on how to improve things today. I disagree with McCain when he says you don't learn anything about Barrack from reading his books, though this is the first one I'm reading so far.
Just finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (in Hebrew) and started this one:


In English the title reads "Time Will Tell, Anna".
"he's just not that into you" by greg berhdant... apparently its a book that every woman should read to really understnad men and i totally get why after only reading the first chapter. it's meant for single/dating women but i think it can help anyone in a relationship :)
i just started reading 'The Book Of Other People' edited by Zadie Smith who happens to be one of my favourite authors
Well early this morning I was reading Petals On The Wind by V.C. Andrews

The best part about that book is how Cathy gets her revenge on her mother. And the mother totally deserves it too. Especially after what she has done.
I'm halfway through Dreams from my Father by Barrack Obama now. Another good read.