What are you doing this very second?

somehow that never worked for me
maybe he only hears the prayer of those who never made misstakes in thier lives (and i made quit a few in the passt)
does it work for you??
i did biblestudy and all the pple in the kd hall where nice but i never managed to really get where i wanted when it gets to being really happy if that exists at all
i want what my family has with us everyone is married for lives ther are never any fights pple still hold hands till they re old it all looks so perfect so what the...is wrong with me :huh:
God does exist and he doesnt favor one
of us over the other. If not for him I wouldnt
be here thats for sure! Gods not dead the belief
of others in him is. doubting does not bring blessings
Satan tries to hinder him from blessing you from making
you think youre nothing. God dont make Junk!
Satan is the Author of lies and of making us feel less.
Ive gone through a lot of things in life by there now
by the Grace of God go I. I believe in him and I am not
ashamed to say it in front of anyone. whether they naysay
me or accept it or not? its my personal belief. I share because
he's asked me to in this lifetime. That is all I know HUG :)
Just sitting here being really angry that no one had answered my questions about an MJ performance. That was shown on tv 16 years ago. I don't know anything about that MJ performance because my grandmother didn't allowed cable tv in her house back then. It feels like it is my fault because of that. You know I really f-ing hate it when no one answers my questions. To things that I know nothing about.
Right this second?
Well the same as every other member who clicks on this thread..
Posting in here.

Funny thread lol
yes when i got this appartment in the city its in a very very old area of town and you re always cold and hear sounds and so
but then it got funny like when you wake up there are all signs on the pc screen ot in the middle of the night the water went on
it got scsary ones when a big wooden closet flew in my direction and there was no earthqaucke
(and i dont drink or do drugs so i was not high either)
this is the first timne i m sleeping here alone again since then (but i now have a dog with me lol he s as scared for the cellar as i am that says something)
i never believed in these things really
when i treid talking with that thing thats when the closet got trown at me so not again
i have the whole hall filled with any religious symbol (from indian to christion till african lol even carlick i figured then i m save no matter what is the real cure)but the last time since i got home its quit didnt hear a thing so that promising i guess
do you believe in supernatural i never did only the bible and they say when pple are dead they sleep till paradise comes so i m not sure what this is
well lets just pray it stays away from me this time
scary thought to know that it might e somone you know but you cannot communicate with them or help them if you know what i mean
i feel things but i cannot see things but its more like if someone is good or bad and i ve never yet been wrong i sometimes as kid would tell someone is bad and nothing happened till a yr or so later (then they d steal or something worse)SO NOW THEY ASK MNE IF THEY MEET SOMEONE LOL
i dreamt of beiong locked up the three month prio9r to kidnap in 1989 so i was extra carefull so carefull doesnt help either
well if you kno ho to make contact ith these things maybe i ll try helping tem
i m now trying to install digital tv and boy poe am i technical (not lol):lol:
LOL you just say to it go on and cross over?
I know I sound crazy but I know they are lost
souls. then again demons can aggravate people
those I dont want around me! I Pray them away! ahhhh!
i dont want anything arund me i cannot see honestly
(but then again there are way too many things you can see i dont want around me either if you know what i mean lol)
i wonder what this things was though i cannot remember a restless sould trowing with a wooden closet so .....
i ll defenately pray that it stays quit here
if i leave this time i m not coming back thats for sure and i m not a coward
Going to sleep