What are you doing this very second?


I am thinking that I should go to bed early for once....very tired after spending too mutch of my night yesterday preparing for a presentation today, and it didn`t even go that well.......:(
sitting in my verrrry messy room:rolleyes: eating candy corn:p, drinking the nastiest french vanilla coffee but its kinda good...in a way :huh: and listening to MJ :D
Watching Nikki1993's signature and avvy. :wub:

And thinking how this board is not only slow but deserted. :huh:

Thinking how I should really start on dinner... and thinking on whether I should just go out or not :unsure:
I go to eat something yummy .. before someone else will eat it :lol:
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Going to sleep.. 11:26 Good night :flowers:
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thanks darliong i sure can use them
i also have his big leakj now they broke down the boathroom wall and left so i can only hope they come back soon to fix it
how is your pain??gtting better
your in my thoughts too
god knows
i hope you re in better shape then me
i found myselkf staring at a big box of pills the other night wondering how long they d make me ''sleep."'
life gets lonelky sometimes and i m ot the kind a person who loves being by myself :(
you arent alone HUG lots of people on here
care about you dont think that way alright?
God is always with us and his Angels and I wont
stop saying things like that until my last breath
God is real you just need to reach out to him for help?